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Duman, Mary Kristene C.


Name: ______________________________ Date: ________________

Section: _____________________________

Direction: Create a poem about any topic you want. Evaluate the poem using
the criteria below. Check the box that correspond to your evaluation.

Criteria Yes No
Is the title interesting?
Does the poem begin in the right spot?
Do the sounds (rhymes, consonants, vowels, assonance, and
alliteration) sound interesting and effective?

Does the stanza or lines of the poem organized?

Are there repeated words, phrases, or lines in the poem?

Is the poem written in meter, free verse or prose?

Does the poem use recognizable poetic techniques?

Does the poem have some sort of dream life you can respond?
Is the poem written in any particular pattern (such as sonnet, ballad

Does the poem has a valuable message?

Does the poem create a sensation rather than simply an


Does the poem cast a kind of spell or charm?

Is the writing clear?

Are there enough images?

Are the rhythms expressive and appropriate to the subject?

Does the poem has any rhetorical devices used?

Does the poem has any rhetorical devices used?

Does the poem has any rhetorical devices used?

Does the poem end effectively?


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