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sweets Westen 7 SECRETS TO STUDYING Hints on How To Pass Any Exam! Exams! A caise of nervousness, fear, and even tertor, yet a necessary tte of passage toward a worthwhile gol ‘The good news is there are many things you can de before and during your final exam that will almost guarante a passing grade, The two most important shings you need are motivation sand an effective study plant Motivation will ake abit of effort, burs the key to achieving your goal. Te stay motivated, remember why you took this course and review the benefits youl derive from passing the exam and receiving your certificate. Peshaps youre looking forwatd o increased income, increased self-respect ot self-employment. You enrolled in this course because you' looking forward roa brighter fueure! In che following pages, well provide tips and information om how to cicate an effective study plan. Youll discover seven guidelines for creating a worthwhile program for yourself. Ifyou ‘want ro do well and you want co put forth the efort, use thee simple techniques. They have helped many aeople succeed, and ifyou use them, they will work for you aswell! set sin SECRET #1: No Excuses! Make Studying a Habit Worth Having ‘The very first thing you need to do is accept the fat that studying is a requirement, and a necessary pat of the earning process. Sot up a Winning Schedule ‘Neat, set up a schedule and follow it By doing 0, you are developing HABIT of sudying habic as you may already know) takes on a life of its own and starts to generate its own ‘BONUS TIP: nergy, makingitcasier and easier foryou continue. Renember, | Study Shorter, ‘consistency is the key to developing a positive study habit. ‘More Often! We abot alot mre How to develop a strong effective study habit: | nfrmatonifve lam isa cage * Sart small, Start wih only 10-15 minutes of studying | potions, inead oF ata time and then build up to longer amounts as you ‘ying co learn progres trough the materia venting aronce. + Set time aside for studying every day if possible, Breakic down! Sadly *+ On the other hand, be realistic. Be sure wo set up 2 smallsccons, kes reasonable schedule that you can easily fllow. break, then sudy agin SECRET #2: Create the “Right” Study Environment Avoid All Distractions ‘Try your bese to avoid distractions during your study time. Eliminate all the obvious iseractions like phone cll, or friends dropping by. Tell your family members, spouse or children thar you need time alone o concentrate on your studies. Unplug your phone, shut ‘the door, move the newspaper and magazines ro another par of the house. Keep the television and radio off. Take contrl of your environment! Don't Procrastinate! Dont be tempted to put off studying for even cwo or three hours just because the garage reds to be cleaned out, or the closets need reorganizing, Those tasks can wai, Remember to stick to your schedule. oo SEGRET #2: Create the “Right” Environment (continued) ‘Where to Study Find a quiet, comfortable (but not too comfortable) place to study. Ifyou find roo ‘many distractions at home, goto yout local library Find apart ofthe library that is well-lit and ventilated. This ill help you to concencrate. Pack a box with everything you need ro scudy, so that when i time ro go, you can just pick up the box and takeoff. ‘The RIGHT Study Environment: + Studying in the same place each time will help you concentrate and will reinforce yous positive study. BONUS TIP: fais, Eat Light & Eat Right Do you study inthe cvening? Ifyou fel sluggish, could be + Ifyour exam is proctored, try o recreate the same ‘environment as your final exam. This means that if you will be taking che exam sitting at a desk, make sure you study siting ata desk. Ifyou do this, you wll Piece ches form an aoiaton with knwing the materi nd Se siting ata desk. Make your study siuation as similar ‘Also say away fom 2s posible tothe exam situation, and, believe ior not foods high in sugar ike this will actualy help you during the exam! candy bars chocolate (Cater wel tale about forming a "metal atiude™ oul gain srg, bu youl som cach Instead, eat carbohydrates (bread or pasa), ui or protein (as, mest baring study that you will duplicate during the exam.) ‘The WRONG Study Environment: + Dorit study lying in bed. Your unconscious mind associates your bed with slep. You'te more likely to nod off than get any real studying done! * Dont study in frone ofthe tevision set. + Dont eat while studying. Food can be the greatest distraction of al! 7 secrets QS} Stetina SECRET #3: Maximize Your Time ‘Take Study Broaks Make sure you take a brea! Periodically stand up, gently rotate your neck, ouch your toes and feel the stretch along the back of your legs. If posible, take a short walk to get some fees ar. Find Your Peak Performance Time Have you noticed that you're more alert during a certain time of day? For some, their peak ime ‘of day is in the afternoon, while others feel sharpest in che early morning hours. Mose people claim they'e either a morning person