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Ms. Hirsch Mini Lesson: Introduction to Striving for Accuracy and Precision

Unit of Study: Habits of Mind

Topic Striving for Accuracy and Precision

Learning SWBAT understand and incorporate the
Target: Striving for Accuracy and Precision habit of
mind in their daily learning.

Opening: Students will complete the following opener on

their worksheet: Being as accurate and precise
as possible, list the steps to make a traditional
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Teacher will
then select several students at random to read
out their list of instructions. Teacher will have
the materials readily available (bread, peanut
butter, jelly, and a knife) and exactly follow
students’ instructions. Teacher will likely make
several “incorrect” sandwiches because
students were not extremely precise and
accurate in their descriptions. Teacher will use
this as an introduction to the Striving for
Accuracy and Precision habit of mind.

Explicit Teacher will display the habit of mind Striving

Instruction: for Accuracy and Precision on the board. Think-
Pair-Share: Students will first silently reflect on
a definition of this habit of mind on their
worksheets. Students will then share their
answers with a partner. Teacher will then lead
the class in a whole group discussion, and
scribe student answers on the board. Students
will create and record a class definition on their

Guided Striving for Accuracy and Precision In Action

Practice: Activity: Taking inspiration from the opening
activity, students will create a list of steps to
solve the following equation: 42 = 8m + 13m
Teacher: Ms. Hirsch Mini Lesson: Introduction to Striving for Accuracy and Precision

Students will then exchange their paper with

their partner, who will follow their exact steps
to solve their activity. Students will then
exchange back and see if they were accurate
and precise in their instructions

Independent Reflection: Students will answer the following

Practice: three questions on their worksheet

1. Do you feel like you practice this Habit of

Mind regularly? Why/why not?

2. Why is this Habit of Mind important in the

math classroom?

3. How can we practice this Habit of Mind in

the math classroom?

Closure /Summary: Students will share out their answers to the

reflection questions whole group.

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