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"It is an honor to stand before you, for you represent the freedom
and the future of our galaxy. The once-great Republic and Jedi
Order have become victims of their own ambitions, and the
Supreme Chancellor is no more than a pawn of corporate
monopolies. As a people you called out for change, you called out
for leadership, and I humbly answered that call. Together we
challenged the system. We asked for equality. And how were we
met? With war! The Jedi secret army of clones was revealed, and
their treachery was far greater than we could have imagined!
Countless living beings—these clones the Jedi created—have been
sent to their deaths, while we sacrifice mainly droids. Our soldiers
of flesh and blood are willing participants! They are your fathers
and sons, mothers and daughters, who fight not because they
were grown and designed to do so, but because they know in
their hearts that they are fighting for a just and noble cause!"

―Head of State Dooku addresses a gala of Separatist

The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the
Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, and commonly referred to
as the Separatists, was a partially recognized galactic government
that controlled a portion of the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories.
Formed by thousands of secessionist star systems on the grounds
of excessive taxation and corruption within the Galactic Senate, the
Separatists were led by the former Jedi Count Dooku, who served
as the Alliance's Head of State. In addition the Separatists were
secretly supported by several corporations, including the Trade
Federation, headed by Viceroy Nute Gunray, the Techno Union,
led by Wat Tambor, the Retail Caucus, the InterGalactic Banking
Clan, based on Scipio and led by San Hill, the Commerce Guild,
and the Corporate Alliance.

The secessionist movement that began in 24 BBY would lead to a

political crisis in which tensions escalated between the newly-
formed alliance and the reigning Republic. In 22 BBY, the
Confederacy and the Republic went to war using their respective
military forces—the droid army and the Republic clone army—
resulting in a pan-galactic conflict for the first time in a millennium.
The following three years would see Clone Wars rage across the
galaxy with the Separatists rapidly attempting to bring the
Republic to its knees. Unknown to the majority of the galaxy,
however, the war was merely a ploy—Supreme Chancellor Sheev
Palpatine, the leader of the Republic, was a Sith Lord called Darth
Sidious, who controlled the Separatists through Dooku, and
therefore influenced both sides in the war. By 19 BBY, the
Confederacy suffered several major defeats in the Outer Rim
Sieges as the end of the war approached. After Dooku's death, the
Separatist Council was executed on Mustafar. With the subsequent
shutdown of the droid army, the state rapidly collapsed as the war
came to an end. Following the end of hostilities, trade groups that
had supported the cause were nationalized, and most of its
remaining star systems rejoined the Republic's successor state; the
Galactic Empire, whether voluntarily or under threat while some
elements fragmented into several holdouts.


Early FoundationsEdit

Blue Glass Arrow Main articles: Mission to Halcyon and Invasion of


"The Republic is not what it once was."

―Senator Palpatine of Naboo on the declining state of the Senate

and Republic[src]

For one thousand years, the galaxy had been governed through
the Galactic Republic. A democratic union centered on the capital
world of Coruscant, the Republic was ruled by the Galactic Senate
led by an elected Supreme Chancellor. With the assistance of the
Jedi Order acting as peacekeepers, the Republic enjoyed a
millennia without large-scale war. However, as time went on, the
government of the Republic became weak and corrupt.[1]

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During this era of peace, heightening political tensions arose

within the Republic a decade before the Clone Wars, such as when
a group of usurpers on the planet Halcyon became discontent
with the world's membership and wanted their world to be able to
manage its own affairs. They kidnapped several members of
Halcyon's planetary leadership and held them in a remote fortress
where they prepared for assault while attempting negotiation with
their hostages. Internal negotiations failed and led the Senate to
eventually authorize the Jedi Order to intervene on Halcyon as
mediators and enforcers if necessary.[10]


Count Dooku started the Separatist movement.

The Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation exposed the

unwillingness and inability of the Senate to resolve the crisis, which
ended only after the Gungans and Royal House of Naboo united
and forcibly ended the occupation. This lack of action was a result
of years of corrupt and ineffectual governance by the Republic
that had became mired in bureaucracy and layers upon layers of
increasingly complex legal precedents, treaties, and obligations.
The commerce guilds and trading corporations had also become
disillusioned after laws were passed that would introduce taxes
affecting all significant trade routes, implemented such that they
would have the greatest impact on the poorer outlying star
systems. These worlds were often forced into accepting one-sided
deals and refused military protection, as the Republic continued to
prioritize honoring centuries old agreements predating the
admission of outlying planets. Compounding this, the outlying
systems and Rimward trade routes were plagued by pirates,
hijackers and slavers. Due to the refusal of the Republic to create a
military to police those sectors, the Judicial Department was
completely overwhelmed, and could not adequately protect either
the worlds along those trade routes, or the cargo vessels that
traversed them. This forced outlying systems to begin creating
their own militias to deal with the pirates, with the Outland
Regions Security Force being foremost among them. Gridlock in
the senate grew, as the number of votes needed to pass any type
of legislation turned it increasingly into a place where senators
bartered favors, earmarks, and votes for personal power without
regard for their constituencies or the greater good of the Republic.
Some began to believe that any attempt at change would require
radical thinking and extreme actions, leading to discussions of
secession from the Republic.[10][11]


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Separatist Crisis

"I am committed to the idea of a galaxy ruled by an enlightened

leader, with laws that apply universally—not one set for the Core
Worlds, another for the Outer Rim worlds."

"An autocracy, guided by the count of Serenno."

"I am ambitious, but not to that degree."

―Count Dooku and Governor Wilhuff Tarkin of Eriadu, during

their final dinner together before the onset of the Clone Wars.[src]


A pamphlet for Reena University highlighting Dooku's

Independent Movement for Self-Determination, by Ansibella Delu.

The first declaration of secession could be traced back to Count

Dooku's Raxus Address, when the count denounced the Galactic
Republic as a futile enterprise that was hopelessly burdened by
corruption and favoritism toward the Core Worlds. Following the
address, Dooku founded the Confederacy of Independent Systems
and began the Separatist Crisis,[2] to do this he had
commandeering a HoloNet relay station in the Raxus system, after
which some believed he was merely one step ahead of Republic
assassins. The fallen Jedi Master's words of inflammatory rhetoric
would find receptive audiences among young intellectuals in Mid
and Inner Rim universities. Both charismatic and exuding
confidence, Dooku's message rallied thousands of individuals by
recounting decades of experience within the Republic government
and publicizing its hypocrisies, corruption and ineffectiveness.
Dooku's rebellious message mesmerized young psyches and
spurred them into political activism. As the galactic crisis grew
more and more heated, Dooku's appearances grew rarer and were
announced with much shorter notice, with his message often
spurning violence on polarized worlds. Thousands of disgruntled
star systems ultimately seceded from the Republic and fully
embraced the newly created Confederacy of Independent Systems
fiery message of resistance. The idea that the Republic was distant,
dispassionate, corrupt, and unworthy of membership ultimately
marshaled disgruntled systems into a new galactic government.
The agrarian world of Ukio found itself questioning what value it
reciprocated for being the breadbasket of the Core Worlds, and
after citing a litany of neglect, senatorial representatives of the
Abrion sector tendered their articles of secession along with other
worlds in the galaxy's hinterlands. The Confederacy also sought to
gain prosperous Outer Rim world of Eriadu. With its location at the
confluence of the Hydian Way and Rimma Trade Route, Dooku
needed Eriadu's allegiance to control the Greater Seswenna and
effectively collapse the core back onto itself, undoing millennia of
galactic exploration, conquest and colonization. After negotiations
and attending dinners with Eriadu's then Governor Wilhuff Tarkin,
the attempt to claim Eriadu's loyalty would fail, as Tarkin refused,
believing that an ineffective yet unified galaxy was better than a
fractured one.[12][10][13][1]

Count Dooku and the Separatist Council members Nute Gunray

Poggle the Lesser Wat Tambor and San Hill

Dooku and the Separatist Council prior to the Clone Wars.

As the crisis intensified as more systems pledged loyalty to the
Dooku separatist government across the galaxy leading to
uncertainty and fears that the Republic would be split into two, the
Galactic Senate of the Republic moved towards the passage of the
Military Creation Act, which would establish centralized armed
forces to protect the thousand-year-old democracy for the first
time. Meanwhile, Dooku had promised the Viceroy Nute Gunray
that he would assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo if he
signed Dooku's treaty. The viceroy accepted the offer and Dooku
dispatched Jango Fett to carry out Amidala's assassination. Despite
the failure of Fett's mission, Dooku was able to have the Trade
Federation, the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Techno Union, the
Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance all sign a treaty on
Geonosis and joined together as the Separatist Council. After
pursuing Fett to Geonosis, Kenobi discovered Dooku's plot and
also learned that it was Gunray who ordered the assassination of
Amidala. He was captured shortly thereafter and imprisoned by
Dooku, but not before sending a message to the Jedi Council
relating what he had discovered. Meanwhile tensions between the
Republic and Separatist movement peaked after the Republic
learned of the size and significance of its army of battle droids,
motivating the Senate to grant emergency powers to the Supreme
Chancellor of the Republic—a position that was then occupied by
Sheev Palpatine, the alter ego of Darth Sidious.[1][10]

During the attempted execution of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin

Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala, a team of two hundred
Jedi were sent to the arena to rescue the trio. The Jedi were
attacked by a host of battle droids during the attempt and were
corralled into the arena. With the battle turning against the Jedi,
Dooku gave the remaining Jedi forces a chance to lay down their
arms, a choice which Mace Windu declined. In the next few
moments, several Acclamator-class assault ships arrived over the
arena and engaged droid forces on the planet's surface, starting
the deadly three-year Clone Wars.[1]

The Clone WarsEdit

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Clone Wars

"The Jedi have amassed a huge army!"

"That doesn't seem possible. How could the Jedi come up with an
army so quickly?"

―Nute Gunray and Count Dooku[src]

Homing Spider Droid

The Separatist Droid Army during the Battle of Geonosis

The arrival of the clones sparked a full-scale battle on Geonosis,

with both sides taking heavy losses. Eventually however, the clone
army began to gain the upper hand. This forced Poggle to order
his soldiers to retreat and hide, but before he joined them, he
turned over plans to the Ultimate Weapon — a secret project he
had been contracted to build by the Separatists — to Count
Dooku. As the battle raged on, Kenobi and Skywalker caught up to
Dooku and tried to prevent his escape by engaging in a lightsaber
duel, however they were defeated by Dooku with relative ease.
Grand Master Yoda came to their rescue and engaged Dooku in a
lightsaber battle. After realizing that he was outmatched by Yoda,
Dooku fled Geonosis and the Separatist leadership retreated.
Though they had suffered a defeat in battle, the goal of the Sith
had been fulfilled; the Clone Wars had begun.[1] Shortly the CIS
retreat and vacated its first capital world of Geonosis,[14] the
Separatists began to seize control of the major hyperspace lanes,
separating the Republic from its army.[15]

With the outbreak of hostilities, many worlds either declared

openly for the Separatists or declared neutrality, declining to
support either side. Some of the neutral worlds banded together
into a loose alliance, The Council of Neutral Systems, for mutual
negotiation and defense; this was officially merely an advisory
group, not a breakaway government. Both sides negotiated with
the neutral worlds, with the Republic trying to bring worlds back
into the fold willingly if they had not declared for the Separatists
due to fears that taking action against ostensibly non-hostile
worlds would only increase sympathy for the separatist cause.[15]

Battle of Christophsis 2

Armored Assault Tanks advance through Crystal City on

The war proceeded on many fronts. A force led by Asajj Ventress
and General Whorm Loathsom succeeded in capturing
Christophsis, but were soon overwhelmed by the small relief force
led by Senator Bail Organa.[16] Later on Teth, the Separatists
hatched a plot to deny the Jedi the alliance with the Hutt Clan that
they so desperately needed and to establish an alliance with the
Hutts themselves. Republic forces attempted to save Rotta, the
infant son of crime lord Jabba the Hutt, from the Confederacy,
who planned to kill the Huttlet and lay the blame on the Jedi
Order. However, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan,
Ahsoka Tano, effected a rescue of the Huttlet from Teth and return
him to Tatooine, thus gaining the support of the Hutts for the

After the annihilation of the Republic garrison, Ryloth was

occupied and blockaded by the Separatist Droid Army. The army
was led by Emir Wat Tambor who oversaw the occupation from
the city of Lessu. During the occupation, much of Ryloth was
pillaged by the droid army on orders from the Emir. The
Confederacy forces were repeatedly attacked by a group of Twi'lek
freedom fighters led by Cham Syndulla, but suffered minimal
losses. Eventually, the Republic Army assembled a force to liberate
the planet, a goal they accomplished after heavy fighting. The
Republic captured Tambor but his tactical droid escaped with
many of the valuables he had looted from the Twi'leks.[17][18]


The Malevolence superweapon.

