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ABlwortipd FORUM 2018 AGENDA ‘Thursday, March 8 Albay Registration The Colonial Lounge 5:00-6:00 pm, Reception ‘The Beach Club 6:00-6:10 p.m, Introduction Tuly Fried Welcome ‘Athur Brooks 6110-730 p.m Dinner 7:45-8:45 p.m, Evening Conversation Mizner Ballroom, The Cloister ‘A Conversation with Steve Ballmer Mate Thiessen (Moderator) 9:00-10:00 p.m, Starlight Chats The Cloister ‘AConversation with Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta John Bailey (Moderater) ‘A Conversation with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Jeo Bush (Moderator) How America Bounces Back David Brooks: Introduction: Ramesh Ponnuru Shutteswllrun between The Cloister, Beach Club, and ean Villas everyday between 6:45 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. For pickup om yur room, cial x5701 Friday, March 9 7:30-8:30. Early Bird Breakfasts Mizner Baroom, The Cloister Local Government Policy Challenges David Brooks (Moderator) ‘AConversation with Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson Robert Doar (Moderator) ‘AConversation with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Michael Strain (Moderator) 84510:15 am. Breakout Sessions The Cloister Building Skills and the Middle Class Alexander Acosta ‘Many ae teady to abandon the “college forall” model of success in John Delaney ‘America. But technological progress and globalization are barrersto Doug Ducey Achieving 2 middle-clas life wthout attending college. Hove can public Joni Emst policy help people build the 2st-century ails necessary to enter the David Perdue middle dss? How can policy encourage participation in the workforce Todd Young ‘mare broadly? What are the barriers and opportunities? Members of Stan Veuger(Moderatar) Congress who ren the fran lines ofthis dscussion will explore these issuesand more, Confidential ‘The New Empire Builders: China, Iran, and Russia Dan Blumenthal ‘After World War there was the Cold Wr, then the unipolar US ed Mike Gallagher World, Nowis the eacof the ise ofthe revisionist powers—Chin, ran, Michael Gove and Russia. Once gret empires, these rations are led by imperial nosta Gary Schmitt gs bent not simply on accumulating power ard wealth fr themselves Nall Ferguson Moderator) _butalsoin changing the balance of power across the globe. Can they succeed? They already are. AsofMoveh7, 2018 ZPwWORLD FORUM 2018 AGENDA Who Escapes Poverty, Opioid Addiction, and Bad Neighborhoods? Mike Lee ‘Many large and small communities across the county sttuggle with Rob Portman poverty, drug abuse, deteriorating neighborhoods, and faling schools Sally Satel ‘Yetsome people manage to escape those conditions and move up the 1D, Vance “American ladder of prosperity, How do they do t when sa many others Robert Dosr (Moderator) do nol? Wha lessons can we leam for better culture and policy? 10:30am-12:00p.m. General Session The Cloister Ballroom 2017: The Best Year in Human History? Eliott Abrams Several natatives compete today about the state of the world. To Tyler Cowen believe the headlines sto believe thatthe wortdison the rink of Nick Eberstadt ‘ar and economic collapse and that mserysinexarably on the ise Phil Gramm ‘Meanie, the numbers tela ferent story: Fewer ae hungyy ewer Glenn Hubbard ‘are dying of disease teracy son the upswing, more people ae sing Said Javid ‘ut of poverty, and ther is more opportunity foal, the same time, Frederick Kagan ‘we see a menacing North Korea, waves of disease and famine across Geese the Hom of Afca, and millons of refugees, more than at any time since [Dees ‘World Wels the worl improving or gating worse? Paul Gigot (Moderato) 12:15-1:30 p.m. Luncheon ‘The Beach Club ‘AConversation with House Speaker Paul Ryan ‘Arthur Brooks (Maderator) 2:00-3:15 pam ‘Allernoon Sessions The Cloister Big Tech: Friend or Foe? ErikBrynjotsson ‘Should we break up Big Tech? Have major tech fms becerne moniop- Bil Kristol lies that requie antitrust action? Have they became a threat to our Eric Schmiat| culture, pushing young people out ofthe eal world and into a vital Michael Sain ‘one? Aze tech compsries misusing brain scence to hook you on their James Pethokoukis (Maderator) Product? Is privacy dead, and ae tech companies a threat to our demo ‘acy? Oris Big Tech one ofthe rly bright spots inthe US economy, fueling a revolution that wil make al people beter off? ‘A Conversation with Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao Karlyn Bowman (Moderator) 2:00-4:00 p.m, ‘Atienoon Session (Ocean Room, The Beach Club ‘Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist Today: An