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Boost and Bounce

A re we ready to train the next Manny Pacquiao? Are we giving our athletes enough financial
support to create the next Hidilyn Diaz? If you were given a chance to bet a million pesos
between different options, wouldn’t you bet on the one with a higher chance of winning?

Throughout the years, there have been debates regarding the budget allocation of sports. I
contend that we must prioritize our resources to the top-tiers sports that statistically brought us
to the pedestal.

Philippine Sports Commission, the sports arm of the government allocated a bulk of this year’s
budget to ten Olympic sports with the highest chance of winning the country’s first Olympic gold
medal. The tier one sports include weightlifting, judo, taekwondo, boxing, archery, gymnastics,
windsurfing, surfing, athletics, and aquatics. In fact, in the latest medal tally, ____ out of the total
medals we got in the [contest] are from the tier one sports.

This is to be further proved because of two major reasons: empirical evidence and economic

When there were more finances invested at certain sports, there will be more efficient practice
times among them and eventually benefits the entire Philippines in the medal production.

In economics, there is always this thing called opportunity costs or the one we sacrifice in
exchange for the one we prefer. In this case, since we have limited resources, we have to
choose which to prioritize and which ones not to give some priorities.

This prioritization would be in the form of having renovations of dilapidated training venues, an
increase in equipment and training apparatus, better nutritional meals.

Such changes in effect would indirectly benefit related sports events too.

In such a way, there is always one that we prioritize, the one that will bring us in a better winning

We are not just training the next 8-division world champion. We are not just boosting the next
Filipino Olympic medalist. We are betting on the future of our sports. Choose the winning option!

Issue on Funding
Stat on SEA Game sports
Allocation to best, produce best.

Not reflect the personal stand
Individually graded, no repeated argumentative points
2 minutes of strict delivery
No parliamentary procedure
Sept 11 Tentative Delivery
Topic: Athlete funding should be concentrated on the sports that we (Filipinos) are statistically
good at

Possible Arguments/Contents:
(STATS ng Boxing, Weightlifting, Combat Sports, SEA Games…..)
(Anong say natin sa pag-host ng South East Asian Games)

*Pacquiao Hidilyn Diaz (Boxing, weightlifting, combat sports)

*Among the sports in the “First Tier” are. True and correct.
*Medal rich athletics and swimming.
* EMPIRICALLY sa History ng medals, ECONOMICALLY, sa concept ng scarcity.
*(Definition of the word prioritize) Besides, hindi naman ibig sabihin zero at all, prioritizing
means allocating the budget for the needs of our pambato, then attending to the needs of other
*Give budget for training gyms (applicable for combat sports)
*[Real Life] For now, however, the PSC under William “Butch” Ramirez is slowly addressing the
general issues of the athletes one project at a time: Repairing dilapidated training venues,
providing better nutrition to athletes as well as providing enough financial assistance for their
foreign trainings and exposures.
*Diaz is not just carrying the weights in nn contests, they are carrying the burden of not being
able to train well because of tight budget, insert tweet of DIAZ.
*In-house support for teams like taekwondo
*Invest in something that gives you the best returns, the one that gives more benefits than costs
*We can not focus on everything because of opportunity costs, sacrifice something because of
limited resources
*We are not just breeding the next 8 division world champ or training the next Olympic silver…
we are making things more sustainable, making the Philippines, the powerhouse of boxing,
weightlifting and combat sports.
*Capitalize on your strengths

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