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The Puppet show

My friends and I thought about surprising my cousin on

her birthday with a puppet show.
My cousin is called Carla, she is 10 years old, she is
blonde, she has curly hair and blue eyes.
She is an energetic, stubborn little girl but she has a big
heart. She loves animals and wants to become a vet.
Recently, an unfortunate accident forced her to stay in
the hospital for a few days, she had fallen on the ice rink.
Mary and I decided to be in charge of the dolls and the
script, and two other friends to build the scene. The
puppet show was inspired by the Little Mermaid story.
We got the costumes and the puppets ready and in one
day we learned our lines. Then we went to the hospital.
For the background I bought a blue canvas which was
the sea water, glitter and sparkles for Ariel's dress and a
red silk curtain. When Carla saw us, she knew we were
preparing something special for her. Her blue eyes
gleamed with happiness. In the white, shabby room, my
cousin was watching the adventures of the Little
Mermaid who went in search of true love. She watched
as Ursula put the mermaid under a spell and as the sea
king gazed troubled as his daughter gave up everything
to fulfill her dream of being human.
ARIEL: I hope my story will make you understand that in
life you must overcome every obstacle with a great
amount of courage. Your accident is just a moment you
have to go through in order to be stronger.

Our play brought lots of applause from my cousin, but

also from other younger children, who had gathered to
watch the show. See, it takes only a little sparkle of
kindness to bring a smile on someone s face!
To this day, my cousin's favorite book is Little Mermaid.
She loved the story so much, that once, while I was
visiting her her, I overheard her reading The Little
Mermaid to the sick dolls!

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