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Malnutrition and It Relations with Jaw Growth

Sindystya Widiasri A. (181610101069), Saikha Adila Azzah (181610101070), Ahmad

Syahrul M. 181610101071

Prof. drg. Mei Syafriadi, MDSc., Ph.D

Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Jember

1.1 Background
Malnutrition is a condition where the body does not get adequate nutrition, malnutrition
can also be called a condition caused by an imbalance between taking food with nutritional
needs to maintain health. This can happen because the intake of eating too little or taking
food is not balanced. In addition, malnutrition in the body also results in food
malabsorption or metabolic failure (Oxford medical dictionary, 2007).

Malnutrition in children will greatly disrupt the process of growth and development,
because at this age nutrients are needed to build a healthy and mentally strong body.
Growth is related to changes in cell size, number, size and function of cells, organs and
individuals. This is measured by weight (gram, pound, kilogram), length (cm, meter), bone
age and metabolic balance. (Supriasa, 2001). Children with malnourished body conditions
will tend to be thinner and shorter, their mental condition is less, and more susceptible to
disease infections compared to normal children his age. Children are an age group that is
vulnerable to nutritional disorders because at this time they need optimal nutrition for
growth and development (Santoso, 2004; Aritonang, 2006).

Based on Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 released by the Ministry of Health,
malnutrition cases in Indonesian children reached 17.7%. This figure decreases compared
to 2013 data of 19.6%. While in general the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed
malnutrition resulted in 54% of deaths in infants and children. The results of the WHO
census show that 49% of the 10.4 million under-five deaths in developing countries are
related to malnutrition. About 50% of Asian toddlers, 30% African toddlers, 20% of Latin
Americans suffer from malnutrition. Data on the prevalence of stunting toddlers collected
by the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia is included in the third country with
the highest prevalence in the Southeast Asia / South-East Asia Regional (SEAR). The
average prevalence of stunting toddlers in Indonesia in 2005-2017 was 36.4% (MOH,

One of the effects of malnutrition on a child's physical condition is the disruption of the
child's jaw growth which eventually becomes less maximal. Basically, growth is strongly
influenced by nutrients that enter the body. The jaw of a child with malnutrition will tend
to be smaller in size. This imperfect jaw growth can affect occlusion and conditions in the
child's teeth. If the jaw is too small, in some cases it can be crowded (not crowded) even
though it's not always the case. Then if the condition of the teeth is crowded then
malocclusion can occur and disruption of the oral hygiene (MOH, 2010).

1.2 Problem

What are the factors that cause malnutrition and what are the mechanisms and effects on
growth especially jaw growth?

1.3 Purpose and Benefit

1. Know the causes and effects of malnutrition
2. Knowing the relationship of malnutrition to children's growth, especially the
relationship with jaw growth

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