or a night ow. Which are you? Find out, then study during those hours, whether it 7:00 a.m, of midnight. However, dont study when you're to tired. Tes waste of your valuable time and it won' do you any good! BONUS TIP: Avoid Cramming! (Ceamming is a good way to guarantee poor results, Don't ‘expect to retain any information you try to learn atthe last, ‘minute. In the days before your exam, you should review the ‘material youve aheady gone over 7 sores [fie stevna SECRET #4: Use Study Aids to Your Advantage Dhan a review of each chapter as you go along, so that you done have co review everything all t ‘once right before the exam. Remember, no cramming! Make up your own questions foreach chapter. Use che chapter headings and subheadings for ideas. Can you answer these questions quickly? Flash cards are very good tools, particularly for memorization of important terms and definitions. You can creae them out of the words and terms you're having the most diffculey with, Review them in random order until you fel confidenc thae you know them. ‘Videos, (if offered with your course) are excellent study aids, because watching and listening ro videos involve more of your senses chan just reading. Plus, videos can be rewound and replayed as often as you need. Practice exams (ifavailable) can also help prepare you for the real ching. Ifyou can score 90% ‘or more on your practice exams, youre doing well Remember, effective studying is a resul of acive involvement, not ust pasively reading the vextand materials. BONUS TIP: Score at least 90% correct (on your study aids Your study aids area valuable rol! Use them to tack your progress. You'll know insanely which topics you're weaker on and whieh areas you need to review again Ape swe SECRET #5: Remember to use Memorization Tools! ‘Associative Memory Techniques What’ the best way o recall important fits? When you associate something familar to you with those faces. Here are some examples of associative memory techniques that will work for you. Acrostcs Hae you sehen ofthe ps, “Err gond boy dos ; fine?” Thisis an example of an acrostic. The first letter in each | BONUS TIP: ‘word stands for the note on the musical staff — “E, G, B, D, Make Sain i: FTheisansdwomenny.ferinsune ined ea when | Understand Wha Youn to remember per taxa we ie ceric "No Dun Fooling Arun or November December Fea. | NEVER go pasta wonyou and April). See if you can make up creative acrostcs for areas | don't understand in che ‘you need help remembering. Sometimes the more outrageous, | textbook. Stop and look ic the beret! up, then continue. Ifyou dont understand a sentence Acronyms ‘or paragraph inthe ext, "Acronyms are actual words formed from the frstleres ofa | take ita phrase ata time series or lis of words you need to remember. In grade school | until ic makes sense o you. when you had to remember che names of the Great Lakes, you | Write down any term you probably used che word “homes” to remember all five lakes - | find difficult and make it Fuvon, Ontario, Michigan, re and Superior Becrenivein | taf cd Reviews ig up acronyans fr the nex day atthe sar of brmeaides ee aren your study session. Soon iB Youll knw them all “Making up simple shyme an be avery effective memor- zation to Remembe “before cep air Imaging Techniques ‘Visualization engages a different part of your brain than reading or listening, thereby adding to your learning suceess. You can use "LINKING" to recall a listo series of words by creating a visualization that concains ll the words you need to recall. The more outlandish the image, the ‘more likely you!l remember it. For instance, say you want to recal the errands you need to run that day. You need to go to the post office, buy milk, pick up your daughter at soccer practice, and Duy dog food. “Link” chese together by visualizing a dog witha leer in its mouth being chased by acow kicking a soccer ball. I might sound strange, bu it works! secrets fi} String SECRET #5: Remember to use Memorization Tools! (continued) Other Memory Techniques Recitation Probably the most powerful tool you have to transfer ideas from your shorecerm memory t0 your long-term memory is co say those ideas outloud and in your own words. Interest Youll remember things beter ifyou are rly interested in remembering them. It may sound simple, but it's true! Therefore, Patol al yurreaonfredigihiscousein dee | SOMUS TI pic naga al che bests fur neces Ken or el loose insight. This will refresh your interest in learning the material and | 442! the future! Se pr andy re ‘Weer append inc ne Repotton coed inppn Temenber memory sine pl neon Readgand | apie Soitye seven hf buoy ing srl wtehem down, | elie pa inentacoymiortietelidingiehoigie Pctcrwaryie | doen man yal Iemcdon our nord Herken akyougustons | ulm eke Stontc msclyouvesued lean eughteuon. | heparan How do you think we learn the lyrics to a popular songoorall those | forget. Lets star television ad lines and jingles? Because we've heard them over and | fees! ove and ove od SECRET #6: Visualize Your Success and Tame Your Fears! If yout