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Enjoying a Fun and Glorious Celebration for Mary

Catholics have been celebrated Mother Mary’s birthday on September 8, the

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We celebrated her special day by
attending the mass, offering flowers and releasing balloons. As a Christian it has
been a tradition to celebrate it annually. This year unlike before, we weren’t able to
hold the celebration on her birthday.

Students, teachers and staffs of St. Mary’s Educational Institute planned a

simple celebration venerated to Blessed Mary on Thursday, September 7, 2017. The
event started around 7:00 am, students and pupils, together with the teachers
flocked at St. Roque Parish Church to attend mass and received blessings from
Mother Mary. After the mass, the offering of flowers was held at the school chapel. It
was led and organized by the Student Executive Council officers and
representatives. All students and teachers gathered at the quadrangle for the
praying of the Holy Rosary, after each mystery Mama Mary’s songs echoed at the
whole campus while students are offering their flowers at the altar. The highlight of
the school’s program was the releasing of balloon rosary. They let the students to
gather in front of their respective classroom, some students make their wishes and
letters and tied it up in the balloons. The Rosary was then released into the sky
making students stare in awe with its sight.

Mama Mary’s birthday in the school is a great way to highlight the fact that
she is always with us and always looking out for us, her children. Honoring Mama
Mary is a way of solidifying our bond with her. We should be thankful to God by
giving us a graceful and loving Mother that will guide and protect us in all that we
take. All in all it was a wonderful and fun celebration; every one of us enjoyed the

Bernadette Alcaraz, 10 – St. Francis

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