However, soon the Confederacy would reveal during the

Malevolence campaign[19] its massive new superweapon known
only as the Malevolence, a Subjugator-class[20] heavy cruiser[21] It
worked by firing a powerful ion cannon to disable enemy ships
before destroying them with a barrage of conventional cannon
fire. The ship gained the attention of the Republic after destroying
the fleet of Jedi General Plo Koon in the Battle of Abregado. Koon
was marooned in an escape pod and rescued by Jedi General
Anakin Skywalker. Separatist Head of State then ordered the ship
to attack an unarmed Republic medical center near the Ryndellia
system. Having been alerted to the impending attack, the Republic
dispatched a fleet to rescue the medical station. After a fierce fight,
the ship was finally destroyed when Skywalker tampered with the
ship's navicomputer and crashed it into a nearby moon.[22][23]

Bomb on Malastare droid forces

The Grand Army of the Republic detonates a prototype Electro-

proton bomb on Malastare.

The Confederacy would attempt to gain Malastare, which was of

strategic importance to both the Republic and the Separatists
forces due to the abundance of natural resources on the planet.
The Republic was keen to sign a treaty with the Malastare
leadership, however, their plans were put on hold while the
Separatist Droid Army invaded the planet. Due to the low number
of military forces on the planet, the Republic forces were quickly
overwhelmed and, in the face of certain defeat, authorized the use
of an experimental Electro-proton bomb. In the ensuing blast, the
droid army was shut down and the battle won for the Republic.
The leaders of Malastare then proceeded to sign the treaty with
the Republic.[24] However a setback occurred when the plan by
the InterGalactic Banking Clan and the Separatists to build massive
new droid foundries on Geonosis was discovered by the Galactic
Republic who launched a second major planetary invasion of
Geonosis to shut down the foundries that Archduke Poggle the
Lesser had built there.

Foundry destroyed

The Republic destroys the main droid foundry on Geonosis

After their discovery on Cato Neimoidia, the Republic dispatched a

massive detachment of Clones to retake Geonosis and stop the
production of battle droids. Following a difficult landing, the
Republic forces managed to establish a landing zone at Point Rain
near the factories. The Republic then disabled the factories' ray
shield, making way for the rest of the clone troopers to safely land.
As Poggle attempted to retake Point Rain, the main droid foundry
was targeted by the Jedi, who launched a major offensive against
the factory. Unknown to the Separatists, the main assault was
actually a distraction that would enable Padawans Ahsoka Tano
and Barriss Offee to infiltrate the foundry and destroy the reactor
core, thus blowing the factory up from the inside. Following this
victory, the Jedi proceeded to destroy the remaining droid
foundries on Geonosis, stopping the Separatist plans. Although the
droid foundries had been destroyed, Poggle remained at large for
a time,[25] until he was captured in the catacombs underneath
Progate Temple.


Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch.

In order to gain much needed support for their attempt at taking

over Mandalore, the Death Watch briefly allied themselves with
the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Mandalorian
commandos performed sabotage missions for the Separatists
against Republic targets. One such mission involved a commando
attempting to sabotage a Republic cruiser; the Death Watch
commando was captured, but rather than surrender and submit to
questioning, he committed suicide.[26] His actions, in addition to
false rumors, led many in the republic to believe that Duchess
Satine Kryze, the leader of the New Mandalorian government and
head of the Council of Neutral Systems, was training a
Mandalorian army for the Separatists. The Jedi Council dispatched
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to Mandalore to meet with Satine
and investigate the rumors. At first, the Duchess and her advisers
discounted any Mandalorian involvement until Kenobi showed
holographic recordings of the Death Watch saboteur. Having no
other choice, she reluctantly revealed rumors of the Death Watch's
return. The rumors were later proven when a Death Watch
commando bombed the memorial shrine in the New Mandalorian
capital of Sundari before committing suicide when Kenobi
attempted to apprehend him. Left at the bomb site was a
holographic representation of the Death Watch symbol, further
highlighting the group's return. During these events the leader of
death watch—Pre Vizsla—communicated with Count Dooku who
revealed his strategy. He would force the Republic into sending
peacekeeping forces to Mandalore. Dooku hoped this would lead
the populace to view the Republic as invaders and turn to Death
Watch to liberate them.[27] When Satine journeyed to Coruscant,
Death Watch made a second attempt on her life. Mandalore's
senator, Tal Merrik, was secretly in league with the Death Watch,
and used his senatorial stamp to smuggle several assassin probes
aboard the duchess' ship. This attempt failed, and once Satine
safely arrived at the galactic capital, the Death Watch reoccupied
their base on Concordia as a staging area for their impending
invasion of Mandalore. A New Mandalorian scout reported this
development to Prime Minster Almec; however, the Prime Minister
wasn't concerned because he believed that the Death Watch
would never be able to take Mandalore without the support of the
public. Meanwhile, the Republic Senate had decided to send
peacekeeping forces to Mandalore after being shown forged
evidence of a senior Mandalorian minister begging the Republic to
send help. With the help of Kenobi, the Duchess was able to
uncover the unedited version of the holorecording. After being
shown the new evidence, the Republic Senate revoked its order to
send peacekeepers to Mandalore. This shut down Death Watch's
plans, and they cancelled the planned attack on Mandalore and
broke all ties with the Separatists.[27]


The Confederacy invades Tipoca City.

Following the destruction of a Republic monitoring station, the
Separatist army, led by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress, begin
a daring invasion of the cloning world of Kamino. The aim of the
campaign was to destroy the Republic cloning factories and thus
deny the Republic more troops, turning the war in the Separatists
favor. The droid army was to launch an invasion while Asajj
Ventress stole the crucial genetic material needed to produce
more clones. However their plan was foiled when Jedi General
Anakin Skywalker intercepted Ventress and defeated her following
a fierce lightsaber duel. The main droid army was also defeated by
the clone troopers.[28]

During the height of the war, the Trade Federation blockaded the
moon Pantora in the Pantora system, in an attempt to force them
to join the Separatist Alliance. As part of the conspiracy, the
daughters of the Pantoran Chairman Papanoida were kidnapped
and held upon the main ship of the Separatist blockade. Following
a daring rescue by Ahsoka Tano and Pantoran Senator Riyo
Chuchi, the conspiracy was uncovered and the Trade Federation
was forced to remove its blockade.[29]
Following a secret meeting between Padmé Amidala and Mina
Bonteri, the Separatist Senate approved the start of peace talks
between the Separatists and the Republic. However these talks
quickly fell apart following a series of plots by Count Dooku to
destroy the peace process. Dooku ordered two attacks - the death
of Mina Bonteri and a bombing on the Republic capital of
Coruscant. Following these, neither side had any desire to continue
the peace process. This cancellation came despite heated protests
from Amidala who pointed out that the moral responsibility of the
war also had to be considered. This led to accusations by some
members of the Republic Senate that Amidala had betrayed the


Ventress leads the Separatist assault.

The Separatist fleet began a major space battle against a Republic

flotilla, with Asajj Ventress personally leading the Separatists
against the Republic. However, the battle would turn when Dooku
was ordered to kill his apprentice by Darth Sidious to prove his
loyalty. Dooku ordered Ventress' reinforcements to return in an
attempt to end his apprentice's life indirectly. Following the
destruction of her command ship, Dooku presumed her to be
dead and ordered the recall of the armada from Sullust. However,
contrary to Dooku's belief, Ventress escaped and survived her
ordeal.[30] Republic forces were in control of the ancient Temple
of Eedit which acted as a front for the Republic's military outpost.
In order to gain control of temple, a Separatist Army was sent to
attack. The Republic sent two Jedi—Jedi Master Halsey and his
Padawan Knox—and several ARF troopers. The Republic troops
were able to hold back the Separatist forces and gained the upper
hand in the battle. However, in order to test the powers of his new
apprentice, Savage Opress, Dooku sent him to Devaron to finish
the battle and destroy the Republic forces. Opress mercilessly
slaughtered all the clones upon his arrival, including ARF
Commander Trauma. Finding the two Jedi in front of temple's
door, he attacked Halsey, and although the Roonan fought hard,
Opress struck him down. Knox, after witnessing his master's death,
attacked his master's killer. However, Opress effortlessly slashed
him across the chest, sending him flying into the temple doors,
dead. Upon successfully completing his mission, Opress returned
to Serenno.[31]

Following the capture of Jedi Master Even Piell, a highly trained

strike force led by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker along
with his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, attempted to rescue him and his
command crew from The Citadel—a high security Separatist prison
made specifically for Jedi. The prisoners were of special
importance to the Republic because they possessed knowledge of
the coordinates for the Nexus Route—a hyperspace lane which led
directly to both the Republic and Separatist capital worlds. During
the escape, Piell was killed but the vital information was passed
onto Tano. Following a number of challenges, the team managed
to escape the prison with the coordinates and most of the former
prisoners.[32] Following the defeat of the Republic during the First
Battle of Felucia, the Republic army launched a second invasion
attempt. During the invasion the Republic launched a series of
major offensives on the planet. In retaliation, General Grievous
sent a number of reinforcements to various Separatist outposts on
the planet. In response the Jedi intensified their offensive and
managed to gain control of the planet and system.[33]

