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Nutrition and Wellbeing

Why do we eat what we eat?

Step 2.16: Summary of Week 2

ALEX JOHNSTONE: Here we are, at the halfway point. The end of Week 2 of
Nutrition and Wellbeing course has been a very busy week, and you've continued
to send us your comments and messages and engage with us. We are truly
grateful for your contribution to the discussions.

During the second week of this course, we discussed some pretty controversial
issues. We looked at food addiction and whether it really exists. People claim to
be chocoholics, but is it the same as being addicted to drugs and alcohol? Are
foods like sugar addictive, and should we avoid them at all costs? There were
some heated discussions around these matters.

We are all supposed to make informed decisions about what to eat using
information and food labels, following dietary guidelines, and making healthy and
sustainable choices for ourselves, our families, and the planet. But often, these
choices are not the most obvious or an easy task. Hopefully, you've picked up
some good tips from our experts on what to look out for. You've also been
sending us some good and bad examples of food labels around the world using
the hashtag #FLnutrition.

Finally, this week, we asked you to start keeping a food diary so that you can
reflect on your own dietary habits and find out how healthy your own diet is. We
will come back to that a few times during Weeks 3 and 4 of the course. So keep
up the good work, and see you again next week when we discuss whether a
healthy diet can prevent or delay the onset of diseases. See you next week.

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