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LAB #03:

Control Statement and if…else in C++

Lab Objective:

Learn how to use if in programming.

Lab Description:

To specify the conditions under which a statement or group of statements should be executed.

if (testExpression)

// statements

The if statement evaluates the test expression inside parenthesis.If test expression is evaluated
to true, statements inside the body of if is executed.If test expression is evaluated to false,
statements inside the body of if is skipped.

How if statement works?

Flowchart of if Statement


The if else executes the codes inside the body of if statement if the test expression is true and
skips the codes inside the body of else.If the test expression is false, it executes the codes inside
the body of else statement and skips the codes inside the body of if.

How if...else statement works?

Flowchart of if...else

C++ Nested if...else

The if...else statement executes two different codes depending upon whether the test
expression is true or false. Sometimes, a choice has to be made from more than 2 possibilities.

The nested if...else statement allows you to check for multiple test expressions and execute
different codes for more than two conditions.

Syntax of Nested if...else

if (testExpression1)
// statements to be executed if testExpression1 is true
else if(testExpression2)
// statements to be executed if testExpression1 is false and testExpression2 is true
else if (testExpression 3)
// statements to be executed if testExpression1 and testExpression2 is false and testExpression3 is
// statements to be executed if all test expressions are false


1. Write a program to check whether a number is positive, negative or zero. If the user
enters negative number print number entered is positive otherwise print number is

2. Input : Marks
Process: If Marks is greater than and equal to 75, score will be A.
If Marks is less than 75 and greater than and equal to 60, score will be B.
If Marks is less than 60 and greater than and equal to 45, score will be C.
If Marks is less than 30, Score will be D
Output: Print the score of the student.

3. Any integer is input by the user. Write a program to find out whether it is an odd number
or even number.

4. Find largest number among 3 numbers input by the users?

5. Write a program to calculate the monthly telephone bills as per the following rule:
Minimum Rs. 200 for upto 100 calls.
Plus Rs. 0.60 per call for next 50 calls.
Plus Rs. 0.50 per call for next 50 calls.
Plus Rs. 0.40 per call for any call beyond 200 calls.

6. Write a program to check whether a triangle is valid or not, when the three angles of the
triangle are entered by the user. A triangle is valid if the sum of all the three angles is
equal to 180 degrees

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