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10 Things for a New Mom To Know in First 6 Months

February 23, 2016admin

Giving birth to a baby is one of the biggest things in the world. It is a wonderful experience to feel those 9
months and then finally having a cute little baby in your arms. Pain of all those foot cramps, back aches and
big belly for all those months vanishes in a moment when you hold your child.

When you become a mother, you are so excited and also very nervous at the same time. You are
overwhelmed and you don’t know what to do. This post brings to you the 10 things which you must know
as a new mom for the very first 6 months. Use it as a checklist to ensure that you are completely organized
and you don’t miss on anything important.

1. Diapers or Nappies
No matter you want to use cloth nappies or you wish to buy diapers for your baby but one thing is for
sure that you need to buy lots of them because the little baby pisses and poops way too frequently and you
might not be in a state to wash them that often. So this is surely the first thing to have on your list to keep
it all sorted.
2. Breast Pumps
If you are a working mother and you have to join your office and you are worried about giving your feed to
the baby or you have some medical condition like retracted nipples and you cannot feed your infant then
in such conditions you need breast pump with the help of which you can pump and store the milk for your
newborn baby which can be used to feed him when he is hungry.

3. Nursing Cover-ups
You must keep a nursing cover-up handy so that you can breast feed your baby without any discomfort at
any place at any time. This is one thing that you need to have in your list so that you can breast feed your

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