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Annor, F. B., Zwald, M. L., Wilkinson, A., Friedrichs, M., Fondario, A., Dunn, A., Nakashima, A.,
Gilbert, L. K., & Ivey-Stephenson, A. Z. (2018). Characteristics of and Precipitating Circumstances
Surrounding Suicide Among Persons Aged 10-17 Years - Utah, 2011-2015. ​MMWR: Morbidity &
Mortality Weekly Report​, ​67​(11), 329–332. ​

I have chosen this site because I feel as if it gives me plenty of information. While looking for a
source I wanted it to involve with young teen ages from 10-17. When reading this souce I had found a lot
of strategies that I enjoyed that the author had used. The first strategy was there is a ton of facts for
example; “In 2015, suicide was the third leading cause of death among persons aged 10–17 years (1), and
in Utah, the age-adjusted suicide rate was consistently higher than the national rate during the past
decade”. I feel as if stating facts will be very useful in my project.
Another strategy that I like it there is a chart, I feel as if this is a very good idea because some
people are visual learners and I feel as if it helps to explain many more things about the topic. What I can
do with this information is make my own chart for the assignment on what my topic is about.

Stating facts Strategy:

The unadjusted suicide rate among Utah youths aged 10–17 years increased an average of 22.8%
per year during 2011–2015, with a total increase of 136.2%, from 4.7 per 100,000 population in 2011 to
11.1 in 2015.
Among the 142 decedents for whom circumstance information was available, two or more
precipitating circumstances were identified before death in 97 (68.3%).
The two most common methods of suicide were suffocation and firearm, which accounted for
46.0% and 45.3% of deaths, respectively

Graph Strategy:

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