Interactive Session on the Future of Warfare Evan Hunt Lasers, atic intligence, sound waves, and directed eneray: the ‘Aaron Martin future? The latest Terminator fick? Nope. These are the weapons of Stephen Mueller ‘oda, Join usto tak about how cutting-edge weaponry works, learn Mark Mulqueen what it can do, and see the future of warfare, This isa show andl Mackenzia Eaglen (Moderato?) Session that your second-grade teacher could never have imagined, Gary Schmit (Moderator) Patticipants wil gain hands-on experience with some ofthe newest sefense technology including the oppertunity to test out Lockheed "Martin's F-35 Jin Strike Fighter jet simulator and learn how to fly one ofthe mostadvanced planes inthe US military. Experts rom Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon willbe availabe to _ansner questions and runthe demonstrations. 2:00-4:00 pm, ‘Afternoon Recreation 4:30-5:15 p.m, Pre-Dinnes Conversation Mizner Ballroom, The Cloister ‘AConversation with Howard Schultz ‘Aathur Brooks (Moderator) AZIWORLD FORUM 2018 AGENDA 5515-5:45 pum, Reception The Cloister 6:00-7:30 p.m, Dinner 7:45-8:45 pum Starlight Chats The Cloister Baseball as Souleraft George Wil Introduction: Robert Castell Gratitude Jonah Goldberg Introduction: Clif Asness ‘Saturday, March 10 7:30-8:20 a.m Early Bird Breakfasts Mizner Balloom, The Closter ‘AConversation with Kenneth Griffin, Ramesh Ponnuru (Moderator), ‘AConversation with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster Mackenzie Eaglen (Moderator) 8:45-10:15a.m, Breakout Sessions The Cloister Crisisin the Gulf Eliott Abrams ‘Anu kingin Saudi Arabia, 3 frustrated emirin the United Arab Emirates, Yousef Al Otaiba anran empowered by theliting ofsanctons, confcton the ground from Ryan Crocker Syfiato Libya to Yemen and beyond, and Russian iltary agreements pro Ken Pollack lferatingacrosstheregion.Whatcouldgo wrong? Alot. Americanalesin ‘Ai Shihab the Gullaealsrmedandarereshapingbath theirown region and thei att Daniele Pletha (Moderator) tudestowardthelrneighbors, lamists, and the regian'sanciertconflts I the US Military Ready for the Return of History? Mackenaie Eaglen ‘America’s post-Cold Wa hats from history is ov, as the Pentagon's Martha McSally ‘new National Defense Stategy makes clear, Great power competitions Jimny Pane ow Weshington’s prima sategic concern But isthe US milly ready Mac Thornberry tofight and win potential conficts against revisionist states? How should Ray Weshoume Congress resource and oversee the institutions of national secur 2s. Gary Schmitt Moderator) they fteal fora newly complex void order? President Trump's First Year: Has His Economic Policy Been a Success? Doug Elmendorf ‘The effort to repeal and replace the Mfordable Cate Act lle, but tax Glenn Hubbard ‘efor as signed ito law, How should we judge the state of heath Justin Muzinich and tax policy? And what does the coming year hold forinastuctre, Richard Seat! Immigration, and welfare efor? Gene Sperling Michael Stain Ramesh Ponnuru (Moderator) The Rise of the Machines Erk Bryjolsson \Wilthe robots ake our jobs? As technology advances, wll human Wer Cawen workers become obsolete? ATMs, automated checkout machines, Eric Hanusheke and your Outlook calendar all suggest cause for concern, The star- Ben Sasse dard answers that all technology was once new technology and that snes Petnokauks (Moderator) businesses have always employed human beings. But wil tistime be FpmesFetnokouks Moderato) erent? And how should pokey respond? AZlwoRrtod FORUM 2018 AGENDA 10:30 arm-12:00 p.m, 1215-145 pm, 2:00-3:15 pm, 3:30-5:00 p.m, 4:00-5:00 p.m. General Session The Cloister Ballroom Democracy in Crisis? Ted Cruz For the 12h yearin arow, democratic freedoms ae receding around Matin Feldstein ‘he worl. Poling dts reveal alarming declinesin support for repre Niall Ferguson sentative democracy athome and abroad, And bath populism and Michael Gove nationalism, ofen tinged with authoritarian sympathies, are resurgent Danielle Plea Has demociacy exhausted tse? Or do ascendant poitical attitudes Michael Stain ‘merely consitutea bubble, soon to bust? Lawrence Summers George Will Chuck Todd (Moderator) Luncheon The Beach Club ‘Conversation with Henry Kissinger Danielle Pletka (Moderator) Breakout Sessions The Cloister Is 3 Percent Growth a Pipe Dream? Robert Barro \Whatis the cunt state ofthe US and international economies? How Matin Feldstein should the Federal Reserve spond? Willthe ump administration's Glenn Hubbard economic policies increase economic growth, productivity, and wages? Lawrence Summers Wille getto sustained 3 percent growth? Mark Zandi