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Journal of Bronchology

8:36–43 © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia


Anesthetic Considerations for Bronchoscopic Procedures in

Patients with Central-Airway Obstruction

Jay B. Brodsky, M.D.

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Department of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, U.S.A.

Abstract: Symptomatic obstruction of the central airways Techniques—Ventilation equipment—Bronchoscopy—Flexi-

(trachea, carina, main bronchi) can be relieved by a variety ble—Rigid
of bronchoscopic interventions. This review focuses on the Journal of Bronchology 8:36–43, 2001.
anesthetic considerations for these procedures including Nd-
YAG laser ablation, balloon dilation, cryotherapy, photody- ETT, endotracheal tube; FFB, flexible bronchoscope;
namic therapy, brachytherapy, and airway stenting in patients HFJV, high-frequency jet ventilation.
with central airway stenosis. Key Words: Anesthesia—

Symptomatic obstruction of the central airways (tra- tant to note what size endotracheal tube (ETT) and bron-
chea, carina, main bronchi) can be the result of a variety choscope have been used for prior procedures.
of benign and malignant processes (Table 1). Patients may be experiencing respiratory distress with
Bronchoscopic interventions to relieve central-airway dyspnea, coughing, and wheezing. Inspiratory stridor
obstruction include surgical resection or core-out, Nd- suggests extrathoracic airway obstruction whereas expi-
YAG laser ablation, balloon dilation, brachytherapy, ratory stridor may be the result of intrathoracic obstruc-
cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and airway stent- tion. Many patients also have underlying acute and
ing.1 This review focuses on airway management during chronic pulmonary disease. Bronchospasm and other re-
bronchoscopic procedures for central-airway obstruction. versible lung conditions should be treated before bron-
ANESTHESIA FOR Potential problems with tracheal intubation must be
BRONCHOSCOPIC PROCEDURES evaluated. No single test is completely accurate in pre-
dicting intubation difficulties. Many attempts have been
Preoperative Evaluation made to identify risk factors.2,3 Patients in whom the
Every patient must have a full preoperative medical posterior pharyngeal wall cannot be visualized below the
assessment. Pertinent information is obtained from the soft palate and who have a short neck are usually more
medical history, physical examination, discussions with difficult to intubate than patients with normal anatomy.4
the endoscopist, diagnostic imaging studies, and pulmo- The ability to open the mouth adequately and to extend
nary function testing. The foremost concern is the nature the neck fully may also determine the ease of tracheal
and degree of the airway disease. Many patients have had intubation and whether a rigid bronchoscope or a flexible
serial procedures, and past medical records can provide bronchoscope (FFB) can be used for the procedure.
information about airway access, previous anesthetic The location, size, and extent of the mass and/or the
management strategies, and complications. It is impor- degree of airway obstruction should be established accu-
rately preoperatively if possible. Conventional radiogra-
Address reprint requests to Dr. Jay B. Brodsky, Department of An-
phy may not be accurate. Chest computed tomography
esthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305 and/or magnetic resonance studies should be performed.5
U.S.A; e-mail: This information can help determine what size ETT to

TABLE 1. Causes of central-airway obstruction Many patients with a malignancy may have undergone
chemotherapy or radiation therapy. These therapies may
Congenital be associated with systemic toxicity, cardiomyopathy,
Vascular pulmonary damage, and additional alteration of airway
Vascular rings
Dilated aorta
Enlarged thymus
Enlarged thyroid Premedication
Tracheogenic cyst
Tracheal stenosis Sedative premedication should only be considered for
Tracheomalacia the very anxious patient because of the potential for hy-
Acquired poventilation and additional airway compromise. Pa-
Complication of tracheal intubation/tracheostomy tients with marked airway obstruction should not be se-
Burn/smoke injury dated or left alone in an unmonitored environment.
Airway hematoma An anticholinergic drying agent (atropine, glycopyr-
Lung transplantation rolate) may be helpful, especially in the presence of ex-
Sleeve resection of trachea or bronchus cessive airway secretions which can impair the effective-
Inflammatory ness of topical anesthesia. A drying agent reduces the
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
Relapsing Polychondritis need for frequent suctioning during the procedure. This
Amyloidosis is important because suctioning may interfere with gas
Infectious exchange, causing hypoxemia.
Rhinoscleroma Monitoring
Viral tracheobronchitis
Bacterial tracheitis Whenever bronchoscopy is performed under general,
Other regional, or monitored anesthetic care, the American So-
Aortic aneurysm ciety of Anesthesiologists standards require that quali-
Retrosternal goiter
Lymphadenopathy fied anesthesia personnel be present to monitor continu-
Malignant ously oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and tempera-
Intraluminal obstruction ture (Table 2).
Extraluminal compression