like most people, ou may have alte discomfort the thought of taking a quiz or an ‘exam. You may remember past experiences that didnt work out, or you may focus on how youl {eel if you donit do well. Your anxiery may even be intense enough to classify as real fear. However, is importanc to transform a fearful or negative attitude into a positive stieude, because a postive atticude counts for at least a third of your success on any exam! Luckily, we have the power to focus our atention on thoughts and feelings tha serve us beet secrets Si} String SECRET #6: Visualize Your Success and Tame Your Fears! (continued) ‘Bur how do you generate positive atitude? First, let’ shift our focus away from how well feel if we al to how wel el when we succeed! Bach night (or day) atthe end of your study session, visualize yourself receiving your Certificate of Completion. See the words, “Congratula- tions, youve passed your course." Smile, take a deep breath, relax and imagine telling your best friend or family member the good news. Enjoy your succes. Pat yourself on the back forall ‘that studying and good work, You deserve i ‘Ac first, you may have difficuly visualizing ifyour fear level is high or ifyou've had a disep- pointment or ewo inthe past. However, if you persist litde by ltde, the visualization will become easier. Ir can actually be quite fun! “Here's another visualization tip, Remember when we talked about duplicating the same study environment that you'd have during the actual exam as an aid to doing well? Another ‘good visualization technique isto duplicate the "mental attitude” during study that youd like to Ihave during the exam, ‘You'd probably ike to be relaxed, confident, clear-minded and alert during the exam. So, before each study session, ake a minute to imagine yourself in che exam room, your feet planted on the floor, a clack on the wall in view, your pencils, eraser, and calculator on the desk. in front of you. If chs makes you nervous — fine. Next, close your eyes and take along, deep breath. Inhale through your nose, slowly filing up your diaphragm first, chen inhaling upward, filling your lings. Hold your breath tothe count of three, chen exhale slowly through your ‘mouth while saying the word “relax” in your mind. As you exhale, imagine your whole body leeting go of any tension. Do this three or four times until you fel relaxed. With your eyes still closed, take a moment and concentrate on how it fels to be relaxed. Tell yourself, “Tam in the ‘exam room and I'm completely relaxed and feeling fine. I feel confident and intelligent! remember everything I studied.” (Ifyou wish, substitute other sentences that fee helpful 0 you, Ifyou do this breathing technique and affirmation each time you study, you will develop a relaxation response, This relaxation response will become stronger each time you practice it BONUS TIP: Anticipation Jitters are Normal! Dont deny what yout feling. Youte experiencing anxiety because you realize the importance of passing this exam - its a natural reaction. However, don lee cis fear paralyze you, Remember your visualization and relaxation techniques. nt fn SECRET #6: Visualize Your Success and Tame Your Fears! (continued) ‘When you actually find yoursefin the exam room, you can close your eyes and repeat this procedute, The relaxation esponse you developed siting in your study area will be recalled by your body and will help you relax during the exam. Ic works! You can also add a cue o your relation response if youd like. For example, in order to relax luring an exam, you can program yourselfto deep breathe and relax while gently tapping your index Finger on the table. Practice tas technique over and over again until your mind associates the relaxation response with the tapping of your finger. Then, ifyou feel tense when youtecaking the actual exam, all you need to do s gently tap your index inger on che desk and you'll alm down! If you psychologically prepare yourself for success, your chances for real success will increase dramatically. Profesional athlete fequently use visualization techniques to improve their performance. They don’ allow room fora single negative thought, and neither should you. Tell yourzel youre looking forward to your exam, because i wll be the culmination ofall your hard ‘work and in the end, youll havea rewarding new career! SECRET #7: Don't Cram The Night Before - What to Do Instead! ‘The Day Before the Exam... your exam is proctored and you need to drive to the location, make sure you load the car up ‘with gas the day before your exam. Also teview the two routes you've planned to take to get to the ‘exam location. Think theough and write down your pre-exam schedule so that you know when ‘you have co leave the house to artv= atthe exam early. Give yourself adequate time to shower, “dress eat, et. Gather all the materials you'll need for the exam and put them in a box or bag. ‘The Night Before... Some people recommend not studying tall after dinner on the night before the exam. Instead, 0 fora long walk, or read, or hit some