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Script writing

Topic: Organ Donation

SPIDERMAN, SUPERMAN and BATMAN- Yes they are synonymous to our all
time Superheroes. Did you ever realize that there is a superhero in all of us – it is not
about the superfeats or super saving acts that matter but it’s the SUPER HEART for
wanting to help others.

Ladies and gentlemens, I, Michele, would like to speak to you today on a very
pertinent issue – ORGAN DONATION.

The American Transplant Foudation states that a deceased donor can save up
to eight lives through organ donation. In line with this, the National Organ Donation Public
Awareness Action Committee chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, highlighted that only an
average of 35,000 Malaysians have registered as organ donors each year. Meanwhile,
Negeri Sembilan Health director Dr Abdul Rahim Abdullah, stressed that the organ
donation rate in Malaysia is one of the lowest in the world, yes, one of the lowest as
reported by Bernama in October 2016.

So, ladies and gentlemen, in my speech I will outline and illustrate what involves
organ donation, why we should become an organ donor as a life saving act dan how we
can enhance the lives of the many unfortunate ones.

What is organ donation? Organ donation is the process of donating organs or

tissues of the body for the purpose of transplantation to others in need because of failure
or damage to an organ or tissues of the recipient. After transplantation, the recipient can
go on and lead a better quality of life as defined byThe Health Online Unit, Ministry of
Health Malaysia.

There are two types of organ donations which is living donor and cadaveric donor.
In Malaysia, the organ and tissues which can be donated is Heart, Lung, Liver, Kidney,
Heart Valves, Eyes (cornea), Bones, Skin, Face, Hand and even fingers.

But why we should become an organ donor? Firstly is the need for organ donors.

The number of patients waiting for organs far exceeds the number of people who
have registered to become organ donors. Precisely, this inequality between supply and
demand has led to many illegal practices and the unethical procurement of organs from
other, poorer countries. Is it fair, Ladies and Gentlemen, that the poorer people of the East
should be obliged to sell their body as a direct result of their dire social circumstances?
Ladies and gentlemen, do you know you can help by donating your vital organs after you
have passed away.

Furthermore, organ donation is a selfless way to give back to others. The gift of
life is the most amazing gift anybody can give. How I see things, and what helped me to
decide to become a donor is that after I am gone I will have no use for my organs. So why
should I deprive someone else from using them.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that you can see the need for people like you
to donate your organs. But, you might be asking, well, how can I make sure my organs
are donated after I die? Let me tell you.

First, talk to your family about your decision and inform your family members
about your wish to donate organs after death. Then you can register to be an organ donor
in Malaysia by filling out an organ donor registration form available in all government
hospitals. After you have done,carry a donor card with you and that’s it. You can see that
it isn’t difficult to be an organ donor.

Ladies and gentlemen – A new name is added to the national transplant waiting
list every 10 minutes. Thousands on the transplant waiting list are hoping for a miracle.
Let us be their miracle! Remember: Share your life. Make a difference! Thank you.

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