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Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México, October 7th, 2019

To whom it may concern:

I extend the following recommendation letter for Alejandra Betancourt Tiscareño, who aspires to become an
exchange student at the University of Southampton.

I have had the honour of teaching Miss Betancourt for four years at different classes. At a personal level, something that
characterizes her is her social skills. I believe this is a fundamental ability that every international student needs in order
to adapt well. The owning of this skill will definitely allow her to establish good relationships either with students and
teachers. She also has an open mind but when she has different ideas she knows very well how to state her point with
well formed and strong arguments; all this in an assertive way of communication. Indeed, she is an assertive person,
something not so common among people I know. Overall, this will help her not only to properly integrate herself into a
whole different student community but also to keep her balanced and help other to do so.

Academically, she has been one of my best students. She is fully committed to excellence and tends to put serious effort
on everything she does, whether is homework, final individual projects or team projects. About working with other
classmates as a team and working that way in class, I must say that she has developed team working skills. I see her as a
leader because of her charisma, communication skills, sense of humor, convening and persuation powers. However, she
can get really stressed out and frustrated if she feels that other team members are not engaged with the work and do
their part. For that matter, I see this as a challenge for her to improve her current social and communication abilities and
coping mechanisms as well as resilience, resulting on personal and professional growth.

She recently became an exchange student of one of our country’s best universities, that is the Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de México (UNAM), that fact demonstrates her hungry for learning and becoming one of the best psychologists.
Miss Betancourt is very commited to her goals, and it is very common seeing her doing extra academic stuff such as
research when teacher’s answers do not fullfill her curiosity or attending to conferences, workshops and courses.

While writing this letter, I feel very excited knowing that Alejandra wants to learn at a global level. One of her main
ambitions is to create, develop and put into practice a therapeutic model in assertiveness using a cognitive-behavioural
method that works with mexican people but especially with citizens of Ciudad Juárez, since this is a violent city as well as
a pluricultural place. And, for that purpose the University of Southampton has one of the best programs.

C. José de Jesús Macías Delgado, Núm. 18100, 32000 Cd Juárez

One of the advantages I see is that she lives in a worldly known city, which is Ciudad Juárez. That is a geographic
convenience because, as a psychologist, she is aware of problems and social dynamics related to violence, borders,
migration, multiculturalism and similar topics that psychologysts from other parts of the globe do not. In addition, as an
exchange student, she was immersed in a whole different city at UNAM, with a different culture and with different
problems, approaches of psychology, lifestyles, professionals and ideas.

With all that said, I certainly know she will do an excellent performance. I hope you consider her application.


Mr. Carlos Arzola

Psychology Professor.
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua, México.
Campus Ciudad Universitaria

C. José de Jesús Macías Delgado, Núm. 18100, 32000 Cd Juárez

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