Stan Veuger (Moderator) ‘The North Korean Threat: Is There a Solution? Nick Eberstadt Under the watchiul eve ofthe international community young kim Jong Richard Elings Un has advanced both North Korea’ rulear weapons program and Oriana Star Mast its missile delivery capabilties. Those who wonder athe gravity ofthe David Maxwell threat need only see thatthe People’s Republic af Chin has signed up Dan Blumenthal (Moderator) t0 the United Nations Security Councis imposed sanctions on Pyang, yang. No one wants nuclear war. And harsh punishments seem to have Fite impact. Should the world give up on a nukeree North Korea? Or can Kim Jong Un be compelled to surrender his nuclear axseral? Securing and Growing Our Digital Future John Comyn How dowe secute our digital future? Especially in key sectors such as Jeb Hensarling financial services hiss aaitcal question, But our efforts to protect Kevin McCarthy information must not sifle growth in digital services andthe innovations Fred Upton andimprovementsthat come witht. How do we strike this balance? James Pethokovkis (Moderator) And how do we ensure that broad federal regulations are crated in a ‘way that allows the digital sector to flourish? Jin our panel of distin {guished members of Congress to discuss these important issues ‘When the Kids Do Not Grow Up: Is Prolonged Adolescence a Threat to America’s Future? Karyn Bowman Teenagers today are more depressed and lonely han ever before. Thomas Edsall Suicide satan alhtie high. Growing numbers of young people view Jonah Goldberg ‘democracy and free enterprise skeptical. Milennvas seem toca less Ben Sasse _about family and faith than the parents and grandparents did, How Naomi Schaeler ley much should we worry about these tends? Ave there other postive Ryan Stecter( Moderator) fends that balance them out and give ushope? ‘Afernaon Recreation ‘Afternoon Session Mizner Balkoom, The Cloister Populism and Conservatism in the 21stCentury |.D.Vance Intraduetion: Ryan Streeter =| AzZIWORLD FORUM 2018 AGENDA S5:90-600;:m, Reception The Chiter 6c0-7c0 pm. ——DinerComersaton Mane soon, The liter ‘Conversation with Senate Maorty Leader itch MeConnett ft Brock Modena) 798-84Spm Dimer 00-1000 pm. Stach ha The liste flloom From Strength to Strength: Finding Happiness ond Success at very Stage of Life Artur books Inoceton: Dail A, eo ‘Sunday, March 11 850-1000am. Early Bud Bre Mane Baloo, The loser ‘Conversation with UN Ambassador Nikki Haley ‘AConversation with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt Bret Baler (Moderator) Al WORLD FORUM 2018 PARTICIPANTS SPEAKERS EUIOTT ABRAMS Senior Fellow, Counc on Foreign Relations ALEXANDER ACOSTA US Secretary of lator YOUSEF ALOTABA Ambassador to te United States, United rab Emirates BRET BAER CChiefPolital Anchor, Fox News Channel DAVID BROOKS Columnist, New York Times ERK BRYNJOLFSSON Professor, Masachusets Intute of Technology Sloan Schoolof Management resus Ferer Governor of Florida BEN CARSON US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ELAINEL CHAO US Sectetary of Transportation DICK CHENEY Former Vie President the Unite States JOHN CORNYN US Senate Majority Whip (R-TX) TMLERCOWEN Profesar, Mereatus Center at George Mason Univers RYAN CROCKER Diplomat in Residence, Princeton University TED CRUZ US Senate (R-TX) JOHN K DELANEY US House of Representatives (DMO) BETSY DEVOS Secretary, US Department of Education ous Ducey Governor of Arizona THOMAS BYRNE EDSALL Contributing Op-ed Whiter, New York Times RICHARD), ELUNGS Presiden, National Bureau of Asan Research DOUG ELMENDOR Dean anal Don K. Price Professor f Publi Pole, Hanard Kennedy School JONIERNST US Senate 4A) MARTY FELOSTENN George Baker Professor of Economics, Haver Univesity NALLFERGUSON Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Istution, Stanford Universty JEFF FLAKE US Senate R-AZ) MIKE GALLAGHERPAUL US House of Representatives (RA) icor Editorial Page Ector, WolSreetfoural MICHAEL GOVE UK Secretary of Sate for Environment, Food and Rua fas PriL GRAMM Lone Star Global Acquistions td NIKRIHALEY USPermanert Representative the Urited Nations BL HASLAM Governor of Tennessee JEB HENSARLING US House of Representatives (R:TX) GLENN HUBBARD EVAN Dean and Russel L. Carson Profesor finance and Economics, Columbia Universty HUNT Raytheon Company SAID JAMO Ux Secretary of State for owing, Communities and Local Government STANLEY KAO Representative tothe United Sats, Taiwan HENRY KISSINGER Nisinger Associates ne. BILLKRISTOL Editor at Large, Weekly Standard ME LEE US Senate (RUT) ‘AARON MARTIN DAVID Northrop Grumman Corporation MAQWELL KEVIN Colonel US Amy (ered