Quarrens fight hand to hand with Mon Calamari soldiers

Following the assassination of the previous Mon Calamari king, the

Quarren attempted to seize control of Mon Cala with the aid of
the Separatists. At the request of Prince Lee-Char, the Republic
sent an underwater regiment as reinforcements for the Mon
Calamari. After a fierce battle the Quarren and Separatists
emerged victorious and enslaved all the Mon Calamari. Not willing
to give up on Mon Cala, the Jedi Council sent reinforcements in
the form of the Gungan Grand Army from Naboo. During the
ensuing battle the Quarren came to the realization that the
Separatists were only interested in capturing Mon Cala for
themselves. With this in mind they turned on the Separatist forces
and defeated them.[34] Dooku then conspired with Grievous and
Minister Rish Loo to launch another invasion of Naboo, a plot that
would involve turning the Gungans against the Naboo. Minister
Loo began influencing Boss Lyonie through the use of a necklace.
He influenced Lyonie to order an attack on Theed with the help of
the Separatist Alliance. After Anakin Skywalker and Jar Jar Binks
removed the necklace, Rish Loo attempted to kill Lyonie. Believing
him dead, Loo went to the assembled Gungan Grand Army and
told them that Lyonie was dead, ordering them to attack Theed
immediately. Jar-Jar however, arrived at the event, posing as
Lyonie. He denounced Rish Loo and cancelled the order to invade
Theed. Rish Loo then fled to his laboratory. Anakin followed Loo,
fighting the probe droids sent to stop him. Meanwhile, Grievous
and his army landed on Naboo and contacted Jar-Jar (who they
believed to be Lyonie) to ask why the attack on Theed had been
cancelled. Jar-Jar entered Grievous's lander and attempted to stall
the General. Eventually, Grievous figured out that Jar-Jar was not
Lyonie, and chased the Gungan outside, where he found his entire
army deactivated. The Gungan army surrounded Grievous and
told him to surrender. Grievous replied by drawing two lightsaber
and killing several Gungan warriors. His rampage was stopped
however when General Roos Tarpals stabbed him with an electric
spear, the cyborg stabbed Tarpals through the heart and killed
him. Just before he died Tarpals drove his spear all the way
through Grievous allowing the rest of the Gungan warriors to
disable Grievous with boombas.[35]
At the same time, Skywalker found Dooku's lair, after following
Rish Loo to an ancient cliff-side structure. Unknown to Skywalker,
the lair was actually a trap set by Count Dooku, designed to
capture him. Dooku killed Loo for his incompetence, and following
a lightsaber battle, involving Dooku and several MagnaGuards,
Skywalker was captured and taken hostage. Shortly after
Skywalker's capture, Padmé Amidala received a message from
Dooku on her holoprojector. During the exchange, Dooku told
Amidala that he had captured Skywalker. He then demanded that
Amidala give back General Grievous in return for Skywalker. She
reluctantly agreed and the prisoner exchange took place shortly
thereafter. Following the prisoner exchange, the Separatist forces
retreated.[35] After the assassination of senator Mee Deechi,[36]
the planet Umbara seceded from the Galactic Republic and joined
the Confederacy, pledging the Umbaran Militia and its advanced
technology to the cause. Because of this action, the Republic
launched an invasion of Umbara.[37] The Umbarans and
Confederacy put up heavy resistance against the invaders. Despite
their efforts and Jedi General Pong Krell's treason against the
Republic, Umbara was successfully conquered.[38]
The Confederacy had formed an alliance with Queen Miraj Scintel,
leader of the Zygerrian Slave Empire. As part of the deal, the
Confederacy attacked a Togruta colony on Kiros and enslaved all
of its inhabitants.[39] However their plans were foiled when the
Jedi managed to track the missing colonists to the Zygerrian
homeworld of Zygerria. The Jedi Council then sent Anakin
Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano to infiltrate the
slave markets where the colonists were being held. During their
attempted rescue, Kenobi and Skywalker were captured. Kenobi
was sent to a slave processing facility while Skywalker became the
personal slave of the Queen. While being held as the personal
slave of the Queen, Scintel developed feelings for Anakin. When
she was ordered by Dooku to kill him, she refused. As a
punishment for her defiance Dooku mortally injured her. Seeing
his opportunity, Skywalker freed Tano and carried the Queen onto
a slave ship upon which he escaped.[40] Following Skywalker's
escape, the Queen, before perishing, revealed to him the location
of the processing facility where Kenobi and the missing Togruta
colonists were being held, Kadavo. Having discovered the location
and told the Jedi Council, Skywalker and Tano arrived at the
facility. They attempted to break into the facility but failed. Soon
after their arrival, Republic reinforcements arrived and the facility's
defenses were soon disabled. With no hope of escape, Keeper
Agruss attempted to kill the colonists by dropping them into a
volcanic pit. However, his plan was foiled when Tano devised a
plan to rescue the colonists, and he was killed. With the successful
rescue of Kenobi and the colonists, the Jedi departed the facility
and destroyed it.[41]

At the height of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent

Systems held a peace conference with the Galactic Republic on the
neutral planet Mandalore between representatives of both
governments in an effort to end the pan-galactic conflict. The
conference was presided over by Duchess Satine Kryze within her
royal palace in the New Mandalorian capital Sundari. At the
beginning of the meeting, Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala opened
up the discussions, leading the Republic senators in the peace
negotiations, but she was quickly rebuffed by Senator Voe Atell,
who called for the Republic to declare the Separatist State
legitimate. However, before the delegates could further discuss
their terms of peace, Lux Bonteri, son of the late Onderonian
senator Mina Bonteri, interrupted the summit and announced to
the politicians that it was Count Dooku that had his mother
murdered. This led young Bonteri to soon afterward be escorted
out by Separatist security droids, allowing the discussion to
continue. Shortly after his escape, however, the negotiations fell
apart completely along with hopes of gaining the full legitimacy it
sought, however the Confederacy had received some legitimacy as
a state by the very notion of the conference having took place.[42]


Height of the Rebellion on Onderon

Having instigated Onderon's secession from the Galactic Republic

at the beginning of the Clone Wars, King Sanjay Rash found his
regime, backed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems,
challenged by a group of rebels organized by the young
insurgents Steela and Saw Gerrera. The rebels hoped to restore
the deposed King Ramsis Dendup to the throne. Seeing an
opportunity to engage the Confederacy on another front, the
Republic began to fund the rebels with credits and arms to
combat Rash's occupational forces from the Separatist Droid
Army. The Jedi High Council sent a team of advisors to train the
rebels along with some of the 501st Legion who were covertly
inserted into Onderon and oversaw training sessions at the
insurgency's jungle camp. Midway through the training, the camp
was attacked and the lessons escalated into actual combat when a
battle droid squadron attempted to exterminate the rebels,
however, the newly trained rebels eliminated the enemy droid
squad.[43] The rebels then infiltrated the Separatist-occupied
capital Iziz, conducting strikes on droid patrols throughout the city.
They also targeted Iziz's main power generator to extinguish the
battle droids recharging source and also proving they were
capable of challenging the Separatists and. Count Dooku sent King
Rash reinforcements under the command of the super tactical
droid General Kalani.[44] After the rebels attempted and failed to
free the deposed King Dendup, King Rash ordered his public
execution. However his plans were foiled when General Tandin and
his royal guards sided with the rebels during Rash's attempted
execution of Dendup, helping Gerrera and her insurgents rescue
Dendup, He also pledged the Royal Onderon Militia to their
forces.[45] With Steela appointed by Dendup as their commanding
general, the joint rebel and royal soldiers pulled out from Iziz,
hoping to preserve civilian lives by isolating armed conflict to the
eastern highlands. As full-scale fighting began, the rebels used the
mountain terrain against the Separatists and despite heavy
casualties, won the battle with the help of illegal rocket launchers
supplied to them though underworld contacts. Faced with this
catastrophic defeat, Dooku contacted Rash and Kalani. Rash
explained what had happened and that they would need even
more help to defeat the rebels. Dooku refused, not wanting
another war to deal with. He commanded Kalani to call back all of
the droid forces from the planet. As Rash angrily protested, Kalani
shot the deluded king, killing him.[46]

The Carida Incident was the result of a mission undertaken by the

Confederacy of Independent Systems who sabotaged a Venator-
class Star Destroyer by loading it with rhydonium canisters with the
intention of ramming it into the Valor space station, the site of a
Republic strategy conference. While escaping Abafar, the D-Squad
took refuge in the Venator-class Star Destroyer, on which they
planned to return the stolen Separatist encryption module, but
they discovered it was overrun by droids. They undertook efforts
to disrupt the Confederate plot and stop the ship from destroying
a Republic strategy conference in the Carida system.[47] The Battle
of Ringo Vinda took place outside a Separatist-controlled space
station that surrounded the planet of Ringo Vinda. Initially the
battle was moving in the favor of the Republic. However, the battle
turned in the Separatists favor when a clone trooper, CT-5385 Tup,
malfunctioned and executed Order 66 early, killing Jedi General
Tiplar. With their momentum lost, the Republic had no option
other than to withdraw. The unusual behavior of the Republic was
noticed by Separatist Admiral Trench who reported it to Dooku,
who then reported it to Darth Sidious. Sidious ordered the capture
of the clone, which the Separatists successfully undertook before
the Republic left Ringo Vinda. However, before Tup could be
delivered to the Confederacy for study, he was recaptured by
Anakin Skywalker and the Republic on the ongoing shuttle and
made it to Kamino.[48] The world of Anaxes was attacked by a
Confederate fleet under the command of Trench. He besieged the
Republic shipyards for weeks on end, exploiting the Techno
Union's access to a secret Republic strategy algorithm. Even as the
tide of battle began to turn against him, Trench remained intent
on annihilating the Jedi and their clone infantry. In a last ditch
effort, he activated a bomb beneath the assembly complex on
Anaxes. However, Anakin Skywalker infiltrated Trench's flagship
and forced the admiral to divulge the sequence to disarm the
device. When Trench tried to retaliate, Skywalker drove his
lightsaber through his chest killing him and ending the battle.[49]

The Confederacy would attempt to commit a mass genocide on

the people of Mahran under orders from Count Dooku. The planet
was of strategic importance to the Confederacy because of its vast
quantities of natural resources. In response the people of Mahran
begged the Jedi Council to send aid. The Jedi responded by
sending Jedi General Chubor with a task force of clone troopers.
However, they were too late to prevent Separatist forces from
laying waste much of the planet, including the capital city. The
Republic attempted to escort the remaining Mahranee off world
but were stopped when the Separatists launched a massive attack,
slaughtering all the civilians, Jedi and clones. After this massacre,
Dooku attempted to lay the blame for the tragedy on the Jedi
Council. This led the council to finally authorize an assassination
attempt on the Count in a desperate bid to limit the war's
casualties.[50] The Jedi Council then sent Quinlan Vos under the
guise of a bounty hunter to recruit Asajj Ventress, who previously
came close to killing Dooku and knew much about him, to aid him
in the assassination. Their first attempt on Dooku ended in failure
with Vos being captured, with a final plan to assassinate him
during the second battle of Christophsis ending in the death of his
former apprentice Asajj Ventress.[50]

Darth Sidious had brought Maul to the Spire, a prison fortress

controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on
Stygeon Prime. It was there that Sidious briefly interrogated Maul,
and told Count Dooku to find out information about who and
where the Shadow Collective leaders were. The goal was to make
Maul believe that the Sith wanted to destroy the Shadow
Collective, so he would seek out Mother Talzin. Meanwhile, Sidious
was followed to Stygeon Prime by two Death Watch warriors, Rook
Kast and Gar Saxon, under orders from Mandalore's Prime
Minister, Almec to free Maul from the Spire.[51]


Maul and Grievous engage in single combat.

