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Project Report of Communication Skills

Submitted to:
Mam. Fareeha
Submitted by:
Muhammad Romail Taj 0056
Fahad Naeem 0046
Email on Apology on a negative experience


Date: 22.02.2020

Subject: Apology

Dear Catherine,

On behalf of Amazon, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the negative experience that you had
with our customer service agent, Peter.

I realize that Peter was unhelpful in solving your issue, and that when you asked to speak with a manager,
he hung up the phone instead of transferring your call. I understand your frustration at having not been
properly directed to an on-duty supervisor, and your even greater frustration at having to wait on hold
again, only for the call to drop almost half an hour later.

At Amazon, we pride ourselves on giving our 100% every day to ensure that our customers’ needs are
being met. I know that we have let you down, and for that we are very sorry.

We do our best to train each of our representatives on how to properly handle our customers’ issues,
including how to escalate problems that they are unable to assist with. Your concern was not handled
properly, and we are going to take steps to ensure that this situation does not repeat itself.

As of this Friday, we are going to require our customer service representatives to ask for a call-back
number at the onset of each conversation in case the call drops. We will also be holding a mandatory
review session to make sure our representatives are aware of the proper procedure for transferring calls.

I want to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We are always looking for ways to better our
service, and your feedback is an invaluable part of that process.

Should you need help in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me directly, as I will be very happy to
assist you personally with anything you need.

John Victor


Tel: +013675824763257

Letter to a friend on friendship

Date: 22:02:2020 12:11:45


Subject: Freindship letter

Dear Fahad,

In today’s world, I am glad to have found a true friend like you. I am fortunate to get you as my best
friend as without you, my life would have been very dull. I still remember the first day of school when we
were young, you called me and gave a seat beside you. It’s now almost ten years, and our relationship has
grown in the past years. I want to thank you for being there for me for the ups and downs of my life.

Last year when my father passed away, you were a support to my family and me. I don’t know what I
would have done without you then. You were more helpful than my relatives. I can never forget how you
stayed back in the hospital late at night to support my mother and me.

I cherish every moment of life we spent together. Though you are away from me, I still feel that you are
close to me. How are your studies going? Last time when you wrote, you seemed a little worried about
the portions. I know you will easily pass your engineering also with flying colors.

What about your placements? I know you will hit success in your placements like to hit flying sixes every
time with your bats.

When are your next holidays? I am eagerly waiting to meet you and have a good time together. Do feel
free to drop me your words. Ping me anytime at 923014545266.

I want to thank you for being my friend and being there for me.

With best wishes,

Romail Rajpoot


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