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Spiritual & Psychological Inventory

1. How would you define spiritual wellness?

It is important to recognize your own definition of this term so that you can recognize what you
find to be important in this life.
2. Do you believe that there is a higher power?
This could be a religious figure or simply an idea that there is something out there that helps
guide your life and your decisions.
3. Do you feel that your life has a higher meaning or purpose?
This is important to understand if you feel there is a purpose to your life that you may not have
achieved yet.
4. Would you call yourself an optimist or a pessimist? Why?
It is important to understand how you look at the world and how you handle problems that
may come your way. It’s as simple as “is the glass half full or half empty” and looking for the
gold lining.
5. Do you ever feel hopeless?
If you do, it is important to recognize that every feeling of hopelessness is ok, but that there is
always something that can be done.
6. How do you forgive those who have wronged you?
Do you forgive and forget, forgive but not forget, or never do either? It is important to
recognize what you do when wronged by a person whether it is a stranger or loved one.
7. Do you think it is important to have a good sense of humor?
This goes back to be a pessimist vs. an optimist. It is how you will look at a situation in life. Or
even if you will enjoy your life or not.

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