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Nama : Bita Selviana

NIM : 173221165

Class : PBI/ 5E
Lesson : Curriculum And Material Development
Lecture : Dr. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Interview result with Mrs. Priyantiningsih S.pd in SD Taraman 1 Sragen


1. Locate a course given to a group of people who have come for a limited length of time. Evaluate
the course after working through the following steps:

a. Interview the teachers to find out what the stated goals are

To improve the quality of children's language at an early age and increase the diversity of
language recognition in education and train children to be skilled in speaking in languages
other than Indonesian.


1. In terms of the content of the syllabus itself:

a. How are the items to be taught described? are they structural elements, language functions,
semantic categories?

Here the teacher only gives examples of 1st grade elementary school to English syllabus
which includes material: Number, colors, animals, alphabet, fruits and vegetables (material
taught is still in the form of basic material)
In delivering the material the teacher uses whiteboard, drawings, music about the alphabet
and the names of animals, fruits and vegetables, and color chalk. In addition, the teacher
also uses the method of reading texts then deciphering and guessing pictures.

b. Is there an obvious continuity of development?

Learning will continue to develop because teachers use interesting methods so that students
are not easily bored and easier to understand the material being taught. Therefore the ability
of students to speak English will quickly increase.

2. In an educational setting in which you are familiar, what information can you gather on the
limitation of human and other resources in planning an English language curriculum or

The limitation of human resources and other resources in planning the curriculum or syllabus
of English in this school does not exist because the teacher does not make the curriculum and
syllabus itself but what makes it is the government. However, there are some difficulties in
applying the syllabus in the learning process, which is to find the right example for the learning

3. Select a section of the actual material used in a course and try to answer the questions presented
in section 2.2.

a. The existing curriculum and syllabus?

Between the curriculum and syllabus used in this school is appropriate and interrelated.
The curriculum remains a reference in making syllabi, although each school has a different
character, but the curriculum and syllabus can be used without problems.

b. The material use?

The material is used to facilitate students in the learning process. The material is given
according to the grade level of the student. Although the reference material is from the
syllabus, the teacher we interviewed added his own material outside the syllabus so that
the material was more varied and students would also get a lot of knowledge.
c. The teacher?

In delivering subject matter the teacher is tasked with supervising, directing, and
facilitating each student in the class. The teacher's role is very important, the teacher must
be able to overcome the problems that exist in the learning process and also the teacher
must be able to adapt to students having different ways of learning. The teacher must be
patient to teach so students understand more about the material being conveyed.

d. The learners?

students must obey the teacher, while in learning students are required to pay attention to
what is being taught by the teacher in class. According to the teacher who was interviewed
when students were not obedient and did not pay attention to lessons in the class would be
given an educative punishment. For example when learning about fruit material and
students do not want to pay attention, the teacher will give punishment to the student to
mention the name of the fruit in front of the class.

4. Find additional commercial textbooks and look at their tables of contents for clues about their
underlying views on language and language learning. Use the questions in section 2.3 as a

In this interview the teacher did not show the specifications of the book that became a reference
for learning in class but the teacher gave the title of the book he used for additional reference in
learning, namely books published by Pt Permata, Student Competency Sheet (LKS) fitur and
Student Competency Sheet (LKS) focus.

Additional questions from the interviewer

1. The curriculum used in learning English

In the school that I teach I still use the KTSp curriculum for the process of learning English
in class
2. Since what class has English been taught?

English lessons are taught from grades 1 to 6

3. Is the syllabus in accordance with what is taught and is it appropriate to the situation of the
students being taught?

Already appropriate. The syllabus is suitable with the material but the material is not easily
accepted for 1st grade elementary school students, English is a new subject for students so
it needs to be adjusted to always process vocabulary and understand more material. There
are still many difficulties with memorizing vocabulary, pronouncation, and still difficult to
memorize spells (alfabeth) in English

4. Have the objectives of the syllabus been reached?

Not everything in the syllabus is learned about 70% of the material can be understood by

5. Are there other references besides the handbook for teaching?

Apart from the LKS book sometimes I use references from the internet

6. Has the material taught reached the desired goal of the teacher?

Not all the material that I teach is mastered by students, there are children who understand
the tone of children who do not understand, so I as a teacher always look for material that
is easily understood by students in every learning but there are also children who do not
understand the material, then I use other methods and the results are children have not been
able to catch or understand the material being taught it may be due to the child's ability to
catch ability is indeed low.

