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G get V phrases with get P_ words and phrases of French origin ‘Don't get mad, get everything. nana, ex-wife of milionaire Donald Trump, giving advice to wronged wives 1 READING & SPEAKING a Read 10 top break-up lines from a website Which one do you think is the best / worst ‘way of starting a break-up conversation? ‘We need to talk! ‘Ws not you; i's me! ‘When | said | was working late, | washing? ‘Do you remember when | said that everything wes all right..2” ‘You ate lke a brother / sister to me! “think we'd be better off as friends: ‘dont love you any more! ‘need some time to be on my own: ‘You‘te a fantastic person, but you're too {good for me! ‘can thave my keys back, please?” b_ Now read three true stories about people getting revenge on a former partner. “Answer the questions with a partner. ‘Whose revenge do you think was...? 1 the most ingenious the most satisfying the most embarrassing for the person it was done to the least justifiable the most likely to have a long-lasting effect 3 LEXIS IN CONTEXT € Read the stories again and choose the right word or phrase for gaps 1-12. La rejected —b dumped ¢ broke up 2a turning —b putting —_¢ creating 3a praised —b blamed ridiculed 4a replaced —b substituted revived 5 a unwillingly b obviously unbearably 6 astuck attached ¢ posted 7 a invented —b created ¢ made up 8 a peak b top © crowning Qagetover —bgethack c getrid of 10a found bmade —¢ took Masetoff — bsetabout ¢ setup 12 a chopped up b stamped.on ¢ smashed Getting your ‘Hell hath no fury like @ woman scorned’ according to the 17th century English playwright and poet William Congreve, and it remains as true today as it was then. nV hat do you do when love has run ks course? How do you say ‘i's over? ‘According to singer Paul Simon, There must be SO ways to leave your lover. Some years ago, fellow singer Phil Collins infamously his second wife by fax. In these more technologically advanced days the Finish Prime Minster recently broke up wit his mistress by SMS. Less cowardly is the face-to-face approach (We need to talk’ / "This jus isnt working’ /‘ love you lke a friend, et). ‘When French woman, Sophie Cale received an email on her mobile, she was devastated to discover that it was a message of adieu in which her partner claimed tha the break-up would hurt me more than it wil hurt you’ Here isa shor extract: "whatever happens, You must know that | wll never stop loving you in my own way ~ the way fve loved you ever since ve known you, which wil stay part of me, and never die. wish things had turned out differently. Take care of yourself.” With hindsight, the man almost certainly wishes that he had followed his frst instinct Ch seems to me R would be beter to say what | have to say to you face-toface), particularly {as the woman he was dumping is a conceptual artist who specializes in?_—__prvate pain into at. And that i exact what she did with her ‘Dear Sophie eal “Too heartbroken to reply, she decided she would take care of herself by sending the mans email to 107 women (including an actress, a poet, a ballet dancer, a singer, a novelist a psychotherapist, an etiquette consultant, an editor, a policewoman, and even a schooigit. She asked al of them to read the email and to analyse itor interpret ‘according to ther job while she filmed or photographed the result. The psychiatrist concluded thatthe man was a‘twisted manipulator’ while the etiquette consultant criticized his manners, andthe editor |_ his grammar and syntax. "The idea came to me very quickly At fist it was therapy then aft took over After a month, | had got over him. There was no suffering. The project had “___ the man. “The resulting exhibkion Prenez soin de vous' was put on at the Bibotheque National in Paris and was ater a huge success at the Verce Biennale. And after becoming, > the notorious ‘star of an exhibition tsa sure bet that when Sophie’ exlover dumps. his gsfiiends inthe future, he wil never ever say Take care of yourself: own back Ba Pix: when she embarked on a relationship with a {famous composer, actress Jane Slavin was right to wonder if things were too good to be true. Jane first "_—__ a message on his Facebook page last July It said, "You are one of my favourite composers He instantly replied, and within minutes he had added her to a list of cyber ‘friends’. Later he emailed her asking fora date. “He invited me to a concert and it went on from there. It was an amazing ‘adventure,’ she says. ‘all seemed s0 magieal to be with someone so hugely talented." However, three months into thei relationship, he simply stopped emailing her. went from 30 emails a day to nothing. No phone call, no texts, no emails. | thought he'd died” So, suddenly and inexplicably rejected, Jane returned to the Internet, "I put the words ‘lovely