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Name : Rizka Meilia Z

Class : XII MIPA 3

No : 28

How to Find Lost Phone Using GPS

GPS is a navigational system using satellite signals to fix the location on or above the
earth’s surface. GPS has been used since 1950, firstly for military interests when world war
happen. But now GPS is used for broader interests, and it has been inputted to almost all of
electronic device specially on gadget. With that feature that we have on our gadget, we can use
GPS to help us find our phone if we were accidentally lost it.

First of all we should make sure that our lost phone is connected to internet, from this
it is important to keep our phone connected to internet just in case if we were losing it. And the
second, make sure our GPS on the phone is on. Because that is the important part for doing this
procedure, so all this is enough to help us finding our lost phone.

First thing to do when we losing our phone is to keep ourselves calm and don’t panic,
after that try to find another phone or laptop. We can borrow our family or friend’s phone,
make sure the device is connected to internet. Then open browser that available on the device
for example, google chrome, next type and visit URL address That
address is official from Google so you don’t need to worry.

Second, you will see page Google account login. Try to fill the email and password
column with your own Google account that installed in your lost phone. After that click on
“Login” button.

If email and password that you’ve inserted is correct, then you will be brought to
Android Find Manager page. In there, you can see the location of your phone through Google
map. You can click on the phone symbol then you will be brought to Google Maps application,
in there you will get coordinate point of your lost phone location.
After that if you want to get direction guide to the location, you can click option
“Directions” on left bottom. Then you will see more information about the location, as white
dot is your location now, and red pin is your phone location. To use Google Maps direction
guide, click “Start” on left bottom.

Last, all you need to do is following the instructions from Google Maps that will lead
you to your phone location. When you arrived and can’t find where the phone is, you can use
“Play Sound” feature on Android Find Manager in previous menu. Finally, you will get your
phone back if you are lucky.

How if your phone is off or doesn’t connect to Internet?

If your phone doesn’t connect to internet or the GPS is off, it will difficult to use this
procedure. So if in the end you can’t find your phone, but you have important data on it. You
can try to use this way to protect your privacy data if worried it will be stolen by someone.

First, in Android Find Manager menu click on “Secure the Device”. With this, if your
phone hasn’t used password, you can set the password. If your phone already has password,
you can change it. If someone find your phone and reset the device, it will still need the
password to open the phone.

Second, log out Google account in your lost phone, it is important to protect your email
safe and will not be misused by someone. You can do it by log in to your Google account in
other device, then log out the account in your lost phone. Although you have logged out, but
you can still play sound, tracking, locking, and deleting data if your phone in a time connected
to internet.

Third, try to contact cellular operator that your phone used and ask help to do
confirmation for preserve your phone number because the phone is lost. Therefore, your phone
number will be locked by operator, so it can’t be used for anything until you come to the nearer
booth and ask to make new sim card with same number.

Last but not least, if you want it to be safer you can use “Delete Device” on Android
Find Manager menu, with this option all your data in your phone will be deleted and reset by
Google. But you need to know that some data as in microSD will not be deleted, so it’s
important to backup your data regularly in case your data gone in a time.

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