After being freed, Maul was tracked to Zanbar by General Grievous
along with a Separatist fleet. Dooku ordered Grievous not to kill
Maul, simply to defeat and break his forces enough that Maul
would seek out Mother Talzin's help. Grievous launched his forces
towards the surface, and Maul's troops immediately began firing
anti-aircraft weaponry at them. The heavy fire was not enough to
repel the ships, however, so the Separatists pressed their attack
and deployed all of their forces.[51]

After the Shadow Collective lost on Zanbar, Maul attacked Dooku

and Grievous over Ord Mantell which led to Maul make his way
into orbit and boarded Grievous' command ship. Grievous
disabled the battle droid army after Maul gave him the choice to
do so or die, and the cyborg general was taken into custody.
Dooku, meanwhile, had engaged and defeated the Nightbrothers
in battle, before being captured by the Shadow Collective
Sidious and Grievous arrived to confront Maul and Talzin on
Dathomir after finding out where Dooku was being held, the latter
of whom had used her magick to take control of Dooku's body.
This led to a lightsaber duel, in which Sidious quickly gained the
upper hand against the Talzin-controlled Dooku. Talzin appeared
in the flesh, returned to her physical form, and held off a Force
lightning assault from Sidious and, eventually, Dooku. Talzin
sacrificed her own life to allow Maul to escape, as Grievous fatally
stabbed the Dathomirian witch through the chest while Maul fled
from Dathomir. The Separatists, meanwhile, also attacked Maul's
Black Sun and Pyke Syndicate allies, leading the mercenaries to
end their alliance with Maul; destroying the Shadow Collective.[53]

Fall of the ConfederacyEdit

"The war is over! Lord Sidious promised us peace. We only want—


―Nute Gunray's last words, before being killed by Darth


Mygeeto bridge battle

The Assault on Mygeeto during the days of the war.

In the war's final days, the Republic was laying siege to the
Confederacy in the Outer Rim Territories with battles taking place
on Cato Neimoidia, Mygeeto, Saleucami, Felucia,[6] as well as
Kaller in what was to become some of the most deadly fighting in
the whole conflict while on Lokori where for the last four months
of the war, elements of the Separatist navy attempted to break
through the lunar picket lines of the Bright Nebula Fleet and attack
the planet, only sporadically managing to launch attacks against
the planet itself,[54][55] while Count Dooku had launched an
daring attack on the capital of the Galactic Republic - Coruscant.
During the battle, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was
captured by General Grievous and kept on board his command
ship. The Republic sent Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker to rescue the Chancellor. During their rescue attempt,
they were confronted by Count Dooku and engaged him in a
lightsaber duel. Dooku initially gained the upper hand, knocking
Kenobi out, however, after taunting Skywalker into using his rage
to focus his attack, Dooku defeated Kenobi, who was incapacitated
and knocked unconscious when the Count used the Force to pin
Kenobi to the ground with a metal balcony. However, he was soon
overpowered by Skywalker, who cut off his hands and then took
Dooku's own lightsaber and held it to his throat along with his
own, in a scissor-like way. At Skywalker's mercy, Dooku was
sentenced to death by Chancellor Palpatine. Despite the fact that
the count was an unarmed prisoner and that it was against the
Jedi Code, he was nevertheless beheaded by Skywalker. After
rescuing the chancellor, they escaped to the bridge where
Grievous lay in wait for them. They engaged him in a duel and
managed to defeat him, however he managed to escape.[6]

Grievous then ordered the fleet to withdraw and became head of

state of the Confederacy of the Independent Systems, who fled to
Utapau, where he hid and met with the Separatist Council. After a
brief disagreement with Nute Gunray, he ordered both him and
other leaders to go to the Mustafar system where they would be
safe. During his time there, his location was discovered by Clone
Intelligence. This led the Jedi Council to send Jedi Master Obi-Wan
Kenobi to investigate. Having arrived in secret, Kenobi confirmed
the presence of Grievous and ordered a full-scale assault on the
settlement. During the ensuing battle, Grievous would be killed by
Kenobi while trying to flee the sinkhole planet.[6]

The Separatist Council right before the massacre.

Following this, the Galactic Republic reformed into the Galactic

Empire, with Palpatine declaring himself Emperor. On Mustafar,
Darth Sidious conversed with the Separatist Council via hologram,
with Gunray remarking confidently that their plan had gone just as
the Sith Lord had promised. Demoralized by their recent defeats,
Gunray and the other leaders had wished to sue for peace, but did
not know what Sidious had planned for them, who promised that
his new apprentice would soon arrive to take care of them, but he
was secretly to be sent instead to eliminate the council who had
gathered on Mustafar. Once Darth Vader landed, he entered the
mining facility and slaughtered the separatists, taking them out
one by one with his lightsaber; he also destroyed the Security
battle droids, an OOM command battle droid, and Neimoidian
guards and aides who had assembled in the room with their
leaders. In rapid succession, Vader executed the Councilors
including Po Nudo of the planet Ando,[56] Passel Argente[6] of
the Corporate Alliance,[57] and Presidente Shu Mai of the
Commerce Guild.[58] He then set his sights on Tikkes[6] of Mon
Cala[20] and Archduke Poggle the Lesser of Geonosis. Emir Wat
Tambor of the Techno Union,[20] who fled into a conference
room, and Rune Haako of the Trade Federation were also soon
killed and only Nute Gunray remained who begged for mercy but
also was murdered by Vader.[6]

After the slaughter, Vader received the order to end the

Confederacy from Palpatine by sending a shutdown signal to all
Trade Federation Droid Control Ships that would shut down the
battle droids of the Separatist Droid Army. This signal would
spread throughout the galaxy, such as on Lokori, the Confederacy
of Independent Systems then capitulate and collapsed without a
peace agreement, thus formerly ending the war.[6][54] The
shutdown order itself was not acknowledged by all elements of the
droid army, some such as the super tactical droid General Kalani.
Kalani immediately believed the order was a Republic trick, and
prevented his troops from following the shut down command.
They were left marooned at their base on Agamar, where they
waited for retrieval during the next seventeen years. Kalani's
remaining forces consisted mostly of B1 battle droids and a few
droidekas, though they lacked any heavy vehicles or starships
capable of leaving the planet. The munitions depot they were
protecting at the base kept Kalani and his droids well-provisioned
enough to still remain reasonably functional for almost two
decades without resupply,[59]


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Separatist holdouts

"Galen, you're not going to hear this on the nightly holonews, but
while the war is essentially won, it's not over. Not here. Not in
many systems of the Western Reaches."

"I've heard reports of Separatist holdouts—"

"They're much more than holdouts. Call them what they are:

―Orson Callan Krennic and Galen Walton Erso[src]

Following the end of the war on Mustafar, the former Confederacy

was forcibly took over by the fledgling Galactic Empire whose
Navy began to root out the remaining surviving Separatist
holdouts who had not surrendered and stopped fighting for at
least four years after the Clone Wars, while criminal organizations
composed of re-purposed battle droids such as the Droid Gotra
operated in Imperial Center's underground while some escaped
notice all together. Seeking to make examples of worlds who
continued to harbor secessionist tendencies, worlds like Kooriva,
Murkhana and on Raxus, the formal capital of the Confederacy,
which still hosted ex-Separatists, became targets of the Empire.
One such example, assigned to Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, was on the
once loyal Separatist moon, Antar 4. During the genocidal
atrocities committed on the moon's population, Imperial forces
made no attempt to sort the Separatists from the Imperial loyalists.
This served to compel Raxus and other worlds to surrender all
former Separatists to Imperial custody, or else suffer a similar
demise to that of Antar 4.[10]

Meanwhile in 18 BBY in the Western Reaches, where most of what

was left of the Confederacy of Independent Systems had fled with
the support of the various planetary populations of former
Confederate worlds who were dissatisfied with the lack of
reconstructive action in the aftermath of the Clone Wars, then
joined the holdouts and thus swelling their numbers in their
campaign against the Empire that lasted till 15 BBY. Imperial
shipyards like the one in orbit over Kartoosh, just outside of the
Western Reaches, served as a repair hub for starships damaged in
engagements with Separatists as well as salvage yards for captured
vessels.[54] The Bilbringi shipyards also served as a dismantling
point for old Separatist warships. The Imperial forces were led by
Tarkin, fresh from "pacifying Antar 4," who had been assigned to
oversee operations by Emperor Sheev Palpatine himself.[10] Both
Tarkin and Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic would utilize the
conflict against the holdouts as a pretext to justify for the
appropriation of numerous legacy worlds—worlds legally
protected as ecological reserves—advancing the top-secret
Imperial construction project occurring above Geonosis.[54]


Blue Glass Arrow Main articles: Imperial Era and Galactic Civil War

"Understand as a Separatist, I fought for freedom but put my trust

in a corrupt leadership."

"You were the leadership—a General."

"The Jedi were Generals. Do you truly believe they comprehended
the cause they started? Holster your weapon, boy. We are no
longer enemies. Perhaps we never were."

―Former Separatist General Kleeve to Jedi survivor Caleb


During the Age of the Empire, the tale of the Clone Wars was
frequently used as a warning to the Galaxy of what could happen
should the Empire and order fail. Separatist military equipment
(including battle droids) that survived the war was used by a
number of pirate and resistance organizations including Berch
Teller's rebel cell[10] and the insurgent leader Nevil Cygni.[60] A
large amount of heavily modified Separatist equipment was used
by the Alliance to Restore the Republic; examples include the IG-
227 Hailfire-class droid tank, the Lucrehulk-class Battleship, and
the Armored Assault Tank.[61] The New Republic starfighter pilot
Temmin Wexley's best friend was a former B1 battle droid named
Mister Bones.[62] In addition, the enterprising Imperial Navy officer
Thrawn collected Separatist weapons and technology including a
buzz droid.[60]
Soon after the Empire's formation, Emperor Palpatine and Darth
Vader observed the construction of the Death Star, a super-
weapon which had begun construction shortly after the Second
Battle of Geonosis by the Separatists. With the Separatists
defeated and their leaders killed, the Death Star project was taken
over by the Galactic Empire, who planned to use it to control the

Nineteen years later, the Death Star was used to destroy the planet
Alderaan, killing all the inhabitants. The Death Star was later
destroyed during the Battle of Yavin when a young Rebel pilot,
Luke Skywalker, exploited a serious design flaw to destroy the
battle station. This event is often credited with beginning the
Galactic Civil War.[63]

After the Alliance to Restore the Republic was re-organized into

the New Republic after it won the war, it was decided that the
capital of the New Republic would be rotated periodically—
addressing one of the main concerns of the Confederate
systems.[64] In 5 ABY, two new forms of the Separatist Alliance
arose, known as the New Separatist Union and the Confederacy of
Corporate Systems.[65]



"In accordance with the Bylaws of Independent Systems, a voice

vote is required."


Count Dooku and the Separatist Council members Nute Gunray

Poggle the Lesser Wat Tambor and San Hill

The Count of Serenno served as the Head of State of the

Confederacy and was aided by the Separatist Council.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems had a single Head of

State under a written constitution known as the Bylaws of
Independent Systems, which vested most power the Separatist
Senate in regards to state matters, with only the Head of State
being officiator of congressional procedure.[3]
However, during the Clone Wars, under the guise of Count Dooku,
who was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus under Darth
Sidious,[6] had been granted to wartime powers by the senate,[2]
where he made executive orders in regards to governmental
decisions which undermined the democratic process completely
and making the senate ineffective.[66] With Dooku demise over
the Republic capital of Coruscant, General Grievous succeeded him
as Head of State,[4] but Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, a
high racking separatist, doubted the general leadership and ability
to keep them safe, however they followed his orders and relocated
to Mustafar, leaving moments before the Battle of Utapau began,
however Grievous was killed in combat shortly afterwards.[6]

In addition, various galactic corporate titans including Gunray,

Poggle the Lesser and Wat Tambor, whom all pledged their droid
armies and full support to the Separatist cause, and wielded
considerable powers over the officers and the political and military
landscape in the form of a governing command council, and were
held on a very loose leash in doing so;[1] they also formed part of
a secret Sith plot to retake the galaxy, but were betrayed and
assassinated by Darth Vader under the behest of Sidious after the
deaths of both Dooku and Grievous as the Clone Wars drew to a



The Separatist Senate was housed on Raxus.