1. Examine in detail the syllabus for a course or program with which you are familiar. Find out:

a. What elements of language content are specified?

Language content themes: Number, color, alphabet, animal, fruit and vegetable.

Language content elements: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking

b. What course outcomes or objectives in terms of specific achievements are stated?

1) Students can make a lot of English vocabulary.

2) Students can speak English according to their pronunciation.

3) Students prefer to know a variety of languages.

4) Students are more creative and active in English lessons.

5) Students are not left behind in the introduction of English.

c. What processes are suggested for actual classroom activities?

The process of learning English in class:

1) The teacher makes a mapping of the material to be studied.

2) The teacher presents the material.

3) Because students who are taught are 1st grade elementary schools, the practice takes
precedence over working on the questions.

4) At the end of the material students are given exercises to evaluate the material given. The
goal is that the teacher can know the development of student abilities.

2. Try to find other examples of syllabus shapes in either published textbooks or in a course
curriculum or syllabus. Share your findings with the group.
The other curriculum that I got is not much different from the previous curriculum, because the
curriculum is usually the same, but if the syllabus depends on sub-chapters or material from the
lessons to be learned.

3. Interview a colleague who has participated in a workshop or training session for one of the
name-methods listed in section 3.4. Prepare for the interview by formulating a list of questions.
You may want to adapt those listed in section 3.1.2 which describe the dimensions of language
content processes/means and product/outcomes. Find out how the name-method in question
deals with each of these three dimensions.

Point 3. 4
Interview a colleague about suggestopedia:
Suggestopedia is an effective learning method that uses suggestions, music and positive words
to create an atmosphere that is joyous, relaxed and inside can give positive impressions.
How to teach using the suggestopedia method:
1) In applying this learning model, classrooms are arranged so that they are different from
ordinary classes (using dim light). Students sit in seats formed in a half circle. Some posters
related to learning material are posted on the wall or blackboard.
2) The teacher greets using the mother tongue, Indonesian.
3) Next, the teacher invites students to imagine about the material being studied. When they
open their eyes, they play roles.
4) The teacher does not give much homework.

Point 3.1.2
1) What important elements need to be applied in the syllabus?
a) School identity
b) Competency standards
c) Basic competence
d) Principal material
e) Learning strategies
f) Time allocation
g) Assessment

2) How the elements are applied in the learning process?

The elements are applied:

a) Identity: Subjects need to be written clearly the name of the subject, level of school,
class and semester.
b) Competency standards: Competency standards include the skills and attitudes that must
be mastered in a subject.
c) Basic competence: Basic competence includes a number of abilities that students must
have in certain subjects.
d) Learning activities: Learning activities are designed to involve the mental and physical
processes of students with each other.
e) Learning strategies: The method chosen and used by a teacher to deliver learning
material that aims to make it easier for students to accept and understand the subject
f) Time allocation: Includes how long students learn the material presented.
g) Assessment: The process of gathering information or data about the achievement of
student learning in aspects of attitudes, aspects of knowledge, and aspects of skills that
are carried out in a planned and systematic manner carried out to monitor the process,
learning progress, and improvement of learning outcomes through the assignment and
evaluation of learning outcomes.

3) Example of appropriate criteria in an element for syllabus?

Appropriate criteria in a syllabus are appropriate and match the material in each subject,
because if the criteria of the elements of a syllabus are appropriate, the learning objectives
will be achieved.

4) How is language used in the acquisition process?

The use of language is very influential with the process of conveying the meaning of a
language that is intertwined properly or not, if the use of language is wrong there will be a

5) How are the roles of teacher and student in the learning process?
Teacher roles:
The teacher acts as a professional educator, as a teacher, as a guide, as a trainer, as an
advisor, the teacher as a reformer, the teacher as a model and role model, the role of the
teacher who nurtures his students will make students comfortable and happy in following
the learning process.
Student roles:
Students play a crucial and active role in education. Students must develop excellent
communication skills, be friendly and polite, and make practical applications of what they
are some of the major roles that students play as learners in education. A school is the second
home of a student.

6) How can the material be conveyed well in the language learning process in class?
The material can be delivered well if the teacher understands the material to be delivered
with methods that can facilitate learning and students are able to accept the material taught

7) What kind of language skills are needed by a student in daily life?

Language skills needed by students in daily life such as:
a) Reading
b) Writing
c) Speaking
d) Listening
These 4 skills are very important to be applied in daily life, a person is considered to have
good English skills if they are to do these in their daily life.

Silabus kelas 1 SD di SD Taraman 1 Sragen

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