lady’ into Google and downloaded a stunning:looking photograph of a woman and I gave her a name, Luca. then | a MySpace page for her. and emailed him. The ‘ema from ‘Lucia’ sai, ‘I don't have any friends on MySpace. ma ‘great fan of your music. Will you be my friend? By the end of the first day, he had sent her more than 100 emails. The ®___ moment of her revenge came when ‘Lucia’ agreed to {a rendezvous in alittle café in London. At the appointed time jane walked in and said, Hi, how are you? I've not heard from you for ages’. He looked horrified He said he was meeting a new PA, | said, “Do you mind i | sit down?” and he said, "Yes, I do, she's going to be here any minute now’. said, “Tl sit down for just a second’. | opened my bag and pulled out copies (ofall his messages to Lucia. When he asked, “ls she a friend of yours?” Heant across the table and whispered to him, “Lucia Is all Jane”. ‘Lucia was my revenge,’ says Jane. ‘it helped me hie. I have no regrets.” o W: can forget the spectacular way in which Sarah Graham ‘Moon ®___ revenge on her ex husband Sir Peter, the fifth baronet, after seeing his blue BMW parked in the driveway of a 42-year-old blonde? She promptly poured a can of white paint over the car but that ‘was only the beginning. Ten days later, she " ‘altering’ his Clothes. According to Sir Peters own account, she cut ten centimetres Off the left arm of 32 of his Savile Row suits, jackets and overcoats, = some of which had cost him £1,000 or more. For good measure, sshe a box containing 25 Havana cigars, flattening the lot of ‘them, and threw another six boxes of the Montecristo No 2s out of the window. But stil Lady Graham-Moon hadi finished. A week later, she went ‘on a bizarre ‘milk-round’, distributing 24 bottles of his finest vintage wine and port on doorsteps in the village where the woman lived "We gave me a hell ofa buzz,’ she said. Sevle Row «srt in London with many ahips tht ell expensive ote forme hat sre ofen specs mace ex sah penton sil round is titi the jb of going for boats to house regularly dalvring ne 4d Without looking back at the stories, try to remember what these numbers refer to. 50 107 30 more than 100 4232 1000 25 24 € Look at some famous sayings about revenge. Which saying do you think best fits each of the three stories in b? Do you agree with any of them? Revenge is sweet Revenge isa dish best served cold In revenge, woman is more barbarous than man? ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole wold blind 2 PRONUNCIATION words and phrases of French origin ‘A number of French words and phrases are used in English. They are usually said in a way that is close to their French pronunciation, and so do not necessarily follow normal English pronunciation patterns, eg, ballet ("beelev), rendezvous ('rondervu: These words will appear in a good English dictionary. 4 Look at the sentences below, and underline a French word or expression in each one. What do you think they mean? Do you use any of them in your language? 1 Lmade real faux pas when | mentioned his exewi 2 When we were introduced I had a sense of ja vu, though I knew weil never met before. 3 For our first date, he took me to a concert of avant-garcle music ~ there was no second date. 4 She's engaged to a well-known local entrepreneur. 5 T know ita cliché, but it really was love at first sight 6 On our anniversary, he always buys a huge bouguet of flowers ~ he’ so predictable! [met Jane’ fiance last night. They told me they re geting married next year. b 2M Listen and focus on how the French expressions are pronounced. Then practise saying the sentences. 3 VOCABULARY phrases with get a Can you remember expressions with get from the texts in 1 which mean...? 4 take revenge on someone b recover from (a broken relationship with someone) b © pt6o Vocabulary Bank get. 4 2m SONG .7 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover am 1 Expressions with get ‘a Complete the sentences with an expression from the list. “getashock — gethold of getinto trouble get outof the way getthe chance gettheimpression get thejoke get toknow get your own back on 1 Tees 2 You'll 3 Since we stopped working together we hardly ever 4 I didnit laugh because I didn't When you him, I think you'll really like him. I need to speak to Sarah urgently, but I just can't __ Twant to Tm goingto 9. He’ going to 10 tried to walk past him but he wouldn't b With a partner, say what you think the expressions mean. 2 Idioms with get a Match the sentence halves. 1 Get real! Getafe! Tim not getting anywhere with this crossword, Se really gets on my nerves, She really needs to get her act together. ‘They get on like a house on fire. \When we spake onthe phone I got the wrong end ofthe stick. 