The Separatist Parliament, a body of senators oversaw by a

chairman called the Separatist Congress Leader that dealt with
diplomatic and civilian issues in the Confederacy. It was made up
of three political factions, the War, Peace and the Independence
Factions.[2] They were all from worlds and systems who joined the
Separatist cause, including ones that had once been members of
the Galactic Senate that continued to represent their constituents
in the Confederacy, and had involvement in public affairs. The
senate was seated on the Confederate capital planet of Raxus.
Many loyalists and senators of the Republic believed that the
Separatist senators were no more than pawns to Dooku.
Furthermore, the senators of the parliament as well as the citizens
of the Confederacy were repeatedly shielded from front-line
reports of brutal campaigns waged by the Separatist Droid Army
by the various elements of the Separatist hierarchy.[3]


Blue Glass Arrow Main articles: Separatist Droid Army and

Separatist navy

"Our friends from the Trade Federation have pledged their

support. And when their battle droids are combined with yours, we
shall have an army greater than any in the galaxy. The Jedi will be
overwhelmed. The Republic will agree to any demands we make."

―Count Dooku to the Separatist leadership[src]

Battle of Geonosis

The droid army on Geonosis.

The various commercial entities who joined under the banner of

the Confederacy of Independent Systems pledged their forces to
the Separatist Army and Navy, creating one sprawling group of
droids as well as organic forces, and local warriors, and was often
referred to as the Droid Army, and was preceded by a Supreme
Commander.[67] These units were led by organic officers[2] as well
as tactical droids to lead ground and navel forces, which included
of the T-series tactical droid[68] and the more sophisticated super
tactical droid.[69]

The droid army was composed from the Trade Federation's battle
droids to the security forces maintained by the Commerce Guild,
InterGalactic Banking Clan, and Corporate Alliance, which donated
not only its new B2 super battle droids, but numerous foundries
capable of producing thousands more droids for deployment as
well as the OG-9 homing spider droids were a common sight on
many front lines, and tank droids and AATs provided heavy
firepower.[6][70] while also consisting of local forces of the worlds
under its control,[37][40][71][1] who were of flesh and blood,
however, government officials downplay this and stated that they
were volunteers and not like the Republic cloned soldiers which
had been pressed into service.[50]

Its naval wing was originally made up of heavily armed bulk

transports from Separatist member corporations, but, as the Clone
Wars continued, Pammant Docks and other Separatist allies built
capital ships to make a creditable fleet. These starships were filled
with a variety of starfighters and crewed by B1 battle droids,[2]
within it fleet, it included the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser[20]
which had mega-ion cannons that could disable the power
systems of entire fleets, rendering them defenseless against the
ship's massive array of lasers.[22]

Foreign policyEdit

"Say it aloud before this gathering—as representative for

Chancellor Palpatine that you declare, without reservation, the
Separatist state legitimate."

―Senator Voe Atell to delegations from the Galactic Republic

during a rare conference on Mandalore.[src]

Peace conference

The representatives of the Republic and the Confederacy meeting

on Mandalore in an effort to end the Clone Wars.
When the Confederacy of Independent Systems was first formed, it
received little galactic recognition from many other entities due to
a lack of legitimacy from the Galactic Republic as a separate
state,[1] but was able to enter into relations with the Grysk
Hegemony,[72] a warlike species hailing from the Unknown
Regions who had maintained surveillance on the Confederacy
prior contact, they then decided to share information on cortosis,
which was resistant against lightsabers.[72]

Several groups of pirates also signed terms with the Confederacy

of Independent Systems to exclusively target the Galactic Republic
during the Clone Wars, these were the Delmaasi, Iridium, Nuro,
Red Fury Brotherhood, Merson and Nuala Marauders pirates, who
were encouraged by Count Dooku to harass Republic supply

The New Mandalorians government, while part of the

Republic,[26] stayed neutral during the pan-galaxy conflict, and
decided to agree to allow Mandalore as neutral ground to host an
historic peace conference between representatives of the Republic
and the Confederacy in an effort to end the Clone Wars, where the
separatists sought full diplomatic recognition from the Republic,
which it did not grant,[42] a recurring issue since the its birth as a
separate state,[2] but negotiations talks would result in failure.[42]

Society and cultureEdit

"The Confederacy of Independent Systems is honoring Count

Dooku with the Raxian Humanitarian Award."

―Asajj Ventress, to Quinlan Vos[src]

Count Dooku was the main leader of the Confederacy of

Independent Systems who served as a unifying force in the
Separatist State. Many Separatists viewed him as a single,
seemingly invincible figurehead to rally around. Some observers
like the Jedi Master Mace Windu believed that eliminating Dooku
would lead to the disintegration of the Separatist movement.[50]
While the Separatists had other leaders like Separatist Congress
Leader Bec Lawise,[3] Senator Mina Bonteri,[3] General
Grievous,[6] the Viceroy Nute Gunray,[1] and Riff Tamson, all the
other players within the Confederacy were controlled by
Dooku.[50] To boost morale, Dooku traveled to several worlds
including Raxus where he gave rousing speeches defending the
Confederacy's cause and war effort. Wherever he traveled, Dooku
was greeted by large crowds. Despite atrocities like the Attack on
Mahranee, Dooku was still respected enough within the
Confederacy to be conferred with awards like the Raxian
Humanitarian Award.[50]


Fighting for Your Independence

A Separatist propaganda poster named Fighting for Your


According to Dooku's propaganda, the Galactic Republic and the

Jedi Order were the victims of their own ambitions. He also alleged
that the Supreme Chancellor was the pawn of corporate
monopolies and that the Jedi had secretly created the Grand Army
of the Republic to suppress the Confederacy's demands for
reforms and equality. While the Republic's clone troopers were
regarded as unwilling slaves who were regularly sent to their
deaths, the Separatists sacrificed mainly droids. Dooku also
claimed that the Confederacy's flesh and blood soldiers were
willing participants who were fighting for freedom.[50]


"I can only wonder what Count Dooku offered Vallt's new
leadership. Perhaps he promised to tug this world a bit closer to
your star."

"Trade, respect, fair representation in the Confederacy. All that we

weren't receiving as a member of the Republic."

―Galen Erso and Gruppe[src]


The Confederacy of Independent Systems was primarily made up

of alien and near-humans.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems population consisted of

several different non-human[1] alien groups,[60] as well as near-
humans,[73][10] this being reflected in both its military and political
as it hierarchy was largely dominated by non-humans, while all
species were seeking for fair trade, respect, and better
representation in the Confederacy.[74][54][6] As such, the
Confederacy treated human segments of its populations as second
class,[43] due to the corruption and favoritism toward the Core
Worlds.[2] Nevertheless, some humans were known to occupy
high ranking roles within the Confederacy, such as its head of state
Court Dooku being a Serennian,[72] as well as Onderonian King
Sanjay Rash[43] and senator Mina Bonteri.[3]

During the Battle of Mon Cala, the Separatists exploited tensions

between the Mon Calamari and Quarren by backing the latter.[70]
Count Dooku also ordered the enslavement of Mon Calamari
prisoners and civilians.[75] Despite supporting the Quarren, Dooku
made a secret agreement with the Karkarodon leader Riff Tamson
to crown him the new King of Mon Cala.[34] The Confederacy later
committed genocide against the Mahran species and attacked
their homeworld, killing many civilians and refugees. In addition,
the Confederacy also issued an order that all Mahrans were to be
regarded as extremely hostile and killed on sight.[50]


The Separatist State gained a vast transportation network as

systems and sectors broke away from the Republic during the
Separatist Crisis which served as means of both civilian and military
transport to support it objectives. This included several major
hyperspace lanes—which were considered trans-galactic
highways—with their knowledge and existence dating back to well
before the Galactic Republic. Their control was vital for maintaining
an effective means of defense and security during the Clone

Communication and mediaEdit

"Yes, Count Dooku succeeded in using the HoloNet for Separatist

propaganda purposes, but Republic forces were quick to shut
down those Shadowfeeds."

―Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit to Harus Ison, regarding Dooku's

Shadowfeeds during the Clone Wars[src]

The Confederacy lacked its own official holofeeds network, forcing

it to use unauthorized Shadowfeeds instead, which Count Dooku
employed in an effort to spread propaganda during the Clone
Wars. Shadowfeeds were created through sabotage of legitimate
HoloNet networks. However, Republic Intelligence was able to shut
down many of these Shadowfeeds quickly, which eventually led to
the creation of the Commission for the Protection of the Republic.
The governor of the planet Eriadu, Wilhuff Tarkin, was responsible
for frustrating Dooku by providing counterintelligence to shut
down many of his Shadowfeeds during the Clone Wars.[10]


"As I explained to you earlier, I am quite convinced that ten

thousand more systems will rally to our cause."

―Dooku, to the Separatist Council[src]

The Confederacy of Independent Systems numbered at several

thousand star systems, as well as the various commercial groups,
allied under its banner,[1] primarily in the Outer Rim Territories and
Mid Rim, including the capital world of Raxus among

Behind the scenesEdit

The Confederacy of Independent Systems first appeared in Star
Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.[1] Early in production of
Attack of the Clones, the various commerce guilds were to all
employ the same type of battle droids that were used by the Trade
Federation, albeit with different color schemes to differentiate
allegiance, but it was later decided that having each guild have
their own wholly unique droids would provide visual diversity.[80]


Star Wars Journeys: Beginnings

Star Wars: Galactic Defense

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Force Arena

Star Wars Battlefront II

Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure

Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (First appearance)

Galaxy of Adventures logo Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – "Yoda

vs Count Dooku – Size Matters Not"
Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 1

Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 2

Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 3

Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 4

Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 5

Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Cat and Mouse"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Hidden Enemy"

Star Wars: The Clone Wars film

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Clone Cadets"
(Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Supply Lines"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Ambush"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Rising Malevolence"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Shadow of


TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Destroy

Malevolence" (First identified as Separatist Alliance)
"501 Plus One"—Age of Republic Special 1

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Rookies"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Downfall of a Droid"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Duel of the Droids"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Bombad Jedi"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Cloak of Darkness"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Lair of Grievous"

Age of Republic - General Grievous 1

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Dooku Captured"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Gungan General"

Choose Your Destiny: A Clone Trooper Mission

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Jedi Crash"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Defenders of Peace"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Trespass"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Blue Shadow Virus"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Mystery of a

Thousand Moons"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Storm Over Ryloth"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Innocents of Ryloth"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Liberty on Ryloth"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Holocron Heist"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Cargo of Doom"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Children of the
Force" (Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Bounty Hunters"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Zillo Beast"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Zillo Beast
Strikes Back" (Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Senate Spy"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Landing at Point

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Weapons Factory"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Legacy of Terror"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Grievous Intrigue"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Deserter"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Lightsaber Lost"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Mandalore Plot"
(Appears in hologram)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Voyage of


TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Duchess of


TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Death Trap"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "R2 Come Home"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Lethal Trackdown"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Corruption"

(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Assassin" (Mentioned

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "ARC Troopers"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Sphere of Influence"
(First identified as Confederacy of Independent Systems)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Evil Plans" (Appears
in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Hostage Crisis"
(Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Hunt for Ziro"
(Mentioned only)

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Intermission, Part I"—Star

Wars Adventures 12 (Picture only)

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Intermission, Part II"—Star

Wars Adventures 13

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Heroes on Both

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Pursuit of Peace"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Senate Murders"
(Mentioned only)