TABLE 2. American Society of Anesthesiologists standards for

basic monitoring
use, how far that tube may be safely advanced, or wheth-
er an ETT can be used at all. Standard 1
Qualified anesthesia personnel shall be present in the room
A dynamic flow–volume loop study can differentiate throughout the conduct of all general anesthetics, regional, and
between variable or fixed intra- and extrathoracic airway monitored anesthesia care.
obstructions. With a variable extrathoracic obstruction Standard 2
Oxygenation, ventilation, circulation, and temperature shall be
there is flow limitation and a plateau during inspiration, continually evaluated.
whereas with a variable intrathoracic obstruction the re- 1. Oxygenation
verse occurs and there is limitation of airflow during Oxygen analyzer for inspired gases
Observation of the patient
expiration.6 With a fixed intra- or extrathoracic obstruc- Pulse oximetry
tion (e.g., tracheal stenosis), the plateau and limitation of 2. Ventilation
airflow is seen in both the expiratory and inspiratory Auscultation of the lungs
Observation of the patient
flow–volume loops. This information is important to the Observation of the reservoir bag
anesthesiologist because the nature of the airway ob- End-tidal carbon dioxide or transcutaneous carbon dixoide
struction may determine the method of anesthesia induc- analysis
3. Circulation
tion and airway management. Continuous ECG monitoring
Spirometric testing may also be helpful in assessing Heart rate and blood pressure recorder every 5 minutes
pulmonary function as well as the ability to reverse bron- Auscultation of heart sounds, palpation of pulse, pulse
plethysmography, pulse oximetry, intra-arterial pressure
chospasm pharmacologically. If possible, an arterial tracing
blood gas reading with the patient breathing room air 4. Temperature
should be obtained. The presence of arterial hypoxemia Core temperature and/or skin temperature
and hypercarbia increases the likelihood of anesthetic Practice Standard from the American Society of Anesthesiologists,
management problems during or after the procedure. Park Ridge, IL.

