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It is not unheard of that plastic pollution is already prevalent in our country.

A survey shows that Philippines uses a shocking amount of single-use plastic

nearly 60 billion sachets a year and Bogo City is not an exemption. According to

Deon Porcalla, a news writer in the Philippine Star, Philippines is the third largest

contributor to ocean plastic and has among the highest trash collection rate in

Southeast Asia.

Based on a Waste Assessment and Band Audit (WABA) methodology

that involves thorough analysis of waste produced by Barangay citizens, tallying

and classifying them they concluded that “Filipinos use more than 163 million

plastic sachet packs, 48 million shopping bags, and 45 million thin film bags daily”.

(Subido, 2019) Waste disposal is one the problems in the Philippines and even

though numerous projects and activities are implemented in order to address the

issue, the number of plastics deposited in the ocean and environment are

continually growing.

Adidas and Nike are one of the world’s biggest sportswear brands. In

addressing the arising number of plastic wastes in the world, those brands started

contributing activities and solution to the problem. The shoe that changed

everything, according to designer D’Wayne Edwards, was the Nike Air Max 1.

Shoe brands continue battling to build the best, lightest, strongest shoe for

athletes. Edwards says that because of plastic Nike Air Max is a design that is

new and cool. A way that Nike created in order to help the problem of plastic

waste and ever since, brand shoes are trying this new way of creating shoes.
Bogo City has a growing population and is producing skilled workers,

however, job opportunities in the city in terms of factory work are low and the

number of plastic wastes continue to increase. Though the city government is

implementing ways to lessen the use of plastic such as limiting the use of plastics

and mandating the use of paper bags on specified days, it could be said that the

temporary solution is not enough.

This study aims to determine whether building a footwear factory in the

city made of plastic can be a successful investment. This will determine whether

locals are willing to use locally made footwear products and if this business can

address the increasing rate of unemployed citizens in the city. This study also

aims to identify whether this business can help in addressing the increasing

plastic waste problem.

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