nse for Coreor American Sts MCCARTHY MITCH House Majority Leader (R-CA) MCCONNEULH. Senate Majority Leader KY) MCMASTER MARTHA National Secury Adhisor McSALY WALTER US House of Representatives (RAZ) RUSSELL MEAD James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Afar and Humanities, Bard College: Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute Al worip FORUM 2018 PARTICIPANTS STEPHEN MUELLER Lockheed Matin Corporation MARK MULQUEEN ‘The Boeing Company JUSTIN G, MUZINICH Counselorto the Secretary US Treasury Department JIMMY PANETTA USHouse of Representatives (0-CA) DAVID PERDUE ‘US Senate (RGA) ROB PORTMAN US Senate (ROH) SCOTT PRUITT ‘Administator, Environmental Protection Agency WILBUR ROSS US Secretary of Commerce PAULRYAN Speaker, US House of Representatives (RANI) BEN SASSE US Senate (RNE) RICHARD L, SCOTT Govemor of Florida A SHIKAI Founder, Azabia Foundation (GENE SPERUNG Former Director, National Economic Counc LAWRENCE H, SUMMERS Charles. lot University Professor, Harvard University MAC THORNBERRY US House of Representatives (RT) cHuckToDD Political Ditector, NBC News; Moderator, Meet the Press FRED UPTON US House of Represertatives RMI) |.D. VANCE ‘Author, Filly Elegy, Rise ofthe Rest GEORGE F. WILL Columnist, Washington Post TODD YOUNG US Senate (RIN) MARK ZANDI Chief Economist, Moods Analytics ATTENDEES: TAM & A ADAIR Copart inc ALBERTO ADES Ught Sky Macro LP CAROLINE LOEWY & GREGG ALTON Gilead Sciences inc. NANCY &: PHILP ANSCHUTZ The Anschutz Corporation LAUREL & CLIFF ASNESS ‘AGR Capital Management STEVE BALLMER The Ballmer Group BETSY & THILO BEST Betsy Best Interiors/Longview Senior Housing Advisors GORDON BINDER Coastview Capital LIC DICK BOYCE TPG Capital MELISSA & GEOFFREY BRADSHAWAMACK Far ils Group ULC ANGELA & DOUG BRALY The Braly Group UC KEN BROAD Jackson Squere Partners LIC LIZAcMAE & MARK CARLIN Lockton Partners LLC ‘CASON CARTER Citadel SUSAN F & ROBERTH, CASTELLIN Cincinnati Reds NANCY & GARY CHARTRAND Acosta MARY & ARMEANE M. CHOKSI ‘Omnicom/Option 3 Ventures LLC ED CONARD AEI Visiting Scholar/Author/Bain Capital (retired) SIGNE OSTBY & SCOTT COOK Valhalla Charitable Foundation/Inut Inc MARLYN & PETE COORS Univesity of Denver Health Sciences/Molson Coots Brewing Company KELY & JOE CRAFT US State Department/Aliance Resource Partners LP KATHY & HARLAN CROW CrowFoldings BOYKIN CURRY Eagle Capital Management LIC RAVENELB. CURRY I Eagle Capital Management LIC Al WORLD FORUM 2018 PARTICIPANTS (MARK DALTON DANIEL A. DANIEUO PILAR & PAUL DAVIES I KIM DENNIS DICK Devos MARINA & RIC DILLON, JIMDONOVAN JESSICA. & MICHAEL. DOWNER BRITTANY & KURT DUDAS USA MARIE BONGIOVANNI & ROBERT A, ECKERT JULIA HARRIS EGHBAL& BEHDAD EGHBALL STEVIE & KARL ELLER MARTIN ELTRICH THOMAS FANNING. HEATH & JOHN. FARACI SEAN FIELER MARY & PAUL). FINNEGAN, KELLEY & C. FITZPATRICK ELIZABETH & TROY FOWLER STELLA & JOEL FREEDMAN ELISE & TULLY FRIEDMAN, CINDY & CHRIS GAIVIN WEEZIE &JOHN S, GATES 8. MICHAEL GEARON |. JODY GESsOW HARVEY GOLUB LORIE & HENRY GORDON CAROLYN & OLIVER GRACE ROBERT A. GRANIERI JOYCE & JUDSON GREEN ROBERT. GREENHILL KENNETH GRIFFIN, ALUSON & DONALD GULBRANDSEN HEATHER STURTHAAGA & PAULG. HAAGA\R. ANN &JON HAMMES SALLY & FRANK. HANNA ‘YWONNE SS. & KENNETH H. HANNAN JULIE & KEN HERSH SUSAN & ROGER HERTOG HELEN SKADE HINTZ & EDWARD HINTZ LEE HOBSON JANET & ROBERT HOFFMAN, CCECILIE & PAUL HORVATH MARY & DOUGLAS HSU KATHY & AL HUBBARD ‘Tador Investment Corporation ‘The Carlyle Group Bellevue Foundation/The Cambria Group Searle Freedom Teust ‘The Windquest Group Diamond Hill Investment Group ine. ‘The Goldman Sachs Group Ine. Physician/Capital Research and Management Company Physician/Ehrenicanz Partners FFL Partners UC Clearlake Capital Group LP The Eller Company AEA Investors LP Southern Company Intemational Paper Company Equinox Partners LP ‘Madison Deartoorn Partners LLC Vulcan Value Partners “Tid Foundation inc. Paladin Healthcare Capital UC FFL Partners UIC Bardes Interiors/Harrison Street Capital LLC Portaeco LLC Helios Holdings; Atlanta Spit LIC DivcoWest ‘American Express Co. (retved)/Miller Buckfire & Company Strata Resources inc Associated Asset Management Inc Jane Street Capital LIC Covered Bridges Greenhill & Ca. Inc. Citadel Investment Group LLC Gulbrandsen Companies Aliican Wildlife Foundation/Netional Public Radio Hammes Partnets/Hammes Company Hanna Capital LC Colonial Navigation Co. Inc. George W. Bush Presidential Center Hertog Foundation Hintz Capitel Manegement Highside Capital Management Dauble Trust Funds Wal Steet journal/Orchard Global Asset Management LLP Far Easter Group E&A Companies AZIWORLD FORUM 2018 