Journal of Bronchology, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2001


Anesthetic Induction suctioning, bronchial dilatation, or stenting when venti-

lation with an inhalational agent is interrupted. Whatever
The method of achieving airway control depends on
anesthetic technique is used, a fast-acting intravenous
the nature of the patient’s airway disease. One can pro-
agent should be available in case the patient moves. Only
ceed with an “awake” intubation under topical anesthe-
short-acting opioids (remifentanil, alfentanil) should be
sia, an inhalation anesthetic induction preserving spon-
used. Because there is minimal pain after these proce-
taneous ventilation, or a routine induction using intrave-
dures and postoperative respiratory depression is danger-
nous agents and a muscle relaxant to facilitate ETT
ous, long-acting opioids (morphine, Dilaudid, meperi-
dine) are avoided.
One must always be careful when advancing the ETT
Once the trachea is intubated there is the possibility
down the trachea because it can cause bleeding and ag-
that the airway distal to the ETT can collapse or remain
gravate an intraluminal obstruction. Fiberoptic intubation
obstructed. A rigid bronchoscope should always be avail-
and placement of the ETT under direct vision is the
able to reestablish a patent airway.
technique of choice for many patients with central air-
way lesions.
An inhalation anesthetic induction with the patient Method of Ventilation
breathing sevoflurane can avoid the need for a muscle
Several techniques can be used for ventilation during
relaxant and is indicated in patients with a variable in-
rigid and flexible bronchoscopy, including spontaneous
trathoracic obstruction caused by an anterior mediastinal
breathing, intermittent positive-pressure ventilation, use
mass. For fixed obstructions, an intravenous anesthetic
of the Sanders injection system, and high-frequency jet
induction using muscle relaxants is more appropriate.
ventilation (HFJV).9 For FFB, intermittent positive-
The special anesthetic considerations for patients with
pressure ventilation through an ETT is the usual choice.
anterior mediastinal tumors are reviewed elsewhere.7
The FFB is placed through the self-sealing diaphragm of
a bronchoscope adaptor attached to the ETT. The FFB
Choice of Anesthetic
within the ETT reduces the available cross-sectional area
Bronchoscopy normally poses special problems for and increases resistance to gas flow. An ETT with an
the anesthesiologist because the airway must be shared internal diameter of at least 8.0 mm is required for adults.
with the endoscopist. These problems are magnified in a The rigid ventilating bronchoscope incorporates a
patient with an obstructed airway. The endoscopist re- side-arm adaptor that is attached to the anesthetic breath-
quires good visibility and adequate space for instru- ing system. Occlusion of the proximal end of the bron-
ments, whereas the anesthesiologist is concerned about choscope with an eyepiece allows controlled ventilation
gas exchange and hemodynamic stability. The diversity through the lumen of the bronchoscope. There is always
of anesthetic techniques used for these procedures means a gas leak around the bronchoscope, and ventilation is
that no single technique meets all requirements for all interrupted whenever the eyepiece is removed. Contin-
patients. ued ventilation with an anesthetic agent while the eye-
Local anesthesia plus intravenous sedation is often piece is removed will result in gas inhalation by the
used but may be a poor choice if patient movement could endoscopist.
jeopardize the procedure. Many procedures require an HFJV allows uninterrupted ventilatory support during
immobile field for precise airway measurement or for rigid bronchoscopy. High-frequency positive-pressure
accurate direction of a laser beam. The need for the pa- ventilation through catheters with internal diameters as
tient to be completely still mandates general anesthesia small as 2.0 mm can provide safe levels of oxygenation
and often the use of a muscle relaxant. Short-acting neu- as long as an adequate expiratory passage is present.10 A
romuscular relaxants (succinylcholine, mivacurium) technique using a 14-Fr nasal insufflation catheter with
should be used, and paralysis must be fully reversed HFJV to avoid an ETT has been used for FFB placement
before tracheal extubation.8 of tracheal stents.9 In cases of tracheal obstruction, the
Many general anesthetic techniques combine inhala- HFJV catheter is placed beyond the stenosis.
tional and intravenous agents. All commonly used inha- The Sanders technique uses the Venturi principle to
lation anesthetic agents (halothane, isoflurane, sevoflu- deliver positive-pressure ventilation through an open
rane, desflurane) have bronchodilatory effects that may rigid bronchoscope. Intermittent bursts of high-pressure
be helpful because of the frequent presence of reactive oxygen are delivered through a cannula attached to the
airway disease. Intravenous agents (barbiturates, propo- proximal end of the bronchoscope. The jet of oxygen
fol, opioids, ketamine) can maintain anesthesia during entrains large volumes of room air, and adequate tidal