golf balls - whatever relaxes you. Ifyou've followed your study schedule and used the suggetions in thie bookler, you should he well prepared! [Now all you need co dois make sue you get a good night’ slep. Staying up late, or going out ‘oa party won't help your test resus! seat i tin BONUS SECTION: Tips For During The Exam Regardless of whether your exam is proctored or not, read the directions carefully Don’ assume ‘you already know what they say. Take nothing for granted. Be sure to note if youll be penalized for wiong answers or not. Ifyou not penalize for wrong answers, chen it’s okay to guess. ‘Next, do a quick preview of the exam. Ifyou dont already know how the exam is broken down, ths will give you some idea. Ifany information comes into your mind during the preview, write ie down quickly on your scrap paper for use later. Previewing the exam quickly may even give you some answers 0 questions. Also, your subconscious will he working on tke diffcule questions you've seen before you get to them, (Once you know how the exam breaks down, then you can quickly calculate how much time is reasonable wo allot for ich section. For instance, an essay question worth only a few points is not ‘wor spending 30 minures ont [fhe exam is all mukiple choice, you can calculate how much time each question should take in the following manner. Divide your time into quarterly segments. For instance, ifyou have 4 hhours to complete the exam, and there are 150 questions, then seta goal to finish de exam in 3 hours. (We will explain why later) Therefore, divide 3 hours by 4 and you'll ge 4 forey-ive ‘minute segments. Write down when you should be done with one-quarter of the questions, one- haalfof the questions, three-quarters ofthe questions, and finally the whole exam. It will look something like cis: 9:00 - 9:45 #138 945-1030 #39- #75 1030-115 476- #113, 1115-12:00 #114 - #150 Zsecrets, fre stern BONUS SECTION: Tips For During The Exam (continued) ‘This way, ifae 9:45 youire sill on question #12, youll kriow you're moving too slow. But luckily, you've spotted your eror early and you have time to pick up speed! IF youre right at question #38, you know youre on time and doing wel. Keep checking your progres periodically. ‘Work on the easiest parts of the exam fis, but be sue to allow enough time forthe difficult parcs ofthe exam. Ifthe exam is all multiple-choice questions, then just go ahead sequentially. Bur ifthe exam contains some multiple-choice and some essay questions, and you have a definite preference for one type of question aver the other, complete the type of question you like ester first. Asa resul, you'll gain confidence and momentum. Then when you go back to the harder {questions our subconscious mind has aready been working on thers. ‘When answering essay questions, write notes in the margin of your scrap paper to help you ‘organize your ideas briefly before writing, Be sure ro make your writing easy to read Any question you dont understand can be restated in your own words to make i easier for you to understand. However, be sure norco change the original meaning ofthe question! Go Through Your Exam Four Times ‘You're going ogo through your exam four diferent times. That's why we took that extra hour away from your firs pass chrough the exam, This last hour allows you time forthe subsequent passes through the exam, ‘The firs time through the exam, skip any questions you dont know the answers to. Draw a line on your scrap paper, and write down the numbers of those questions you skip After you've gone all the way through the exam the firs time, count how many questions youive skipped and quickly calculate how much time you have foreach of them, then go back through the exam a second time to answer those questions you've skipped. Try to answer them, but don take longer than the time you alloced foreach one. Ifyou still don know the answe, leave it blank, ‘The third time through the exam, go ahead and guess on those questions you left blank (ifyou ‘won't be penalized for guessing). secrete ee Staring BONUS SECTION: Tips For During The Exam (continued) ‘The fourth time through the exam, proofread your answers, When you proofread, you're looking for these three things clerical, mathematical o perceptual errors. Did you misunderstand the question? Is the decimal poin in the right place? Did you mistakenly pencil in “A” for answer #23 instead of “B” ? On the other hand, don't change any of the answers unless youre absolutely sure they'e incorrect. Your frst instincts ae usually right. Temay be difficult for you to review the exam the fourth time, You'e under stess and you may juse wane to finish as quickly as possible. Bur dont give up yet. Youve worked hard, s0 sce it through. Use all he time you have been allotted forthe exam Don’ leave until the proctor says “Time is up!” After The Exam Congratulations! Youve worked hard, and youve done well, 0 now you can relae. If youve thf followed these steps, youl son be able to enjay your suces!

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