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Student: Samanta Pomboza

Level: 5
Topic: Wasting Food
Wasting food is one of the biggest environmental issues in our society, and people don’t realize
the damage that they are doing to the environment when they waste food. So, what are we doing
when we waste food?
First of all, we need a lot of water for food production. We need water to irrigate the crops, and
to feed animals that give us the meat to make this food. For this reason, when we waste food, also
we are wasting water.
Secondly, we need more farmlands and factories to make our food, this cause that people log a
lot of trees, especially in rainforests. Wildlife that lives in these rainforests die and also they are
endangered. In the sea happens the same. Many fish die due to many people fish a lot and without
responsibility. However, many people work in factories and work fishing, these are their ways of
living, but many times they do it irresponsibly and people do not notice the damage that they are
causing to the environment.
Finally, rotten food eliminates a gas called methane, this gas is very dangerous and it is the
responsible for global warming and therefore the quality of many people, animals and plants.
In addition, when you throw your food other animals eat it, which causes infections in their
stomachs and probably their death.
In conclusion, many of the times we do not notice the damage that we cause in the environment
when we waste food. We only worry about the money that we have spent, but we do not think
about the situations that happens around us. When we waste food we are killing animals, and
plants. On top of that we are responsible for the great climatic changes that we have every day.
We have to be aware and change our way of thinking, be responsible for what we buy and what
we waste, because someday we will not have food or water as we have now and the environment
will be destroyed.

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