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Question No. 4.

Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues

surrounding innovations in Science and Technology?

Questioning the ethical and moral issue in the emergence of innovation through S and T is
essential in order to gage the implication of innovated work in the in human principle and
equality of man. Considering that scientific advancement must always have beneficence to
mankind. Ethics itself deals with the values relating to human conduct, with respect to the
right and wrong of particular actions. Promotion of science along with the growth of moral
values is necessary for human development. Use of AI as algorithm of prediction to
recidivism results largely to ethical problems and justice to man. Ethics demands reporting
authentic results rather than withholding relevant information. False positive problems
predicted to commit acts of serious violence and confinement for that reason is unjustified,
that common used of fixed characteristics such as age and gender punishes people for
matters over which have no control is per se unjust.

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