Journal of Bronchology, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2001


volumes can be achieved. This technique is particularly The decrement in postoperative pulmonary function may
useful because it allows the endoscopist to work through be the result of premedication with antisialagogues and
the open rigid bronchoscope without interruptions of sedatives, the topical anesthetic, or the result of mechani-
ventilation. PaCO2 levels are generally acceptable, and cal obstruction by the lesion.14
adequate oxygenation is maintained.11 Complications of bronchoscopy can include laryngeal
and bronchial spasm. Damage to teeth is common. Direct
Emergence trauma to the airway can cause bleeding, edema, and
tumor fragmentation. Mucosal perforation or barotrauma
Bronchoscopic airway procedures require that the pa- may lead to subcutaneous emphysema and tension pneu-
tient remain adequately anesthetized until the very end of mothorax. There is always a possibility of massive hem-
the procedure. The time required for the return of airway orrhage with the need for emergency thoracotomy.15 For
reflexes, complete reversal of muscle relaxant, and emer- procedures with a very high likelihood of serious com-
gence from anesthesia depends on the agents used and plications, an operating room should be available and
the duration of the anesthesia. prepared even when the actual procedure is performed at
Airway patency may actually worsen as the patient a distant location such as the radiology suite.
recovers from anesthesia. Edema in the upper airway Cardiovascular instability (hypertension, hypotension,
may manifest itself once the bronchoscope is removed. arrhythmias) is common. Bradycardia occurs as a vagally
During emergence, coughing may increase bleeding. If a mediated response to insertion of the bronchoscope but
rigid bronchoscope has been used, a decision must be may be avoided with the use of an anticholinergic agent.
made whether to replace it with an ETT. Light anesthesia with the release of catecholamines, hyp-
At the completion of the procedure the patient should oxia, and hypercapnia all contribute to arrhythmias.
be fully awake. If the patient is obtunded and not breath- Complications associated with bronchoscopic relief of
ing adequately, or if the airway has been traumatized and airway obstruction include hypoxemia, bleeding, bron-
airway patency is a concern, the trachea should remain chospasm, and perforation of the airway.
intubated. A tube exchanger can be placed in the trachea There may be marked resistance to ventilation from a
through the rigid bronchoscope or the ETT before extu- misplaced stent or dislodged tumor material.16 Aspira-
bation. If reintubation becomes necessary, the tube tion of resected material is also a possibility. A postop-
changer is used as a guide for placement of a new ETT.12 erative chest radiograph should be obtained because air-
Although most patients have their trachea extubated at way instrumentation carries the risk of pneumothorax or
the completion of the bronchoscopic procedure, the an- segmental lung collapse. Delayed massive hemoptysis
esthesiologist must be prepared for emergency reintuba- may occur after any of these therapies if pulmonary ar-
tion and have all the necessary airway equipment avail- tery–bronchial fistulae develop.17 A rigid bronchoscope
able. The endoscopist and the bronchoscopic equipment and equipment for tracheostomy or cricothyroidotomy
should also be available until the patient has fully should be readily available for airway emergencies.
emerged from anesthesia and airway patency has been
All patients should receive supplemental oxygen after
extubation, during transport to, and while in the postan-
esthesia care unit. Stridor after the procedure may require
treatment with humidified oxygen, nebulized epineph- Airway Stenting
rine, steroids, or even reintubation.
A metal or silicone rubber stent in the trachea or bron-
Complications chus can be an effective means of providing structural
support for select patients with intraluminal obstructions,
The anesthesiologist must be prepared to deal with malacia, or extrinsic airway compression.16 Successful
complications while working in a confined, unfamiliar stenting can provide immediate, symptomatic relief of
environment. The complication rate depends on the op- life-threatening dyspnea.
erator’s skill, the method of bronchoscopy, the anesthetic Airway stents are particularly useful after pulmonary
technique, the condition of the patient, and the location transplantation complicated with graft rejection or infec-
and extent of the tumor.13 tion,18 after tracheobronchial injury,19 and for intrinsic
Even in patients without airway pathology, pulmonary tumors of the airways.20 Stenting procedures can be per-
function is decreased immediately after bronchoscopy. formed in adults and children.21 Although alternative