PARTICIPANTS —_ BYNUM HUNTER Fisher Park Capital KAMILLA & JOHN HURLEY Cavally Assot Management KAREN & PAUL). ISAAC Atbiter Partners LOREEN & DANA JACKSON ‘Morgan Stanley/Graystone Consulting DEEPA & MUNIRJAVER! Frank Financial Aid/'3G Capital NANCY DUNLAP JOHNS & JOHN D. JOHNS. DIANE SEMBLER-KAMINS & SHELLY KAMINS. STEVEN A, KANDARIAN MICHELE KANG SANDY & JM KILTS SUE & MARTIN KOFFEL NYSSA & WILUAM KOURAKOS SUZIE & BRUCE KOVNER HILLARY & RODGER KROUSE KARIN & JOHN KUKRAL CORY & BILL LAVERACK SHARON & PHILIP LEBHERZ TAYLER & JOE LONSDALE KATHLEEN A, & JOHN, LUKE JR MARY STREEP & BARRY MACLEAN BROOKE & DUNCAN MACLEAN RICK MAGNUSON USA FERRARO MARTINO & MICHAEL MARTINO: ‘SANDRA QURUSOFF MASSEY & M. HOUT MASSEY SUSAN & CRAIG MCCAW MARY & ROBERT C. MCCORMACK BONNIE MCELVEEN-HUNTER BILLIE & ROSS MCKNIGHT TOM MCWILLIAMS HEIDIB, & GREGORY S. MILLER MIMI & ROBERT S. MURLEY MINA NGUYEN. LYNN & DAVID NICHOLSON PETER]. NOLAN SUSAN & BILL OBERNDORF HILDA OCHOA-BRILEMBOURG & ‘ARTURO E. BRILLEMBOURG KEVIN J. O'CONNOR HEIDI & RICHARD ONG. SEAN PARKER SARAH & ROSS PEROT J. NICHOLAST, PINCHUK ‘ANNE & ROB RAYMOND LAURA & GEOFF REHINERT LAURA & ROBERT L, REYNOLDS Protective Life Corporation SK lnvestments Metlife Ine. Cognosente Conterview Capital URS Comoration Windswept Hill (CAM Capital iP Sun Capital Partners inc. Northwood Investors LLC Laverack Capital Partners LC Pointcare LC ave WestRock Company Maclean-Fogg Company Mactea-Fogg Company GiPartners ‘Mason Capital Management LLC M.H, Massey &Co, LIC COM Investments LIC/Eagle River Holdings Trident Capital UC Pace Communications Ine. Philanthropist/Rancher/Olney Saneshares Court Square Capital Partners Larry H, Miller Group of Companies Credit Suisse ‘AQR Capital Management ‘The Stiles-Nicholson Foundation Leonard Green & Partners LP Obemdort Enterprises LIC Strategic Investment Group/Farmington Asset Management Point72 Asset Management LP Eagle Capital Management The Patker Foundation Hilwood Snapron Ine, Craw Holdings/Raymond Design LP ‘Audax Group Putnam Investments Al WORLD) Fei i 2018 PARTICIPANTS SYIVIE LEGERE RICKETTS & TODD RICKETTS ALLISON & RICHARD ROEDER SONYA, &OHN D. ROOD USA & MATTHEW K, ROSE LEE ANN & PETER RUMMELL NATHAN SAINTAMAND NADIA SCHADLOW ERIC SCHMIOT HOWARD SCHULTZ ELLYN & ALAN SEELENFREUND MARTHA & JAMES M. SENEFF SABINE & GREGG SHERRILL JEFFREY L SILVERMAN DANA & ALEX SLUSKY SUSAN & DAVID SMITH THOMAS W. SMITH EVA &MARC STERN, BARRY STERNUICHT MICHAEL SULLIVAN ELIZABETH & RYAN. TAYLOR, BARBARA B. & WILSON H, TAVLOR DORI & BILL WALTON AMY & LES WARE HEATHER & RAY W. WASHBURNE GREGORY W. WENDT KIM & MICHAEL WHALEN UNDA LL. & JEFFREY L. WYLER SUZANNE & GLENN A. YOUNGKIN SCOTT ZAJAC ‘The Policy Circle/Chicago Cubs Vance Steet Capital ‘The Vestcor Companies Inc, BNSF Railway Company RurmmellMunz Partners “American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & lmmunclogy "National Security Council, Executive Office ofthe President Alphabet nc. Starbucks Corporation McKesson Corporation (retired) IMS Holdings LIC/CNL Financial Group tne. Tenneco inc. ‘Agman Vector Capital Private Investor Prescott Investors Inc. ‘The TCW Group LC Starwood Capital Group Point 72 Asset Management LP Richmond Hil Investments Cigna Rockpoint Group LLC Marceni Group (Overseas Private Investment Corp, Capital Research Global Investors Heart of America Group, Jeff Wyler Automotive Family Inc. The Carlyle Group Rockwood Group ios Al Wr ERED: OREM 2018 PARTICIPANTS ‘AEI SCHOLARS AND EXECUTIVES JOHN BAILEY JASON BERTSCH DAN BLUMENTHAL KARYN BOWMAN ARTHURBROOKS LYNNE CHENEY JOHN CUSEY ROBERT DOAR MACKENZIE EAGLEN NICK EBERSTADT SUZANNE GERSHOWITZ DAVID GERSON JONAH GOLDBERG. ERIC HANUSHEK WINDLE JARVIS FREDERICK KAGAN KIRSTEN MADISON ‘ORIANA SKYLAR MASTRO (CHARLES MURRAY JAMES PETHOKOUKIS DANIELLE PLETKA KENNETH POLLACK RAMESH PONNURU SALLY SATEL NAOMI SCHAEFER RILEY GARY SCHMITT TOBY STOCK MICHAEL STRAIN RYAN STREETER MARC THIESSEN STAN VEUGER PAULWOLFOWNTZ, Visiting Fellow Senior Vice President Director, Asian Studies; Resident Fellow Senior Fellow President; Beth and Ravenel Curry Scholar in Free Enterprise Senior Fellow Vice President, Communications and Government Relations ‘Morgridge Fellow in Poverty Studies Resident Fellow, Marilyn Ware Center for Security Studies Henry Wendt Chain Political Economy Managing Director, Development and Academic Programs Executive Vice President ‘Asness Chair in Appliad Liberty John H, Makin Visiting Scholar Director, Corporate Relations and Regional Development Director, Critical Threats Project; Robert H. Malott Chair; Resident Scholar Deputy Director, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies; Resident