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel audiobook

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Tales from Wild Space: The
Big March"—Star Wars Adventures 19

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Nightsisters"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Monster"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Witches of the Mist"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Overlords"

(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Citadel"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Counterattack"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Citadel Rescue"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Padawan Lost"

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Roger Roger"—Star Wars

Adventures 19

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Hide and Seek"—Star Wars

Adventures 20

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Water War"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Gungan Attack"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Prisoners"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Shadow Warrior"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Nomad Droids"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Darkness on


TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The General"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Plan of Dissent"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Carnage of Krell"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Kidnapped"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Slaves of the

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Escape from Kadavo"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Friend in Need"
(First identified as Separatist State)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Deception"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Friends and Enemies"
(Appears in hologram)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Box"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Crisis on Naboo"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Massacre"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Bounty" (Appears in

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Brothers"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Revenge" (Indirect
mention only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A War on Two

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Front Runners"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Soft War"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Tipping Points"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Gathering"
(Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Bound for Rescue"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Necessary Bond"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Secret Weapons"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Sunny Day in the
Void" (Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Missing in Action"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Point of No Return"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Revival" (Mentioned

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Eminence"

(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Lawless"
(Mentioned only)

Star Wars: Forces of Destiny—Ahsoka & Padmé (Mentioned only)

Forcesofdestinylogo Star Wars: Forces of Destiny – "Unexpected


TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Sabotage"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Jedi Who Knew
Too Much"

"Sisters"—Age of Republic Special 1 (Appears in flashback(s))

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "To Catch a Jedi"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Wrong Jedi"
(Mentioned only)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Unknown"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Conspiracy" (Appears
in hologram)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Fugitive" (Appears in

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Orders"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "An Old Friend"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Rise of Clovis"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Crisis at the Heart"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Lost One"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Voices" (Appears in

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Sacrifice"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Death on Utapau"
TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "In Search of the
Crystal" (Appears in hologram)

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Crystal Crisis"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Big Bang"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Bad Batch"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Distant Echo"

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "On the Wings of

TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Unfinished Business"

SWInsider "Kindred Spirits"—Star Wars Insider 159 (Mentioned


Dark Disciple

Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 1

Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 2

Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 3

Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 4

Age of Republic - Padmé Amidala 1

Kanan 7 (Mentioned only)

Kanan 8

Kanan 9

Kanan 10

Kanan 11

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Revenge of the Sith Golden Book

Kanan 1

Kanan 2 (Mentioned only)

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 1 (Mentioned only)

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 2 (Mentioned only)

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 12 (Mentioned only)

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith 16 (Appears in flashback(s))

Darth Vader Annual 2 (Vision to Darth Vader)

Kanan 4 (Mentioned only)

Adventures in Wild Space: The Nest (Mentioned only)

Ahsoka (Mentioned only)

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "So Much More"—Star Wars
Adventures Annual 2019 (Mentioned only)

Lords of the Sith (Mentioned only)

Tarkin (Mentioned only)

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Wreckage only)

Rebel Rising (Indirect mention only)

Thrawn (Mentioned only)

Thrawn 1 (Mentioned only)

A New Dawn (Mentioned only)

Lost Stars (Mentioned only)

Last Shot (Mentioned only)

Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks (Mentioned only, as

slang, "Separatist")

Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice (Mentioned only)

Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy (Mentioned only)

Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "The Lost Commanders"

(Emblem only)

Leia, Princess of Alderaan (Mentioned only)

Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "The Protector of Concord
Dawn" (Mentioned only)

Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "Homecoming" (Indirect

mention only)

Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "The Last Battle" (Mentioned


Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "Ghosts of Geonosis"

(Mentioned only)

Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "Secret Cargo" (Emblem only)

Thrawn: Alliances

The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear! (Mentioned only)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Indirect mention only)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization (Mentioned only)

Star Wars: Rogue One: A Junior Novel (Indirect mention only)

Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation (Indirect mention


Rogue One Adaptation 4 (Indirect mention only)

"Stories in the Sand"—From a Certain Point of View (Appears in

"We Don't Serve Their Kind Here"—From a Certain Point of View

(Mentioned only)

Battlefront II: Inferno Squad (Mentioned only)

Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure (Mentioned


Heir to the Jedi (Indirect mention only)

Darth Vader 4 (Wreckage of military assets only)

Darth Vader 6 (Mentioned only)

Doctor Aphra 15 (Mentioned only)

Doctor Aphra 16 (Mentioned only)

Battlefront: Twilight Company (Mentioned only)

Galaxy of Adventures logo Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures – "Yoda

– The Jedi Master" (Appears in flashback(s))

Alphabet Squadron (Mentioned only)

Aftermath (Mentioned only)

Aftermath: Life Debt (Mentioned only)

Aftermath: Empire's End (Indirect mention only)

The Mandalorian Official Logo The Mandalorian – "Chapter 3: The

Sin" (Appears in flashback(s))

The Mandalorian Official Logo The Mandalorian – "Chapter 8:

Redemption" (Appears in flashback(s))

"The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku"—

Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I (Mentioned

Force Collector (Mentioned only)

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller ""—Star Wars Adventures

Ashcan (Appears in flashback(s))

"The Ride"—Canto Bight (Mentioned only)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (Mentioned only)

Resistance Reborn (Mentioned only)

Resistance Reborn audiobook (Mentioned only)

IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5:

Grand Theft Falcon"—Star Wars Adventures 18 (Mentioned only)
(Appears in flashback(s))
"The Droid with a Heart"—Star Wars: Myths & Fables (Appears in


SWCustom-2011 "Ambush" Episode Guide - The Clone Wars on (backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo AAT battle tank in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Buzz droid in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Captain Argyus in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo DDT tank in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Droid gunship in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Dwarf spider droid in the Encyclopedia (link

now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Hydroid Medusa in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)
Encyclopedia-Logo Lux Bonteri in the Encyclopedia (link now
obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Malevolence in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Mina Bonteri in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo MTT in the Encyclopedia (link now obsolete;

backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Onderon rebels in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Padmé Amidala in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Quarren in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Retail Caucus droid in the Encyclopedia (link

now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Rush Clovis in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)
Encyclopedia-Logo Separatist Alliance in the Encyclopedia (link
now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Separatist dreadnought in the Encyclopedia

(link now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Separatist encryption module in the

Encyclopedia (link now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Separatist supply ship in the Encyclopedia (link

now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo super battle droid in the Encyclopedia (link

now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Trade Federation in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Trade Federation landing ship in the

Encyclopedia (link now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Twi'leks in the Encyclopedia (link now obsolete;

backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Umbarans in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)
Encyclopedia-Logo Umbaran hover tank in the Encyclopedia (link
now obsolete; backup link)

Encyclopedia-Logo Wookiees in the Encyclopedia (link now

obsolete; backup link)

Star Wars: Force Collection (Card: San Hill (★★★★) (link)) (First
identified as CIS)

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

Star Wars: Ships of the Galaxy

Star Wars Expert Guide

Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy

Star Wars: Complete Locations

Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy

Star Wars: Galactic Atlas

Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One

Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide

Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier

Darth Vader: Sith Lord

Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia

Star Wars: On the Front Lines

Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and


Star Wars: The Rebel Files

The Last Jedi: Bomber Command

Dawn of Rebellion

Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles

Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide

Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor

Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition

Star Wars: Alien Archive

Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most

Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy

FFG The Engines of War on Fantasy Flight Games' official website

Star Wars: The Dark Side

Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: New Edition

Rise of the Separatists

TIE Fighter Owners' Workshop Manual

Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi

StarWars-DatabankII AAT Battle Tank in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Aayla Secura in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Abafar in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Ackbar in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Coburn in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Trench in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Wullf Yularen in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Agamar in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Agen Kolar in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Ahsoka Tano in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Aiwha in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Anakin Skywalker in the Databank (backup

StarWars-DatabankII Anaxes in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Appo in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Aqua Droid in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII ARC Trooper Echo in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII ARC Trooper Fives in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Asajj Ventress in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Atai Molec in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII B1-series Rocket Battle Droid in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII B2-RP battle droid in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Bail Organa in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Battle Droid in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Battle Droid 513 in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Blue Shadow Virus in the Databank (backup

StarWars-DatabankII Bultar Swan in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Buzz droid in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Captain Argyus in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Cato Neimoidia in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Christophsis in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Clone Trooper Waxer in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Confederacy of Independent Systems in the

Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Corporate Alliance in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Darts D'Nar in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII DDT tank in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Dwarf Spider Droid in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Eeth Koth in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Electrostaff in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Falumpaset in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII FA-4 pilot droid in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Felucia in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Free Ryloth Movement in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Galactic Republic in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Galactic Senate in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII General Tandin in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Geonosis Droid Factory in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Gobi Glie in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Governor Roshti in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Governor Torul Blom in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Hailfire Droid in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Homing Spider Droid in the Databank
(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Hydroid Medusa in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Lux Bonteri in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Mimban in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Mimbanese in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Mina Bonteri in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII MTT in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Onderon Rebels in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Padmé Amidala in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Retail Caucus Droid in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Rush Clovis in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Separatist Dreadnought in the Databank

(backup link)
StarWars-DatabankII Separatist Encryption Module in the
Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Separatist Supply Ship in the Databank

(backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Sith in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Super Battle Droid in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII The Force in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Trade Federation in the Databank (backup


StarWars-DatabankII Trade Federation Landing Ship in the

Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Umbaran in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII WAC-47 in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Wat Tambor in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Wookiee in the Databank (backup link)

StarWars-DatabankII Wookiee Catamaran in the Databank (backup

StarWars-DatabankII Y-wing Starfighter in the Databank (backup

StarWars-DatabankII Yoda in the Databank (backup link)

External linksEdit

SWCustom-2011 SWCA: The Untold Clone Wars Panel Liveblog on

Notes and referencesEdit

↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13
1.14 1.15 1.16 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones

↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Rise of the Separatists

↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The
Clone Wars – "Heroes on Both Sides"

↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Star Wars: On the Front Lines

↑ Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia

↑ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12
6.13 6.14 6.15 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

↑ Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated

and Expanded
↑ A New Dawn

↑ Star Wars: Galactic Atlas

↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Tarkin

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Lost One"

↑ Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Supply Lines"

↑ Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Hidden

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Liberty on Ryloth"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Storm Over

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Battle Droid in the Databank (backup link)

↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Ultimate Star Wars

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Malevolence in the Databank (backup link)

↑ 22.0 22.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Rising
↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Destroy

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Zillo Beast"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Landing at Point

↑ 26.0 26.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The
Mandalore Plot"

↑ 27.0 27.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Duchess
of Mandalore"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "ARC Troopers"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Sphere of


↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Nightsisters"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Monster"

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↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Padawan Lost"

↑ 34.0 34.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars –
↑ 35.0 35.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Shadow

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Senate Murders"

↑ 37.0 37.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Darkness
on Umbara"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Carnage of Krell"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Kidnapped"

↑ 40.0 40.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Slaves of
the Republic"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Escape from

↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A
Friend in Need"

↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A
War on Two Fronts"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Front Runners"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Soft War"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Tipping Points"
↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Point of No

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Unknown"

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Unfinished


↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.6 50.7 50.8 Dark Disciple

↑ 51.0 51.1 Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 1

↑ Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 2

↑ Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 4

↑ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel

↑ Kanan 1

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Po Nudo in the Databank (backup link)

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Passel Argente in the Databank (backup


↑ StarWars-DatabankII Shu Mai in the Databank (backup link)

↑ Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "The Last Battle"

↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 Thrawn

↑ Star Wars: Commander

↑ 62.0 62.1 Aftermath

↑ Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope

↑ Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary

↑ Aftermath: Empire's End

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Crisis at the Heart"

↑ Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Jedi Crash"

↑ StarWars-DatabankII General Kalani in the Databank (backup


↑ 70.0 70.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Water

↑ Kanan 7

↑ 72.0 72.1 72.2 Thrawn: Alliances

↑ Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy

↑ Collapse of the Republic

↑ TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Gungan Attack"

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Raxus in the Databank (backup link)

↑ Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels – "Ghosts of Geonosis"

↑ StarWars-DatabankII Mustafar in the Databank (backup link)

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obsolete; backup link)

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.-No podemos negar los enormes avances realizados a lo largo del devenir histórico. Las
masas humanas han sido los protagonistas de estos avances; los elementos más
progresistas y de avanzada de la humanidad, siempre han luchado por mejorar las
condiciones materiales de su existencia; el desarrollo técnico, producto de la fructífera
actividad práctica del hombre siempre posibilitó el cambio contra las estructuras atrasadas
y caducas, contra los esquemas y vicios reaccionarios; así fue como los productores a lo
largo de la Historia lograron sacudirse las cadenas de los regímenes fallidos, regímenes
que instituían la explotación y la expoliación sobre los hombres. Toda Revolución exitosa
se ha basado en determinado grupo social y se ha dirigido en contra de otros grupos
cuyos intereses materiales los llevaban a sostener un estado de cosas caduco, inviable y
degenerado; así, estos grupos sociales han logrado confrontar, han logrado enfrentar y
destruir, las formaciones político-sociales basadas en los intereses de las clases sociales,
enemigas de las transformaciones revolucionarias. El devenir histórico, las necesidades
imperativas de la materia en movimiento, han llevado a las masas a rebelarse contra el
latrocinio, contra sistemas sociales basados en la violencia, la muerte y el terrorismo
absoluto. La conjugación del desarrollo de las fuerzas materiales productivas de la
sociedad siempre generó nuevos estados de conciencia revolucionaria, que permitieron al
Hombre conquistar su dignidad y su libertad. Como los hijos eternos de Espartaco, hemos
derrotado al esclavismo, arrasamos al feudalismo con sus reyes enviando al basurero de
la Historia al sistema de servidumbre, luego, con el surgimiento de la ideología
revolucionaria del marxismo-leninismo, las masas trabajadoras de todo el mundo
desarrollaron un nivel de conciencia social y de clase sin precedentes que posibilitó la
organización revolucionaria, para la aniquilación del Imperialismo; los oprimidos se dieron
cuenta de la noción de que los trabajadores son quienes manejaban las palancas y botones
de la sociedad moderna; entendieron las leyes materiales que regían la naturaleza y la
sociedad y que según estas mismas leyes ningún sistema era un yugo fatal que había que
soportar, sino un error histórico, que podía ser racionalmente corregido a través de una
correcta interpretación científica de los hechos de la realidad, para su posterior

Naturalmente esto encontró resistencia: aquellos parásitos sociales, gérmenes y

bacterias, que infectaban el Organismo Humano, aquellos que vivían del trabajo, sacrificio
y sufrimiento de millones, organizaron a lo largo de la Historia, sus dispositivos militares,
sus programas de asesinato y de terrorismo, para acabar con el empuje victorioso de la
humanidad progresista... esto obligó a los Hombres a defenderse, a la participación
militarizada de las masas explotadas en el concurso de su liberación, porque como decía
Lenin, Salvo El Poder Todo es Ilusión. Hoy podemos decir que acabamos con todos ellos.
Con todos los explotadores, los terroristas y los fascistas. El Capitalismo Monopolista, el
Imperialismo Depredador fue destruido por la clase más revolucionaria de la Historia: El
Proletariado, que a través de su vanguardia revolucionaria, lideró a la humanidad
progresista por los senderos de La Batalla y la Victoria Absoluta. Bajo la guía de las ideas
inmortales de Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Il Sung y Kim Jong Il
establecimos un Nuevo Imperio: El Imperio de la Clase Obrera, el más universal de todos,
basado en un Internacionalismo sin límites, con el claro objetivo de substituir el gobierno
sobre los hombres por la administración de las cosas. A pesar de todos los reveses...
Estamos en los últimos capítulos del proceso histórico, Logramos la Federación de
Repúblicas Socialistas Mundiales. Todo el esfuerzo de la humanidad concentrado en un
solo lugar y enfocado hacia la domesticación absoluta de la naturaleza, hacia la
construcción de la Civilización del Comunismo Científico. Hemos ensanchado nuestras
fronteras hacia otros planos del mundo material. Nos advocamos a la Conquista del
Espacio, para hacer lugar a nuevas tierras habitables para los seres humanos. Estas,
camaradas, no son meras abstracciones ni ficciones como las que acostumbraban los
reaccionarios del pasado a pregonar, con la finalidad de alinear a las masas y enajenar sus
consciencias; son conquistas materiales concretas: ¿O es que los millones de seres
humanos que hoy pueblan grandes extensiones planetas a distancias inconcebibles para
la humanidad de hace cuatro Siglos, en los Asentamientos Comunales Socialistas: Bolshoi
1, Komosol 24, Sputnik 72, la Ciudad José Martí y la Comuna Robespierre son una simple
abstracción o un optimismo pequeño-burgués? ¡Contemplad camaradas, masas de la
humanidad, las grandes realizaciones de la Civilización del Socialismo! instaladas todas, en
planetas a millones de años de la tierra. Eso pertenece al pasado. La línea actual, de todas
las organizaciones comunistas de la tierra, está clara: El Futuro de la Humanidad se
encuentra en el Espacio. Sin Exploración ni Domesticación del Espacio no habrá nunca
Comunismo Científico. El Comunismo Espacial, esa es la voz de mando de todos los
revolucionarios de la Tierra.

Sin embargo... y nuestra filosofía científica, fundamentada en el método dialéctico

marxista siempre lo señaló, el mundo no discurre en armonía. El mundo crece y se
desarrolla de acuerdo a contradicciones intrínsecas en los fenómenos; así es como se
desarrolla la materia en movimiento. Esto implica que el mundo es una lucha constante,
entre fuerzas materiales opuestas inherentes a todos los fenómenos. El espacio exterior,
es parte del mundo de la materia y no escapa de esas leyes; por eso, no puedo en este
momento hacer otra cosa, que denunciar a los resquicios reaccionarios en nuestra
humanidad, de tendencias claramente derrotistas, llenos de idealismo optimista, que
nublan el juicio y distorsionan la conciencia que debe tener un revolucionario. Aquellos,
que pensaban que La Conquista del Espacio se realizaría sin problemas; que no surgirían
contratiempos, ni obstáculos en el camino por ensanchar los límites que hagan falta para
salvaguardar la existencia de la especie humana; esos que se horrorizaron ante el
descubrimiento de esa forma de vida nueva ¿monstruosa? Sin lugar a dudas; pero al fin y
al cabo, parte del mundo material, sujeta a leyes y categorías de causa y efecto, por ende,
superable, derrotable. No hay nada que El Hombre no pueda superar. El Hombre es el
dueño de todo y lo decide todo, decía Kim Il Sung... esa, abominación, no detendrá,
nuestros planes de construcción del Comunismo Científico; por nuestros hijos y nuestro
futuro, no podemos detenernos, los comunistas no podemos ser cobardes ¡La
participación militarizada de la humanidad toda logrará aplastar a las monstruosidades y
aberraciones producidas por un medio ambiente atroz, en quién sabe cloaca espacial! Así
lo creo. Después de más de 500 años de Paz, hoy más que nunca, tocará resucitar los
gritos de Guerra del Proletariado que logró acabar con La Humanidad Reaccionaria ¡Hasta
la Victoria Siempre Camaradas! ¡Venceremos! ¡Hoy como ayer, Las Fuerzas Armadas
Revolucionarias del Mundo son la garantía de la culminación de El Proceso Revolucionario!

El Comisario de La Administración Comunal se apersonó al desfile a las 1500 horas, a

bordo de su clásica limosina negra y acompañado de los más altos funcionarios. El Paseo
de la Revolución (una extensión de asfalto de tamaño monumental que finalizaba en una
estatua colosal de piedra y concreto armado y que representaba a una mano sosteniendo
una antorcha en dirección al cielo) se encontraba repleto de agrupaciones de personas en
los costados laterales alzando al aire pequeñas banderas rojas y racimos de flores
amarillas. Había niños con sus globos rojos y muchachas jóvenes con puestos de limonada
helada. Cuando las masas detallaron al Comisario empezaron a aplaudir alocadamente.
Era una tarde anaranjada, de esas que cualquiera querría pasar con una chica en un
Parque, o al menos, eso es lo que Eisenach estaba deseando en aquél momento. Se
encontraba de pie, como una roca, en gallarda posición militar, sosteniendo su fusil
ceremonial frente a él (se hallaba equipado con balloneta), como un mártir de la de la
Época de Transición del Capitalismo al Socialismo; correctamente uniformado, como un
conscripto de Las Tropas Guardafronteras, uno más, de una agrupación de parada de
tamaño Compañía, con un personal de más de 250 Hombres. Llevaba más de cinco horas
allí parado. El uniforme consistía en una gorra alta con una estrella verde bordada en rojo
en el centro frontal, un paltó militar de color marrón con presillas doradas en los hombres,
corbata negra, camisa blanca, el pantalón ceremonial con rayas rojas en la parte lateral y
unos zapatos de charol tan relucientes que Eisenach creía que podrían reflejar el rostro de
cualquiera que se le parase enfrente. Él mismo se había pasado toda la noche anterior
arreglando su uniforme con esmero. Tenía que dar el ejemplo ante La Sociedad como El
Combatiente que era. La Limosina del Comisario pasó justo delante de ellos para
detenerse unos 300 metros hacia el Norte, justo allí, quedaba una tribuna, en donde
estaban dispuestos los amplificadores de sonido.

El Comisario, se bajó de la Limosina con dos otros miembros de la Administración

Comunal y personal de seguridad; subió las escaleras del palco en compañía de su grupo
de confianza. La multitud comenzaba a gritar las consignas del Partido: “Arriba El
Camarada Pomerenko, La Ciudad Comunal José Martí no se rinde ante nada”. El Camarada
Comisario Pomerenko estaba ya en los sistemas de sonido. Las cámaras estaban en
posición y transmitirían la alocución y el desfile a todas partes de La Ciudad. A lo largo del
Paseo se habían habilitado enormes vallas publicitarias, hechas con material tradicional de
fotos y pancarta, que mostraban una imagen de los miembros del Junta Gobernante de la
Federación de Repúblicas Socialistas Mundial, electa por los miembros de La Internacional
Comunista (o Liga de Organizaciones Revolucionarias Marxistas-Leninistas). La imagen
estaba recortada sobre un fondo color blanco. Mostraba al secretario del Partido
Comunista de la Federación Rusia M.A Driesch, al secretario del Partido Comunista de la
Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Latinoamericanas J.M Portocarrero, al secretario del
Partido Comunista de la Unión Africana Donald Hudson y al secretario del Partido
Comunista de La República Socialista de Corea Rae Dun He. Todos vestían trajes negros,
sonreían y aplaudían. Por debajo de ellos, estaba la imagen del corpulento Camarada
Pomerenko, con su cabello gris casi plateado, su traje negro, con corbata roja y su sonrisa
de gigante con el puño en alto. “La Administración Comunal de José Martí es la garantía
para la salvación de la especie humana; ¡Aquí no se rinde nadie!” rezaba la valla. El
Camarada Comisario Pomerenko se puso delante de los sistemas de sonido sin decir ni
una palabra. Fue entonces cuando El Coronel Trieschke vociferó en ruso:

.- ¡A la Iz-Quier!