8 You grandfather must be getting on a bit, srt he? 9 My boyfriend just never gets the message 10 She always gets her own way. b With a partner, say what you think the idioms mean. 3 Phrasal verbs with get Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning. Shall we try to get together for dinner next weekend? | cant help you now. I need to get on with the cooking Te tried to talk about it, but I just can't get through to him. How did you get into journalism? 10 This terrible weather is realy getting me down. 11 want to get out of going to Ann’ party. Can you think of a good excuse? 12 Thanks for your email. ll get back to you as soon as possible, ‘you're a bit annoyed with me. Have I done something wrong? ‘when you see him. He looks at least ten years older. “10 see each other. her. that awful painting, but I cait because it was a wedding present from my mother-in-law. sn brother for ling my parents I gt back ate. Next ime he asks to borrow my bike, I wont lend it to him ith his wife if she finds out that he’ been emailing his ex-ginfiend He just stood there, blocking the path semommooee hope my brother gets over his break-up soon. He’ very depressed. ‘The best way to get around the city is by taxi ~ they're very cheap here. ‘She’ cheated in exams several times but she always gets away with it My wife is out of work so well just have to get by on less money. 9 I've gota bit behind with my work ~ I may have to do some at the weekend. “getridof ‘Wal, ve managed t get rid of the snnoying dable vision effect on your TV! ts just too difficult for me. Ishe in his eighties now? They seem to have exactly the same tastes and interests, Her exam is in two weeks and she hasnt even started studying. | thought the party was a their hous, but itisnit~ is at Mike and Jane Everything about her irritates me, her voice, her smile ~ everything! He just does whatever she tells him to. keep dropping hints about is awful cooking but he takes no notice ‘There's no way you can afford that car! You're 35 and you'e still living with your parents! recover from start a career or profession ‘move from place to place ‘make someone understand ‘manage with what you have fail to make enough progress 5 depress 1. write or speak to sb again later avoid a responsibilty or obligation ‘meet socially continue doing, do something wrong without getting caught or punished ence rommpoe ‘Can you remember the expressions on this page? Test yourself or a partner. p29 Ero [MultiRoM www.oup.cony/eltengishfile/advanced 6 GRAMMAR get a Look at some sentences from the listening, which all have In which sentence...? the verb ger. Answer the questions with a partner. 1D asap maa teas A. Online agencies vise getting a photo taken where © does ger mean make or persuade you lok renal ater than Seductive 3.7 could you zeplace get with have wth nochange Bm another study by Dr Nancy Kalish, Clfornia Sate in meaning eee |e © pit Gear Bak 2 Real he rls do C Also when a couple stays together for a while, their two. ven groups of friend tart to make friends andasa ress” —_¢- Read the gt questionnaire and tckten questions you'd the couple’ relationship gets stronger. like to ask someone else in the class. Ask and answer in pais get questionnaire Ate you the kind of person who regulary gets rid of old clothes or ddo you tend to keep things for ever? tone of your gadgets or electrical appliances breaks down, do you normally try to fix it yourself fist or do you immediately phone to get an expert to fix it? Did you use to get into trouble alot you are meeting someone, do you usually get there ‘when you were a child? ‘on time, or are you normally either early or late? Do you consider yourself a person who usually gets their own way? Why (not)? If you were able to get just one room in your house redecorated, which would it be and why? Do you think women are better than Do you tend to keep up to date with your work or ‘men at getting presents for people? | studies or do you often get behind? 1 ttyou were invited to a karaoke evening, o you think young drivers get stopped by the police ‘would you ty to get out of going? mote than older drivers? Do you think this is far? a you were supposed to get a light Have you ever got caught cheating in an exam? Have the day after there had been a serious YOU ever cheated in an exam and got away with i? air crash, woud you cancel ‘Do you think going on holiday Is there anyone in your family or together is a good way to really group of friends who really gets on get to know people? your nerves? Have you ever got the wrong. What knd of things do/did your parents get you to do fend of the stick when you were the house? speaking to someone in English? What worries you most about getting old? How often and where do you normally get your haie cut? Where would you go it you realy wanted to get away from everything and ela?

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