Journal of Bronchology, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2001


therapies (balloon dilation, Nd-YAG laser ablation, Nd-YAG Laser Therapy

brachytherapy, cryotherapy) can be used for intrinsic ob-
structions, only stenting is effective for malacia and ex- Nd-YAG laser therapy is used for resection of airway
trinsic airway compression. Stents are also used for malignancies29 or granulation tissue.30 The laser can tun-
esophageal airway fistulae. nel through a complete obstruction or widen a narrowed
Most patients experience immediate symptomatic im- lumen, providing immediate relief of symptoms.31
provement. Mean forced vital capacity, mean peak expi- The Nd-YAG laser is conducted through a flexible
ratory flow, mean forced expiratory volume in 1 second, quartz monofilament that can be passed down either an
and PaO2 all increase after successful stent place- FFB or a rigid bronchoscope. The laser penetrates deeply
ment.22,23 Patients with airway obstructions requiring and destroys tissue by a coagulation–vaporization se-
ventilatory support can be separated from the ventilator quence. The Nd-YAG laser photocoagulates the margins
and have their trachea extubated after the stenting pro- of the tumor, and then sections of the devascularized
cedure.24,25 tumor must be removed physically from the airway. A
Expandable metal stents are easier to insert and have a continuous 3-L/min flow of air is passed simultaneously
wider internal lumen than silicone stents. Metal stents do through a co-axial Teflon sheath to cool the fiber tip and
not impair the drainage of sputum because ciliary move- keep it free of debris.
ment is not interrupted. Expandable metal stents are in- A rigid bronchoscope is preferred because it provides
dicated for unresectable malignant airway disease be- better visibility and better suctioning conditions, and al-
cause, once placed, they are considered permanent. Be- lows easier retrieval of blood, mucus, and tumor de-
cause they are so difficult to remove they are also less bris.32 A rigid bronchoscope also maintains the patency
likely than silicone stents to become displaced and mi- of the airway. Unlike the FFB, a rigid metal broncho-
grate distally.26 Their flexibility allows them to be bent scope is nonflammable.33 However, the metal can reflect
so they conform better to tortuous airways than rigid a laser beam, resulting in tissue damage.
silicone stents. An FFB can reach distal airways beyond the reach of
Over a period of just a few weeks the metal stent is a rigid bronchoscope. The Nd-YAG laser can be passed
incorporated into the airway wall and its mesh becomes down an FFB directly into the airway in an awake but
covered with mucosa. Therefore, metal stents are only sedated patient. However, if the patient moves, the laser
temporarily effective for transbronchial stenosis result- beam can be misdirected, resulting in serious complica-
ing from intraluminal tumor or granulation tissue be- tions.
cause both can eventually grow between the wire General anesthesia including a muscle relaxant is usu-
mesh.27 ally a better choice than topical anesthesia and intrave-
A metal stent can be placed under topical anesthesia nous sedation.34 For Nd-YAG therapy, a conventional
with or without intravenous sedation. If an immobile plastic ETT with an internal diameter of at least 8.0 mm
patient is essential for airway measurement, dilation, and is needed to accommodate the FFB and still allow suf-
accurate stent positioning, then general anesthesia with ficient space to ventilate the lungs. The laser must be
or without a muscle relaxant is a better choice. fired beyond the tip of the tube to avoid ignition of the
Tracheostomy may not be feasible through a metal tube material. Saline inflation of the airway’s cuff may
tracheal stent. However, because the stainless steel stent reduce the risk of fire from a misaimed laser.
is mesh with large spaces between the wires, cricothy- It is important to avoid using nitrous oxide because
roidotomy may be possible. Stent displacement, mucus that gas supports combustion. An air–oxygen mixture
impaction, and granulation tissue formation are potential limiting the FiO2 to less than 0.4 should be used. The
long-term complications. problems of oxygenating a patient with severe airway
Silicone stents are inserted via a rigid bronchoscope obstruction are compounded by this requirement to ven-
under general anesthesia. They are not permanent and tilate with such a low FiO2. A premixed helium–oxygen
can be removed or displaced easily, thus they are used in mixture (Heliox; 70%/30%) has been used to prevent
situations when stenting is intended to be temporary. A combustion with the carbon dioxide laser.35 In addition
silicone stent can be removed when the stenosing airway to protecting against fire, helium may improve ventila-
disease subsides, so they are indicated for obstruction tion beyond an obstructing airway lesion because its den-
resulting from inflammation and infection.28 The anes- sity is less than that of nitrogen. Helium is expensive, not
thesiologist must be aware that the position of a previ- readily available, and may interfere with oxygen analyz-
ously placed silicone stent, especially one in the trachea, ers in the system and give erroneous values.
may change during subsequent tracheal intubation. Whichever anesthetic technique (sedation or general