Fellow Jeane Kirkpatrick isting Scholar Emeritus Scholar Editor, AEldeas; DeWitt Wallace Fellow Senior Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies Resident Scholar Visiting Fellow Resident Scholar Visiting Fellow Resident Scholar; Codirector, Marilyn Were Center for Security Studies; Director, Program on American Citizenship Vice President, Development and Academic Pragrams Director, Economic Policy Studies; john G, Seatle Scholar Director, Domestic Policy Studies Resident Fellow Resident Scholer Visiting Scholar = AZBIwWoRLD FORUM 2018 PARTICIPANTS. SPOUSES AND GUESTS JAMES BOWMAN JENNIFER GERSON BONNIE PERDUE SANDY CORNYN WENDY GRAMM CONSTANCE POND NATASHA COWEN MICHAEL HALEY ‘APRIL PONNURU HEIDI CRUZ CRISSY HASLAM MACKE RAYMOND: REBECCA CUSEY KIM KAGAN HILARY GEARY ROSS KRISTIAN DENNY TODD ‘MARTA KORDUBA MELISSA SASSE KAREN DYNAN SUSAN KRISTOL ANNE SNYDER BROOKS MARY. EDSALL SHARON LEE PAMTHIESSEN KATE FELDSTEIN APRIL MCCLAIN-DELANEY SALLY THORNBERRY CHERYL FLAKE LOR MEIBERS. AMEY UPTON JESSICAGAVORA EUSANEW MARK MOOTERS ae RLD FORUM AGENDA AT A GLANCE Allday Registration 5:00-6:00 p.m, Reception 6:00-7:30 p.m, Dinner 7:45-8:45 p.m, Evening Conversation 2:00-10:00 p.m. Starlight Chats FRIDAY, MARCH 9 7:30-8:30 a.m. Early Bird Breakfasts 8:45-10:15 a.m, Breakout Sessions 10:30a.m.~12:00 p.m. General Session 12:15-1:30 p.m, Luncheon 2:00-4:00 p.m, Afternoon Session 5:00-5:30 p.m. Reception 5:30-6:30 p.m, Dinner Conversation 6:45-8:15 p.m, Dinner 8:30-9:30 p.m, Stalight Chats ‘SATURDAY, MARCH 10 7:30-8:30 am Early Bird Breakfasts 845-1015 a.m, Breakout Sessions 10:30 a.m.~12:00 p.m. General Session 12:1541:45 p.m. Luncheon 2:00-3:15 pam, Breakout Sessions 3:30-5:00 p.m, Recreation $:30-6:00 p.m, Reception 6:00-7:00 p.m. Dinner Conversation 7215-845 p.m. Dinner 9:00-10:00 p.m, Starlight Chat and After Dinner Cocktails ‘SUNDAY, MARCH 11 8:30-0:00 a.m. Early Bird Breakfasts 10:00am, ‘Adjournment As ofFebrusry6, 2018 | Subject to change ‘CONFIDENTIAL PFWORLD FORUM 2018 Speakers ELLIOTT ABRAMS, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations ALEXANDER ACOSII, US Secretary of labor YOUSEF ALOTAIBA, Ambassador to the Unit States, United Arab Emirates BRET BAIR, Chit Poitical Ancho, Fox News Channel DAVID BROOKS, Columnist, New York Times ERIK BRYNJOLFSSON, Professor, Massachusetts Ist BEN CARSON, US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ELAINE CHAO, US Secretary of Transportation DICK CHENEY, Former Vice President ofthe United States JOHN CORNY, US Senate Majority Whip TX) TVLER COWEN, Professor, Mercatus Center at George Mason University RYAN CROCKER, Dlomatin Residence, The Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton Univesity TED CRUZ, US Senate R20) JOHN DELANEY, US House of Representatives (0:MD) THOMAS EDSALL joseph Pultzerlland Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of National fais, Columbia Univers RICHARD. ELLINGS, President, National Bureau of Asian Research DOUG ELMENDORE, Dean and Don K rice Piofessor of Public Policy Harare Kennedy School JONI ERNST, US Senate (A) MARTY FELDSTEIN, George F. Baker Professor of Economic, Harvard University NALLFERGUSON, Mibani Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Isttuin, Stanford University MIKE GAILAGHER, US House of Represenatves (MI) CORY GARDNER, US Senate CO) PALL GIGOT, Eltovial Page alto, Wal Stretoural MICHAEL GOVE, UKSecretay of Stat for Environment, Food and Rural Ars LUNDSEY GRAHAM, US Senate IR SC) PHILGRAMM, Lone Star Global Acquistions Ld NIKKI HALEY, US Permanent Representative tothe United Nations JEBHENSARUNG, US House of Rapresentatves (TX) ‘GLENN HUBBARD, Dean and RussllL. Carson Professor of finance and Economics, Columbia University te of Technology Sloan School af Management SAID JAVID, UK Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government HENRY KISSINGER, Kissinger Associates Inc. BILL KRISTOL, Ecitorat Large, Weekly Stondord DAVID TAWEILEE, Foreign Minister of Taiwan MIKE LEE, US Senate (RUT) AscfFebmary6, 2018 PFWORLD FORUM 2018 Speakers (continued) LAWRENCE LINDSEY, Former Director, National Economic Council DAVID MAXWELL, Colonel, US Army (etre); Institute for Corean-American Studies MITCH MCCONNELL, Senate Majority Leader (RY) H.R. MCMASTER, National Security Adviser CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS, US House of Representatives (RWA) WAITER RUSSELL MEAD, lames Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities, Bard College: Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute DEVIN NUNES, US House of Representatives (RCA JIMMY PANETTA, US