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This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies which the

researchers have examine carefully to shed light on the topic and furthermore expand

the topic.

Foreign Literature

An article of European Journal of Open Education and E-Learning Studies (2017)

explains that Edmodo is simply a web application that is similar to Facebook but it

provides different educational tools rather than a kind a social media platform. The article

also states that Edmodo allows teacher to create online classes. In addition to that, these

applications or online educational tools are viewed as solutions to insufficient class hours

and different issues that are experienced within the class. This article also explains that

how the learning didn’t just stop in school but continues in online environments such as

internet and different benefits of life-long learning in Edmodo. Lastly, they also add that

for the sake of our future, it is important that we care about how students in this generation

can learn and respond to diverse teaching methods.

A journal entry by (Mokhtar 2016) emphasizes the conventional teaching

pedagogy and the urgency to rethink its practice in language learning while proposing a

possible platform for learners' and teachers' needs. In recent times, educators are urged

to transform the techniques in conducting language learning by incorporating

technological tools because new technologies stimulate an explosion of new methods for

teaching and learning. I outline the perceptions of future teachers on conventional

teaching, shifting of teaching style from conventional to digital designs and the possibility

of implementing Edmodo to curb the concerns arising. The argument set forward is

regarding conventional teaching that hinders potentials of students, followed by

participants' hopes for teaching approaches and the likelihood of implementing Edmodo

to assist in the language learning classroom with grammar, vocabulary, self-efficacy and

target language and practice.

According to (Evenddy and Hamer 2016) Edmodo is a various assignments and

sstudents’ learning achievement, actual discussion topics, and video which are related to

teaching learning process. One of the most accepted trends in the field of teaching

vocabulary in a foreign language teaching is Computer-Assisted Language Learning


Foreign Studies

A recent study by (Collins, 2016) examines the students’ perception of Edmodo,

the learning community and connectedness they felt in the classroom. Based on the

results of a MANOVA, students feel significantly more connected to the class, fellow

students and the instructor when they use Edmodo. An ANCOVA determines significant

difference in math achievement scores for Grade 7 students after adjusting scores based

on initial differences between the groups. Based on the output of the students, Edmodo

affects the performance of the students who utilize them and enjoy the learning aspect

more than those who do not.

Another study on the topic by (Charoenwet, 2016) investigates the effects of

integrating the networking system regarding students’ perception towards the learning
platform, that is, Edmodo. In this study, the students use Edmodo as their medium or

facilitating channel to communicate with the teacher and participate in class activities.

The statistical analysis reveals that learning activities provided on the LMS significantly

improves self-regulated learning behaviors and learning performance of students, with a

positive perception towards the online learning environment. Edmodo an internet -based

learning management system (LMS), offers a secure virtual classroom that can be

moderated by an instructor.

A research study by (Apriani,2015) investigates how the first grade of SMP N 2

Yogyakarta students perceive the use of Edmodo as a medium in writing descriptive text

and how Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills. The results of the

questionnaire were helpful for them to develop their writing skills. Based on the research

findings, the use of Edmodo helps the students to develop their skills in writing descriptive

text. Therefore, the conclusion of this research showed that majority of the students had

positive perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text.

Local Literature

An article posted by Newsday (2020) reveals that the new millennium gave us new

hopes for technological education with the rise of different schools that supports teaching

and learning in 21st century. They also add that via interactive educational sites such as

Edmodo, students enable to prepare in advance for a lesson, complete assignments, soft

copy assignments, download different educational videos and lessen the printed works

that can contribute in our environment via promoting sensitivity towards climate change.
A book "Let's get social: The Educator's Guide to Edmodo" by (Carlson and

Raphael, 2015) states that Edmodo is by far the largest educational social network, and

helps for the betterment of many students and enriching professional practices. In

addition in using Edmodo, it also benefits different professional learning networks through

interactions with other teachers and administrators in online community. This book also

states that the Edmodo can be used in many ways and the Edmodo has clear benefits

for all the members of a learning community. Also, the book proves that the Edmodo can

help organize and improve instructions and assessment. It can be also a communication

among students, administration, and parents and can offer different opportunities for

professional developments. They also add that the parents can use Edmodo to get a

unique demeanor in their children's behavior in class and be more informed about

assignments, projects and the general performance of their children.

An article of “Dumagute Metropost” (2013) explains that Edmodo allows many

students to actively participate in online discussions and express their views or opinions

on a given topic. This article also reveals that Edmodo presents few ways to improve the

knowledge of teachers by joining different communities, providing recent issues about

education through articles and webinars. They also add that Edmodo promotes paperless

assessment, and can contribute in saving the environment by getting rid of printed papers

and teachers can also give quizzes, gather students' opinions through surveys, post

announcements and assignments.

Local Studies

The latest study by (Dirain, 2018) reveals that majority of the respondents were

female, with considerable level of 21st century IT skills, and has obtained very satisfactory
academic performance in web programming using PHP with MySQL. Findings reveals a

substantial percentage of the respondents strongly agree (4.26) on the assessment of

knowledge, attitudes and practices along online learning using Edmodo. The term-based

academic performances in the semester had been very satisfactory.

A research study by (Enriquez, 2014) explains that utilizing virtual learning

environments as a supplementary tool for motivating and empowering independent

learning and innovative teaching is becoming a crucial part of a 21st century education.

The research focuses on effectiveness from students’ perspective of the use of Edmodo

as an effective supplementary tool for their learning. Overall, the findings affirmed that

majority of participants considered Edmodo as an effective supplementary tool for their

learning. However, there are still limited researches in the Philippines about the impact of

using Virtual Learning Environments as supplementary tools for learning.

One early work by (Cruz and Cruz, 2013) proves that the use of social media as

a tool in enhancing student’s learning experiences, by using online instruction as a

supplement to a face to face general education course, such as biological sciences.

Findings from this study indicate that students had better experiences, better

engagement, and appreciated both the social learning experience gave by the online

social network.

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