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Hitchhiking Through Another World #4

With the squeal of brakes and lurch of heavy steel, the bus came to a stop and the line of
demi’s waiting to get on started shambling in. Rowan ended up on the tail end of that line, still
coming off the post-sex bliss, and as with any bus line, it moved and stopped, moved and
stopped as one demi paid and another stepped up to do the same. At one point, Rowan’s ears
caught the ticket price and winced. It was waaaaaay too high for a drifter like her and as it drew
ever closer to her turn, she wondered if she was better off just walking. Fortune, however,
decided to shine her.
“Oh, a human!” exclaimed the bus driver, a woman’s body was encased in a turtle’s
shell, a streak of red in her cheeks. “We don’t get many of you around here.”
“Uh, yep. How much do I owe you?”
“Not a penny at all, though unfortunately.” The bus driver looked back, prompting
Rowan to do the same. Much to her surprise, the bus was completely packed, with demi’s no
less. All eyes, as was the recurring thing of her venture in this new world, were on her and each
as turned on as the last. “We’re uh, little full at the moment.”
“That’s alright, I don’t mind standing.”
“Well then, welcome aboard.”
With a steely creak, the doors closed shut and the engine grumbled to life. AS it started
out of the parking lot, and down the road, Rowan shuffled all the way to the back; all eyes
following as she did. It was still such an uncomfortable sensation to be the center of attention,
especially being a drifter who often stayed out the world’s focus.
“Excuse me.” Squeaked a little voice.
Rowan stopped and looked to its source, a young woman with large, mouse-like ears and
a little button nose. She was a small thing compared to the others both at the diner and on the
boss, at least a head or two shorter than Rowan.
“Would you like my seat, miss?” She continued as soon as she grabbed Rowan’s
“Sure, uh thanks.”
There was an awkward silence as Rowan waited for the mouse girl to move while the
mouse girl sat there looking up in wait for something, blinking twice.
“A-Are you going to take your seat then?” She asked again, this time wiggling out of her
clothes. “Y’know, while I’m still in it?”
“Uhhhh...” Rowan looked around confused and when it became clear the human was
well beyond confused, the mouse put it bluntly.
“Just slide me up your ass, ok?”
At this point, she wasn’t surprised another Demi wanted to get eaten; what surprised her,
however, was how she wanted to get eaten. An ass! Rowan had some experience in sticking
things up there, though nothing as large as a whole person! Rowan couldn’t help but shift
uncomfortably as she tried to come to terms with the idea, but seeing as the Mouse was growing
visibly annoyed, Rowan decided to put the things she knew about insertion to practice.
Letting her pants fall to the floor for the third or fourth time today, she scooted into the
small space between the front of one chair and the back of another. With a deep, deep breath,
she prepared herself for a moment before planting her pale, bare ass on the mouse’s head.
Grunting and groaning, she forced herself down and every so slowly, her pucker started to
stretch over the mouse girl’s head. It wasn’t easy and it was far from painless, but she got the
head in after a couple of minutes, pausing to catch her breath. Of course, everyone was
watching. Most were masturbating while others watched like they were committing the image of
a human with a woman’s head up her ass to memory for later enjoyment. At this point, Rowan
was getting so used to it, it was more annoying than anything.
Once she was ready, Rowan began her next challenge: the shoulders. With maybe more
force than necessary, she shoved herself downwards, her asshole painfully, yet somewhat
pleasurably stretching over them. Successfully, they were swallowed up and with that hill
overcome, the rest of her body actually went in pretty smoothly and unexpectedly quick! Next
thing Rowan knew, she was gliding down the mouse’s body, right over her thin chest and all the
way down to the seat; stomach rabidly bulging out in a strange contorted shape.
“Oh god, this is different.” She groaned, watching the Mouse girl joyfully writhing in her
guts. She glanced at her awkward position and pondered. “Now what...”
Rowan thought on it a little more, than learned to suck. With surprisingly great internal
strength, her asshole proceeded to suck in the remaining Mouse girl between her thick cheeks,
her pucker eagerly gobbling up those slender legs like a ravenous beast with a loud, crass suck
that surely made plenty of panties wet; especially for those who watched the mouse’s feet vanish
between Rowan’s asscheeks. With that, the Mouse girl’s fate was sealed, traveling through
Rowan’s bowels and eventually arriving in her stomach. Again, that hyperactive stomach,
enjoying such a smorgasbord today, quickly got to work while Rowan tried making her now sore
ass comfortable.
Ignoring the moans and looks she was getting, Rowan tried settling down for a nap and
with some bit of fortune, drowsiness came upon her quick. Her consciousness faded into
slumber, the last thing she heard was the uproarious gurgles and churn of her ass meat.

“Excuse me, excuse me, ma’am?”

Rowan’s eyes fluttered open to find a catgirl leaning over her.
“Hi, I’m sorry for waking you human, but the bus driver would like to speak with you.”
“Huh, oh alright.” grunted Rowan, drearily picking herself up. She gleaned over her
stomach to find that it was back to its slim normalcy, just like it was after the others were
churned. She made her way to the front, where the bus driver noticed her coming in the rear
view mirror.
“You know, I was expecting a lot more from you.” She said, somewhat disappointed.
“Huh?” groaned the human. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t you know, most of us like having a human on the bus. Usually means everyone
either gets fucked, eaten, or both. Moment I saw you at the station, I figured everyone was
dinner the moment you stepped on, but so far you’ve only had one.”
Rowan shook her head.
“Oh god, I’m still in this nightmare.” She muttered uttered under her breath, then slowly
turned to face the rest of the bus. So many eager faces looking back, so many wanted to join the
Mouse girl in the tomb that was Rowan’s guts. A sense of dread washed over her like a tsunami.

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