House of Representatives (0-GA) DAVID PERDUE, US Senste (RGA) E, SCOTT PRUITT, Adminsttoy,Ervionmentl Protection Agency WILBUR ROSS, US Secretary of Commerce PAULRYAN, Speaker, US House of Representatives (RW) BEN SASSE, US Senate NE) ALISHIHABL Founder, Arabia Foundation ‘GENE SPERLING, Former Director, National Economic Council LAWRENCE H, SUMMERS, Charles W. Eliot Univesity Professor, Harvard University MAC THORNBERRY, US House of Representatives (TX) FREDUPTON, US House of Representatives (R-Mi J.D. VANCE, Principal, Mithril Capital Management LIC; Author, Milly Elegy ‘SEMA VERMA, Administator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Senices GEORGE. WILL, Columnist, Washington Post TODD YOUNG, US Senate (AN) IMARKZANDI, Chief Economist, Moody's Analytics, ‘CONFIDENTIAL Asoffebnry/§ 2018 ALI & BILL ACHTMEYER Parthenon TAMMI&JAY ADAIR Copatine CAROLINE LOEWY &. GREGG ALTON Gilead Scencesin. NANCY & PHIUP ANSCHUTZ The Anschutz Corporation LAUREL & CLIFF ASNESS ‘AORCsptal Management NANCY & ERWIN K. AULIS NNortugod nesters UC tied) CONNIE & STEVE BALMER The Balin Gown BETSY & THILO BEST Betsy Best nteriors/ Bayshore Retrement Parner: ‘GORDON BINDER Coastew Capital LC RICHARD BOYCE TPG Capita IMEUSSA & GEOFFREY BRADSHAWEMACK Fe tile Growp Uc ANGELA & DOUG BRALY The Baty Groupie KEN BROAD Jackson Square Patnars LC DIANA&ERIC CANTOR _Atwmativelnesement ManagementLIC/Moals & Company LUZA-MAE & MARK CARLIN Lockon Partners LC CASON CARTER Graded SUSAN F. & ROBERT H, CASTELLINI Cincnnat Recs ANT. CATHY ChicetAIne, NANCY & GARY CHARTRAND feos MARY C, & ARMEANE M. CHOKSI Ormicom/Onton a VentrestIC ‘cONAIDENTAr WORLD 2018 Participants STEVEN A. COHEN Poie72 Asset Management? EDCONARD AEV/Autex/Ban Capital bated) SIGNE OSTBY & SCOTT COOK ahaa Charitable Foundaton/nut he. TIMCOoK Apollo [MARILYN & PETE COORS Unversiy of Dever Hea Sclenoes/Molson Caes Brewing Company KELLY & JOE CRAFT Alince Resource Paints KATHY & HARLAN CROW Crom Holding BOYKIN CURRY Engle Captal Mansoement UC RAVENELB. CURRY Il aple Capital ManagementUIC MARK DALION Tor Ivesiment Corporation DANIELA, DANILO. Tre Cathe Gus MARY & JOE DAUGHTERY Bosh. PILAR & LEW DAVIES Belew Foundation/The Cambria Group BETSY & DICKDEVOS TheWincquest Group (MARINA & RIC DILLON Diamond Hal ivestrent Groupe JIMDONOVAN The Goldran Sache Group he JESSICA. JOHNSON & MICHAEL) DOWNER, Physclan/ Capel Raserch ana Management Company BRITTANY & KURT DUDAS. Physiian/ Brenan Panes FORUM LUSA MARIE BONGIOVANNI8 ROBERT A, ECKERT Friedman Fleisher Love MARTIN ELTRICH AeAInestor LP THOMAS FANNING Southein Company HEATH & JOHN V. FARACI Interntonal Paper Company, KWANZA JONES & JOSE F, FELICIANO 1G Meeia/Clewae Capital Group SEAN FIELER. Eauinox Panes LP MARY & PAUL. FINNEGAN Madison Deatbom Partnrs LC KELLEY & CT. FITZPATRICK lan Vue Paars ELIZABETH & TROY FOWLER Tag Foundatoninc STELLA JOEL FREEDMAN Pacn HeatncareCaptallC ELISE & TULLY FRIEDMAN FrLPatmes ic CINDY & CHRISTOPHER GALMIN, Badass / Monson Sst Capt LIC WEEZIE & JOHN S. GATES JR Pomaecolc JODY Gessow Deswest DAN GLASER, Mars tctennan Companies HARVEY GOLUB Ameen Express Co. tied Bure’ Comesny LORIE & HENRY GORDON Stata esourcesinc (CAROLYN & OLIVER GRACE sociated Asset Maragementine. ROBERT A. GRANIER! Je Suse Capital LIC AsofFebrany6, 2018, JOYCE & JUDSON GREEN Covered Bridges ROBERT F GREENHILL Greenhill & Ca. he ALUSON & DONALD GULBRANDSEN Gulbsarden Companies HEATHER STURT & PAULG. HAAGA JR. NxionalPublieRacio| ‘ANN & JOHN HAMMES Hammes Coney SALLY & FRANK]. HANNA Hanna Capital Ic YWONNES. & KENNETH HANNAN, (Colonia Navigation Co. nc JULIE K. & KEN HERSH George W. Bush residential Center SUSAN & ROGER HERTOG Hetog Foundation HELEN & EDWARD HINTZ Hinz Capital Nanagemant LEE HOBSON Highsie Cantal Management JANET & ROBERT HOFFMAN Double VTust Funds PAUL HORVATH (Orchard Global Asset ManagementLLP MARY & DOUGLAS HSU FarEasemGroun KATHY & ALHUBBARD EBAComoanies KAMILLA &JOHIN HURLEY Cova Aset Management KAREN & PAUL, ISAAC ArbierPatness DEEPA & MUNIRJAVERI FrankFinanlal Aa NANCY DUNLAP & JOHN D. JOHNS Protective ble Crpocation ‘SUSAN KASSER@ DANIEL KAM Neuberger Berman Private Ceci/ Gehl Adicts WORLD FOR 2018 Participants (continued) DIANE SEMBLER KAMINS & SHELLY KAMINS Bl, Frank Kans Co, Ie STEVEN A, KANDARIAN Mette te MICHELE KANG Cognassnie SANDY & JAMES KITS Cenarviw Cita SUE & MARTIN KOFFEL CCM Capital LIC/URS Corpocation INYSSA & WILLIAM KOURAKOS: Psa Weinberg Panes SUZIE & BRUCE KOVNER CHACHA HILLARY & RODGER KROUSE Sun CaptalParnarsne ARIN & JOHN KUKRAL Norhacod lnestrsLIC (CORY &BILL LAVERACK Levers Capital Parnes C SHARON & PHILP LEBHERZ Pointers