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The fact is, everybody wants to know how to make money with affiliate marketing,

and of those attempting, 98% are failing.

Technically, to make money affiliate marketing you only need 2 things.

1.- A Product
2.- Traffic to that Product

Yes, that's actually all you need.

Something to make money promoting, and people to see your offer to spend that
Now I know you're probably thinking, "Yeah right! If that was the case, then more
people would be making money."
You would be right if so.
It's not that easy... and I'll tell you why.
Although those two things ( a product and traffic), are the only things required to
make money, there are a lot of details that go into getting the pieces set up and
The problem is, the majority of the time the people that are trying so hard to succeed
at this affiliate marketing game are in fact doing so because they're looking for a way
to better their financial situation.
With a limited budget, this can make becoming a successful affiliate marketer even
more difficult.
Unfortunately, the ones who really only need a plan and someone to guide them, are
also the victims of being flooded with hundreds of emails to their inbox every week.
I'll bet almost all of these emails contain some sort of link to an affiliate product too.
Some of them can range from $8 to $12.
Some can be priced at around $47 and even have upsells upwards of $97 or more.
Then there are those 1-on-1 coaching opportunities that can go for 1-2 grand.
Now honestly, getting a mentor/coach is your best bet, however, like most who start
on this path toward financial freedom and making money affiliate marketing, just
don't have that much money to start with.
That is why we're chasing this dream, isn't it?
So instead of finding another source of income, borrowing money, or saving it for the
amount a mentor or coach would cost, we are able to afford spending $20, $50, or
$100 here or there.
So we do.
And it's usually a product that came from one of those links in your email I was
telling you about.
The problem is, most of these products/systems/offers promise some sort of overnight
riches, like the famous "push-button software" that can make you millions this
Then, after spending your last $47 in hopes that this system will do what is says, and
you'll make that money back and then some soon.
Instead, your are met with another sales page.
This one telling you that you need this "special offer" or "additional feature" for the
system to fully work properly.
This upsell is also $147.
Damn! What do you do?
Spend another $147 because you know you need it to make the millions by next
Say screw it and work with what you got for the $47 but knowing that it's not the
Most of the time, the person will spend the additional money if they have it.
If they can't afford the upsell, they will put some effort into the portion of the system
they could afford.
After a few weeks with no results, they will give up and start looking for the next
"breakthrough" product to solve their financial woes.
This is a common mistake with new affiliate marketers.
It is known as "new shiny object syndrome".
This is when an aspiring affiliate marketer just jumps from product to product,
spending dollar after dollar, but never really getting anywhere.
Every successful affiliate marketer is guilty of this.
The first thing you must learn about being successful is that it comes AFTER failure.
Now that you know, don't let it happen to you.
To summarize everything above...
To make money from affiliate marketing you need 2 things:
A Product and Traffic to that Product.
Don't get "new shiny object syndrome".
The truth is, you don't need to keep spending money on products and continue getting
little to no results.
What you need to do is have an understanding of the order and layout of a sales
funnel, then create your own.
If you are planning on building a list (which I highly suggest), you we need to create
a squeeze page.
The better converting your squeeze page, the less you will be paying for leads.
When a visitor puts their name and/or email info in the submit box and hits the
button, they will be added to your list of subscribers to follow up with in the future.
Once they opt in, you should, but don't have to, send them to your offer/product sales
Finding a product that's in hot in the marketplace and that will convert is the key to
making sales.
More important though, is what source of traffic you will be using.
If you are using FB PPC, you will need to know about getting cheaper clicks and
targeting your audience correctly.
If you are a planning on getting organic traffic from the search engines, then you will
definitely need to have knowledge of SEO.
There are dozens of other methods of getting traffic that can add subscribers to your
list and make you money in the future but these are a couple goodies.
Once you begin building your list, it is important to develop a relationship with your
readers and build rapport.
There is a whole psychology behind this, along with time frames and messages
leading up to sales but that's a little advanced for this article and could be a
continuous course in itself.
If it was learning how to make money with affiliate marketing you were looking for,
then I should have at least covered the basics for you.
I hope you've learned something valuable from this article and you will use it to help
your business grow.
Wishing you success on your journey
The 2 Percenters
If you are thinking about making money online or internet marketing, learn more and
join the 2 Percent that are by clicking here.

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