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Introduction: A person is said to be elderly (aged) if he is> 60 years old.

In the elderly
experiencing the aging process that results in a decrease in bodily functions one of which is
cognitive function. Based on the results of observations made at PPSLU Cepiring in some
elderly people using the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE), it is found that elderly who
experience cognitive decline. Elderly who experience changes in cognitive function on
average become easily forgotten so that it disrupts daily activities. Objective: This study aims
to determine the description of cognitive function in the elderly at PPSLU Cepiring. Method:
The design of this study uses descriptive analytic variables with cognitive function in the
elderly. The population is the elderly who live in PPSLU Cepiring. A sample of 71 elderly
people who met the inclusion criteria (elderly who were willing to be respondents, were
cooperative, had no neurological disorders and were not illiterate). The sampling technique
uses purposive sampling. Results: The results of the study found that the majority of elderly
people with the type of discovery with a moderate cognitive level of 46.8%. Good cognitive
level is indicated by the majority of elderly men as much as 54.2%. By looking at the results
of these studies, it can be done several things that can help reduce the process of cognitive
decline in the elderly, one of which is to keep a diary and increase religious activities for the
elderly who are still productive.
Keywords: Elderly, Cognitive Function

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