Journal of Bronchology, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2001


anesthesia) is used, there is usually an increase in PaCO2 Cryotherapy

and a decrease in pH and PaO2 after Nd-YAG proce- Cryotherapy is another bronchoscopic procedure for
dures.36 Because the laser beam can pass through the upper airway obstruction. Benign obstructions are first
cornea and cause retinal damage, special blue–green eye- dilated with a balloon, followed by cryotherapy using
glasses are required to protect the eyes. Some colored nitrous oxide as a cryogen applied through an FFB.
anesthesia monitor displays are difficult to read with As an alternative to the Nd-YAG laser, cryotherapy is
these glasses. The patient’s eyes should be covered with inexpensive and safe for the operator and other members
moist pads.37 The windows of the operating room or present. There is no danger of bronchial wall perforation
bronchoscopy suite should be covered and there should or endobronchial fire.48
be a sign on the outside of the door warning that a laser Cryotherapy is usually performed under topical anes-
is in use. The plume (products of the tissue combustion) thesia and conscious sedation in a bronchoscopy suite
released during laser resection can be noxious to breathe without the presence of an anesthesiologist. The anes-
or even hazardous to the health.38,39 Effective smoke thesiologist may be called for an acute airway crisis.
evacuation can help control deleterious effects.
With the Nd-YAG laser only the surface of the af- Brachytherapy
fected tissue is visibly changed, but underlying edema Bronchoscopic brachytherapy is the direct application
formation can result in additional obstruction or hemor- of a radioactive isotope into a tumor bed within the air-
rhage hours after laser therapy.40 Prophylactic dexameth- way using a bronchoscope. A highly localized dose of
asone or methylprednisolone is sometimes recommended radiation can be delivered to the tumor while sparing the
to reduce tissue swelling. surrounding healthy tissue.49 Brachytherapy is effective
Bleeding usually is minimal and can be controlled by as a palliative treatment of dyspnea, hemoptysis, intrac-
epinephrine-soaked gauze pledgets. However, if the laser table cough, postobstructive atelectasis, and pneumonia
strikes a vascular structure, severe hemorrhage can re- from tracheal and bronchial malignancies.50 Brachy-
sult.41 Major bleeding complications occur most often therapy has also been used to relieve benign airway ob-
when a main-stem bronchus is totally occluded. Because struction from hyperplastic tissue when other interven-
the direction of the lumen is unknown, perforation of the tions have failed.51
wall of the bronchus is more likely to occur with perfo- Originally the radioactive source was applied directly
ration of vessels.42 Airway perforation may result in tra- to the tumor through a rigid bronchoscope. Intraluminal
cheo- or bronchoesophageal fistulae and pneumotho- placement of the radioactive substance is now performed
rax.43 through a polyethylene after-loading catheter using an
Balloon Dilation of the Airway
Photodynamic Therapy
Balloon dilation is a safe and effective palliative pro- Before commencing phototherapy, a hematoporphyrin
cedure for airway narrowing in adults,44 and for congen- derivative is administered intravenously 3 to 5 days be-
ital and acquired stenosis of the trachea and bronchi in fore the start date.53 When a laser light is shown through
children.45 A balloon catheter is threaded over a guide an FFB, target neoplastic tissue will fluoresce. In the
wire and is positioned across the stenotic airway.46,47 presence of a sensitizer, selective photon absorption by
Under direct vision with an FFB or a rigid bronchoscope, the tumor occurs, and the concomitant use of a laser
the balloon is inflated for 30 to 120 seconds. Repeat beam results in a chemical reaction that causes tumor cell
inflation–deflation sequences are performed if airway death whereas normal tissue is not harmed.
narrowing persists. Usually there is immediate improve- Combustion is not a problem, so the lungs can be
ment, with an increase in airway dimensions and relief of ventilated with 100% oxygen. Delayed complications as-
symptoms.47 However, improvement is usually tempo- sociated with phototherapy include bleeding and airway
rary and many patients require serial dilatations, place- obstruction from tissue necrosis.
ment of an airway stent, or laser therapy.46
The actual physical dilation is very stimulating, and SUMMARY
the patient may cough vigorously. When performed un- The patient with central-airway obstruction undergo-
der general anesthesia, either a short-acting muscle re- ing an endoscopic procedure is a challenge to the anes-
laxant should be used or a rapid-acting intravenous an- thesiologist. One must be familiar with the basics of
esthetic should be available to control coughing. anesthesia for flexible and rigid bronchoscopy, and also

Journal of Bronchology, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2001


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