Toda la agrupación de parada, que comprendía más de mil hombres entre Tropas
Guardafronteras, Guardias y Policías Comunales y Milicias, obedecieron la orden, como el
mecanismo taylorista que eran, cimentados en la programación y mecanización de todos
los movimientos musculares. Quedaron con la mirada enfocada al final del Paseo. El
tanque de asedio B-245 avanzó lentamente hasta el Frente de la Tribuna donde se
encontraban los altos oficiales de El Poder Comunal. El Mariscal de Campo Othmar Kappel,
llevaba la mitad del cuerpo afuera, se hallaba asomado por la escotilla y sostenía un Fusil
de Asalto T-2000. Cuando El tanque quedó en frente de la Tribuna. Othmar Kappel, habló.
Sus emisiones fonéticas se encontraban amplificadas por los sistemas microfónicos
instalados en el tanque para esa ocasión especial:


.- Buenas Tardes, Mariscal.- Respondió Pomerenko.



.- ¡DÉ PUES LA ORDEN COMANDANTE! – Respondió Pomerenko con un grito desde el

fondo de sus pulmones -¡SIN DILACIÓN!


El Tanque B-245, dio marcha atrás, giró a la derecha y enfiló en dirección a la Agrupación
de Parada.
.- A-TEN-CIÓN.- Gritó Kappa.

Todos los hombres adoptaron la posición de un solo golpe.


Las primeras columnas de la agrupación, encabezadas por miembros de La Tercera

Compañía de Guardias Comunales comenzaron a avanzar al mismo tiempo que los
tambores de la banda de guerra repiqueteaban. Era un desplazamiento perfecto. Cada
redoble implicaba un nuevo paso, rígido, mecanizado, al estilo de la oca. Los Guardias
Comunales tardaron unos diez minutos en pasar frente a la Tribuna de la Administración
y cuando lo hicieron, los hombres levantaron la cabeza hacia el cielo y la giraron en
dirección al Palco a la vez que saludaban, con excepción de aquellos que se hallaban en
la columna del extremo izquierdo. Los siguientes en desplazarse fueron los de las Milicias
de Asentamiento, que lucían uniformes de combate de color verde y quepis militares;
sostenían lanzadores de granadas auto-propulsadas. Estos, marchaban, moviendo los
brazos a los lados. La banda de guerra comenzó a tocar un viejo popurrí militar de la
época del Imperio Prusiano. Eisenach, estaba tenso, esperando su turno para comenzar a
desfilar. Un narrador de la Televisora Revolucionaria Simón Rodríguez describía cada
detalle del desfile.

.- Pasan delante de la tribuna de El Poder Comunal; los milicianos del Quinto Regimiento
Ernst Thaelmann, armados con medios de combate inteligentes; los lanzadores de
granadas, autopropulsadas Maceo-24, de fácil utilización por parte de las grandes masas
del pueblo, disparan ojivas inteligentes capaces de sintonizar la frecuencia
electromagnética de elementos insectoides, para enfilar hacia ellos y lograr el mayor grado
de destrucción de eso tipo de seres, representativos de una materia demencialmente
organizada por un medio físico y ambiental atroz ¡MILICIANOS DE EL PODER POPULAR
ROJA!- Era una voz metálica y gruesa. Hablaba en ruso, pero con un acento claramente
sudamericano. Eisenach, que llevaba un año, como Combatiente de Guardiafronteras,
nunca la había escucha antes.

Los Milicianos eran seguidos por el Sexto Batallón de Guardias; estos estaban enfundados
en trajes de cosmonautas, aunque los visores de vidrio levantados, dejando ver los rostros
y sosteniendo Fusiles de Asalto T-2000 desde la cadera hacia adelante, en la posición de
Presenten...AR sin bayoneta y marcando el paso. Uno de ellos sostenía una Bandera Roja,
que representaba en el centro un globo terráqueo de color azul, con el símbolo de la
estrella roja en el centro. Al lado del portador del estandarte, se hallaban dos escoltas de
bandera, con sus trajes espaciales relucientes y las vísceras abajo, armados, con equipos
de guerra química.

.- En trajes especiales, para soportar el medio abrupto del Espacio Exterior en planetas no
aptos para la vida humana, desfila La Tercera Brigada de Guardias Especiales, exhibiendo
los medios de combate más básicos para el enfrentamiento operativo militar.

El Comisario Pomerenko, saludó a las agrupaciones a medida que marchaban a paso

coordinado sobre el asfalto plano y pasaban delante de la Tribuna.
Tocaba el turno a la agrupación de Eisenach. Eran cerca de 250 Hombres, representativos
del Vigésimo Primer Regimiento de Tropas Guardafronteras “Comandante Eterno Hugo
Chávez”. De toda la agrupación, eran los únicos que lucían trajes militares de gala. El
Comandante del Regimiento Miguel “Miguelito” Rodríguez estaba el frente de la
formación, acompañado de un escolta de bandera, que sostenían en sus manos la bandera
del regimiento, cuyos elementos imagínales constitutivos comprendían un fondo rojo,
atravesado por una Cruz de San Andrés Azul y en el centro, la efigie del Comandante
Hugo Chávez. La banda de guerra comenzó a tocar las notas de un antiguo popurrí militar
muy escandaloso. A Eisenach se lo antojó eterna la marcha. Cuando estaban cerca de la
tribuna, giraron la vista a la Izquierda, observando al Comisario Pomerenko que los
saludaba. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las personas, Pomerenko era un físico,
matemático e ingeniero que venía de La Tierra, graduado en la Universidad de la Amistad
“Patrice Lubumba”. Eisenach sabía que en La Tierra, las tecnologías de automatización y
robotización de la producción estaban tan adelantadas, que el trabajo como tal era
organizado por unos pocos especialistas y gerentes, que se encargaban de la planificación
informática de la totalidad de la producción mundial. En los Asentamientos Comunales,
muchas de esas tecnologías habían llegado todavía y se trataba de elevar el nivel técnico
de los mismos a toda costa. El narrador de la Televisora Comunal seguía hablando, pero
Eisenach estaba abstraído en sus propios pensamientos. Cuando se unió al Cuerpo de
Guardiafronteras, Eisenach hubo de hacer un gran esfuerzo para concentrarse a la hora
de realizar marchas y movimientos de orden cerrado, pero después de tres años, esos
movimientos ya estaban grabados irremediablemente en su sub-consciente y podía
ejecutarlos sin pensar, ya eran parte de un programa. Siguieron marchando, pasando
frente a las masas congregadas a ambos lados de El Paseo Militar de la Ciudad José Martí.
Los siguientes en desfilar fueron los Tanques de Guerra y los Transportes de Personal, así
como las Piezas de Artillería Autopropulsada con capacidad de lanzar ojivas nucleares
tácticas; los últimos en pasar fueron Misiles Balísticos de Alcance Planetario.
.- ¡Camaradas! ¡Miembros del Poder Comunal! ¡Comisarios del Pueblo! Este es un día que
deberá henchir nuestros pechos y nuestros corazones e inflar nuestro espíritu bolchevista.
Bolchevismo quiere decir la Voluntad de las Mayorías, de superar todos los obstáculos y
todos los escollos, todos los errores, que se interponen en la absoluta emancipación del
Ser Social. Decía Stalin que la Verdadera Voluntad de Poder consistía un someter los
deseos de uno mismo, a los deseos del Colectivo. Estos deseos no deben entenderse de
un modo abstracto: se trata de las necesidades materiales existenciales de las Grandes
Masas de la Humanidad. Hoy se encuentran aquí, emplazados y listos, los Ejércitos de las
Mayorías Trabajadoras; el Brazo Armado de la Humanidad: ¡Un Saludo a las Fuerzas
Armadas Populares Mundiales! 1000 Combatientes, estacionados, prestos para salir a
defender nuestras Conquistas... ¡Después de haber derrotado, a los sectores de la
humanidad reaccionaria! ¡Después de haber unificado a la especie humana bajo una sola
bandera! Ha surgido un nuevo enemigo. Ello es natural; el Proceso de domesticación de
la naturaleza es una lucha. El Hombre para ser el Dueño de Todo y Decidirlo Todo, debe
ser ante todo un combatiente, porque el mundo es una lucha entre procesos
contradictorios inherentes a los fenómenos de la realidad. Por eso, yo me burlo de los
traidores, de los cobardes, que pensaron, que la lucha acabaría derrotando a la Burguesía...
¡No! ¡Las viejas estructuras de la Burguesía y del Fascismo han sido arrasadas y la lucha
continúa! Mao Tse Tung ya hablaba de que la sociedad comunista tardaría cerca de mil
años en establecerse; durante esos mil años, no cesaba la lucha de clases, no cesaba la
lucha contra la burguesía; la burguesía podía seguir existiendo durante el Socialismo, podía
intentar una restauración... debemos estar vigilantes con las tendencias burguesas en el
interior, para removerlas de la sociedad... sin embargo, la burguesía restante, no es el
nuevo enemigo; en nuestra exploración y Conquista del Espacio Exterior, los Hombres
encontramos una Forma de Vida Fóranea, que consiste en un tipo de materia altamente
organizada y muy inteligente cuya agresividad y monstruosidad, se puede explicar por las
abruptas condiciones de existencia del Medio Ambiente donde originalmente habitan... el
cual, según las Investigaciones Adelantadas por El Instituto Comunista de Exploración
Espacial; se encuentra a más de 1000 años luz, del actual Planeta donde nos encontramos
y a 5000 mil años de luz de la tierra ¡Imaginaos lo que eso significa! A pesar de su
irracionalidad y su locura, esta especie es capaz de efectuar viajes inter-estelares y su
comportamiento se basa en la expoliación; necesitan expandirse para satisfacer su atroz
lógica de Explotación de Recursos; no se puede razonar con ellos; a pesar de ser materia
altamente organizada, están muy por debajo de nosotros términos de inteligencia; no
demuestran ser capaces de desarrollar lo que se entiende como una moral... y aunque
ciertamente, son capaces de generar armas y de viajar en el espacio, esta forma de vida
insectoíde es incapaz de desarrollar otro modelo de existencia, por las horribles
condiciones de su Planeta Natal. Estamos pues, en una época histórica nueva, sellada por
la Contradicción Irremediable entre dos formas de vida altamente organizada, aunque una
es superior a la otra... el devenir histórico nos favorece; debemos establecer El Comunismo
Científico cueste lo que cueste y salirle al paso a cualquier enemigo, que se interponga en
la larga marcha de la Humanidad. ¡Observad pues, camaradas, a los combatientes
estacionados frente a vosotros! ¡Ellos están dispuestos a ofrendar sus vidas, a ser mártires
para que todos ustedes puedan vivir tranquilos y gozar de la existencia digna, inherente a
la condición humana! Dentro de dos semanas; zarparán como integrantes de la Tercera
Flota y serán desplegados en una enorme luna conocida como Freya-25, la cual se
encuentra muy cerca de este planeta y está infestada de esta forma de vida aberrante y
monstruosa que mencionamos... queremos evitar otro ataque como el que asoló al
Asentamiento Bolshoi 4... Freya-25 debe ser limpiado, ni una sola de esas plagas o
bacterias debe subsistir...

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