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Copyright © extraOddinary.

Dedicated to Gene Wilder
June 11, 1933 – August 29, 2016

Rest with the stars, Gene

Your own magical Oompa Loompa
Like the tribe of delightful green-haired dwarves working away at Willy
Wonka’s chocolate factory, your subconscious mind is the driving force
behind your manifestation abilities.

When the infinite power of the subconscious mind gets

put to work behind the scenes, a person quickly
manifests their intent in big ways.

Your Oompa Loompa “Thinks” With

All Your Senses
Telling your subconscious mind what to do is going to take a little more
than just simply blowing on your little Wonka Flute.

(Now wouldn’t that be fun?) Here’s another.

But seriously: Many people struggle with manifestation because they get too
caught up on words. They try manifesting their desires through verbal
affirmations, intense prayer, and chanted mantras—all to no effect.

Why is that?

While the conscious mind is a stream of internal dialogue, the subconscious

mind is very different. The subconscious mind is doer, not a talker. It
responds to vivid, sensory-rich experiences much more readily than it takes
to mere words. As the great author George R. R. Martin puts it in his books,
“Words are wind.”

Thus, when used properly, your imagination can bridge the gap between
your conscious desires and your incredible subconscious’ manifesting
power. That’s because your imagination speaks the subconscious’ native
language (that being: sensory-rich experiences).
Pure Imagination

Imagining your desired outcome is one of the most effective ways to

marshal your tribe of Oompa Loompas subconscious forces to a cause.

The preparation (Prep Steps) will help squeeze out the juicy information
you’ll need for working your magic. So take as much time as you need with

Here’s how Pure Imagination is done:

Prep Step 1: Declare

Write down your desire, ‘end goal’, or what you want
to experience
So… what do you really, really want?

Once you’re settled down in a comfortable, distraction-free place where you

can sit in silence without being disturbed…

Reflect deeply on what you want, and then write out what’s meaningful to
you - as a clear & specific statement of intent that expresses this in a positive

• Set a clear or fixed goal

• Use positive words
• Frame it in the present tense
• Forget about the how, focus on the what
• Describe the ‘final state’ or ‘end result’ rather than the desire to get there
• Use words and phrases that are meaningful to you
• Be sure of the consequences

Prep Step 2: Reflect

What’s that like? Think about the details and how you
feel about the end result
After you’ve figured out what you want, and have written it down clearly
and concisely…

Ask yourself how this outcome would make you feel at the moment it came
to fruition, and write these feelings down too.

What does your end goal look like?

What are the parts that excite you?
The things you most look forward to?

How does having this in your life make you feel emotionally?

Prep Step 3: Storyboard

Craft your scene
Take your intent and craft a sensory-rich imaginary scene. In this scene, you
are experiencing the fruits of your desire in real-time.

Do not get too caught up on the visual aspect of your “vision.” Remember,
sight is only one of your five senses. Make sure that the scene stimulates
your others as much as possible. Include sounds, smells, and touch-
sensations as well.

Reflect on how experiencing your desire would:

• Look
• Sound
• Feel (Physically and Emotionally)
• Smell
• Tastes
So let’s say in Step 1, my statement of intent is:


For this particular desire, I’d personally choose to plot a few scenes of
myself enjoying a date with my beautiful girlfriend. I’d reflect on how I
could paint the scene with details:

1. I meet up with my beautiful blonde girlfriend

How do you greet each other? What’s her hair/perfume/dress like? How do
you feel when you look at her?

2. We enjoy a romantic dinner at [X restaurant]

How’s the atmosphere of the restaurant? Do you hear chit-chat from nearby
couples? Clinking glasses? What’s the vibe between the two of you? Is there
a bottle of wine at the table? How do you feel about this evening?

3. We take an evening stroll after dinner

Dark sky, fresh cool air, bright lights, buzzing city streets? Are you holding
hands? Do you stop for a moment, look at each other all starry-eyed, and go
in for a kiss? How did that feel?

This was a simple example showing you the way I may think about the
details. Your storyboard should be written towards the kind of things you
want to experience, and should emotionally stimulate you.

Quick recap of what you’ve done

Prep Step 1: Reflect on your desire/goal, write a clear ‘end result’, using
positive words and present tense. It must be specific and it must genuinely
excite you. But at the same time, it can’t be so grand that you seriously
doubt its possibility. Strike a balance between stimulating and reasonable.

Prep Step 2: Think about what your end goal looks like. The main things
you want to enjoy. And note down how having this in your life makes you
feel, emotionally.

Prep Step 3: From this, write down a few scenes of yourself experiencing
your ideal ‘end situation’.
Your Daily Routine
Play out the scenes in your mind

You’re ready to do the following ritual at any time. You will not have to do
Steps 1 & 2 again, unless you change your goal/target/desire.

This final part is a routine that should be done daily until your desire
manifests. Try to make it a consistent habit, just like brushing your teeth or

Take out 10-20 minutes of your day (or how ever long you wish) to
imagine yourself experiencing your goal, based on the storyboard you
crafted during the prep steps.

Your ability to do this will build up over 2 weeks. Stick to it, because it’s
truly worth it.

Here are the steps in more detail…

Step 1: Chill
Find a quiet, comfortable place to be alone and relax. Close your eyes. Clear
your mind. Breathe deep. Feel yourself grow slightly groggy—almost like
you’re about to take a nap.

Step 2. Imagine
Then, when you’ve entered into a very relaxed, almost semi-conscious state,
gently take the helm of your mind and begin playing out your scene.
Imagine yourself enjoying your ideal ‘end situation’. (Play out in your mind
the sensory-rich imaginary scenes you crafted in prep step 3.)

See it from your own eyes. Be as detailed as you like. As you paint your mental
picture, incorporate the senses.

Focus on how you are feeling now that you have what you want.

Step 3: Go deeper
If you’ve done everything right, you will start to feel - in the emotional sense
of the word - like you are really experiencing the scene. You want to hone in
on those feelings and intensify them. If you’re experiencing joy over meeting
your dream lover, for example, will yourself to really feel that joy. Emotion is
the sixth sense of the subconscious—and it’s the most important aspect
when it comes to visualizing your desire.

It’s possible to manifest incredible outcomes from just one

round of this technique. As any psychologist knows, mental
imagery and imagined experiences are extremely impactful on
the psyche.

That being said, repeating your “vision” experience every day

can help manifest your desires faster and more reliably.
Golden Ticket

Copyright © All rights reserved

Hours & hours went into perfecting Golden Ticket

…just for awesome people like you.

Please don’t share it.

If you want to learn how to do more magic, try MAGIC MASTERCLASS:

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