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19 February 2020
Grade 1 “Hello”

Activities Time Alocation

Greeting and Introducing 10 minutes
 Teacher says “Hi” and “Hello”
 Teacher introduces herself
 Teacher asks student’s name
Sing “Hello Song” 10 minutes

Introducing my self: saying name each student. 10 minutes

 Students introduce their names “My name is....”
Introducing simple word in Games 15 minutes
 Teacher shows simple word and gives example of
simple instruction “ clap”, “sit”, “jump” and others.
 Teacher chooses a student to give direction to her/
his friend.
Asking how are you 10 minutes
 Teacher shows student to ask “ how are you” and
shows to answer it.
 Students practice in pair to ask “how are you”
Parting 5 minutes
 Students conclude what they have learned in a brief.
 Students sing “Hello” song once again.
 Students say goodbye at each other

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