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Local Study

1. Nowadays companies are more concerned on individual consumer behavior. It helps them to yield
information about how the consumers think, feel and choose their products. Every individual is
consumer. Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved when individual or groups select,
purchase, use, or dispose of the product, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires
(Solomon, 2003)
Reference: Solomon, M.R. (2013). Consumer Behavior: Buying, having and being (10th ed.). Pearson

2. Perception is a process of how individual see and make sense of their environment. It is about the
selection, organization and interpretation of stimuli by individual (Fill, 2002).
Reference: Fill, C. (2002), Marketing Communications: Contexts, Strategies and Applications, (3rd ed.).
Prentice-Hall, London.

3. Women and men perform different roles in every household; they have different demands for certain
products as well as they behave differently in the process of consumption. Women look for information;
they want to take consideration of all their options (Dorata, 2013)
Reference: Dorota, R.H. (2013). Determinants of purchasing behavior, 17, 1.

Music is not only distributed via social media, but also in different online retail platforms. Apples iTunes
is probably most prominent of these platforms. Launched in 2003, it became the US biggest music
retailer in 2008 (Apple 2013).

It is striking that iTunes is mainly used to reach out an audience outside the Philippines. That's the
purpose of iTunes for us, at least', he pointed out (Dalmacion, 2014).

The physical albums sold also outnumber those sold online. "As of now, I think we already have 3,000
pesos income from our iTunes sales. I think most of our friends from overseas would download our
tracks" (Ballesteros, De Jesus, & Buladaco, 2014).

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