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Last Saturday, I woke up very early and I invited my friends to do some activities and be productive that

day. They all agreed, so we put on our sports attire, brought water bottle and then we walked to Abellana
Sports Complex. We started off by doing some basic stretching exercises to warm up and condition our
body. After that we begin jogging around the oval. We jog more than 5 times with 3 minutes rest in

I brought a Jumping Rope with me so we used it to add spice in our activity that day. We performed more
or less 10 repetitions alternately. I really enjoyed doing some exercises that day, we even end up sharing
laughter together and our relationships grew deeper.

I asked my friends about how they feel and they told me that it is really fulfilling and relaxing. I told them
that it is really beneficial to do exercises because through it, we are able to release toxins in our body and
that it entails a lot of advantages.

Physically, doing Jumping rope and other exercises will help the body to be energized and it will also
help us release unnecessary body fats and burning calories. Jumping rope also improves how efficiently
we breathe. This becomes very beneficial when doing other activities because we won’t be as out of
breath after running down the court or swimming laps in the pool. It will also improve our coordination
by making us focus on our feet.

Emotionally, doing this activity will improve our mood and it is a great way to release stress. It feels so
good to direct my attention towards things other than pure academics. Jumping rope is a fun way to
achieve our fitness goals. It’s fun to work on new skills, like double under and criss crosses. It’s fun to be
able to take it on the road and do your workouts anywhere. It’s fun to share with a partner or friends.

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