LIC lasuance Senices le SY(VIE LEGERE & TODD RICKETTS TheFolicy Cele /Chicag Cube MARC UPSCHULTZ Ont Reck CaptaiPatners TAYLER & JOE LONSDALE Pant Teemacsogins/AVC KATHLEEN & ON A, LUKE ‘WestRock Company BARRY MACLEAN Maclean fog Company BROOKE & DUNCAN MACLEAN Mactesr-Foag Company RICHARD MAGNUSON GlPeners USA FERRARO & MICHAEL MARTINO. Mason Copal Management LIC SANDRA QURUSOFF MASSEY & IM. HOLT MASSEY Metropelan Opera/M. H, Masi & Co. ULC UM SUSAN & CRAIG MCCAW (COM InvestrentsLIC/EagleRverHlaings MARY & ROBERT C. MCCORMACK “ident Czpil Lc BONNIE MCELVEEN- HUNTER Pace Commusicatons Ie BILLIE & ROSS MCKNIGHT Priantrops/Roncher/ On Baneshies TOM MCWILUAMS Cout Square Capital Partners KEN MEHUMAN Kohtbers KaisRobens ALEXANDRA & BEN MELKMAN, Light Sty Maca HEIDIB. & GREGORY S. MILLER Lamy. Miler Group of Companies MIMI & ROBERT. MURLEY Cec Size MINANGUYEN, -AQR Capita Management LYNN & DAVID NICHOLSON “he Stas Ncholen Foundston STEPHANIE & PETER). NOLAN Leona Green & Partners P SUSAN & BILL OBERNDORF (Coen Entries UC HILDA OCHOA-BRILLEMBOURG & ARTURO E. BRILLEMBOURG Stategcinvesmant Group/Famingtan Asset Management HEIDILEM & RICHARD ONG Eagle Capital Management ALEXANDRA & SEAN PARKER “he Pater Foundation SARAH & ROSS PEROT 8 Hilwood LEE & NICHOLAS T. FINCHUK, Snap-on. STEVEN PRICE. Tounsauare Median MICHAEL PROFENIUS Northwoodtrstoe ‘ANDY PUZDER CHE Resta. Holdings ns "ANNE & ROB RAYMOND Crow Holdings /Raymond Design LP LAURA & GEOFF, REHNERT Auda Group LAURA & ROBERT |, REYNOLDS Putnamimestments J. JOE RICKETTS Hugo Emeriss ALLISON & RICHARD ROEDER Vance Sues Catal DEBRA & KEVIN ROLLINS, Delline teed) SONYA A. &JOHND, ROOD. “he Vesicor Companiasin. USA & MATTHEW K. ROSE BNSF Rabuay Company LEE ANN & PETER RUMMELL RummatbiinaPatners NATHAN SAINFAMAND ‘Avian Academy of Alergy Asha & Inmnclogy ERIC SCHMIDT Alprabetine WORLD FOR 2018 Participants (continued) HOWARD SCHULTZ Starbucks Corporsion ELLYN & ALAN SEELENFREUND ekesson Corporation etre) BETTY & MEL SEMBLER Te Serer Company MARTHA & JAMES M, SENEFF JMS HolaingsLIC/CNL Francia Group he. SABINE & GREGG SHERRILL Temnacoine JEFFREY L SIIVERMAN gman erate DANNA & ALEX SLUSKY Vector Capa SUSAN & DAVID SMITH Private eestor THOMAS W. SMITH Prescot Imestasine EVA& MARC STERN ThaTEW Grows ne. BARRY STERNLICHT Starwood Captal Group MICHAEL SULLIVAN Point72 Asset ManagamentLP USA & STEVEN TANANBAUM. Goloenee Asset Managerrent > UM BARBARA. & WILSON H, TAYLOR Cana ELIZABETH & RYAN P. TAYLOR Rehmond Hitimesimens ‘CARLTHOMA, Thoma Ball GWENDOLYN VAN PAASSCHEN Jona Brookes Design “CATHERINE PHILUPS & GRANT VERSTANDIG FallyHestn ic /Aucsx Health JANET & CHRISTOPHER P. VINCZE TRC Companiesinc ECKART VON KLAEDEN, DaimlerAG THEODORAD. & WILUAMH, WALTON Rockpeine GroupltC ‘AMY ABBOUD & LES WARE Macani Gove HEATHER & RAY W. WASHBURNE Overseas Pare nvestnt Corp GREGORY W. WENDT Capa Research Global lnvestrs UNDA. & JEFFREY L WYLER Jef Wile Automotive Fame SCOTT ZAJAC Rockwoae Group JOHN ALLEY Vesting Fellow ROBERT BARRO iting Scholar JASON BERTSCH Sorior ice resent DANLUMENTHAL Diez; Asan Sule: Resident Flow KARIYN BOWMAN Sonic Fetow ARTHUR BROOKS President Betn and Ravenel Cay Schalirin Fre Energise LYNNE CHENEY SeniorFetow JOHN cusey Vie resilnt, Communications and Goverment Relations ROBERT DOAR Morgrigge Fellow in Poverty Susies MACKENZIE EAGLEN Resident Flow, Mihm Wine Caterfor Scat ‘Suctes NICK EBERSTADT Henty ence Chara Poles! Eeonamy SUZANNE GERSHOWITZ Managing Director, Developent and Aeademic Programs WORLD FOR 2018 AEI Scholars and Executives DAVID GERSON rocutve ce President JONAH GOLDBERG ‘AsnessChotin Ani ibe ERIC HANUSHEK Joba H. Makin isting Scholar \WINDLE JARVIS Director, Corporate Relations and Reaionl Development FREDERICK KAGAN Diector, Cite Tress Project: Robert H. Malt (Chair Reson: Seale KIRSTEN MADISON Deputy Dect, Foreign nd Deense Pky Suc, Resident Felow CORIANA SKYLAR MASTRO Wane Krkpaick isting Senor RACHEL MCCLEARY isting Scalar CHARLES MURRAY Emeritus Senor JAMES PETHOKOUKIS Fer, Ales; Det Wace Foto DANIELLE PLETKA, Serio: Vice President, Foreign and Defense Palicy Suds KENNETH POLLACK Resident Scholar UM RAMESH PONNURU iting Few NAOMI SCHAEFER RILEY isting Follow TOBY STOCK Vee President Development nd Academic Progams SALLY SATEL escent Scholar GARY SCHMITT Resdent Scholar: Codctr, Maryn Wore Certer for Secutty Studies Decoy, rogramon American Cimnshio (MICHAEL STRAIN, Director, Economic Poy Staci Jonn, Sene Scholar RYAN STREETER, Deector,Domesic Poi Stes [MARC THIESSEN Resident Fetow STAN VEUGER esdent Senolar PAULWOLFOWITZ, Vistng Senator

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