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Name : 1. Aslahiyah (16.1135.


2. Nailu Iklilah (16.1169.S)

3. Vione Rizki Fadhillah (16.1200.S)


1. Goals
Nasogastric tube (NGT) may be used for feeding or for drainage-read your instruction
throughly as this will dictate the typr of tube you need to use. Essentially you are inserting a
tube from the patients nose into their stomach.
2. Materials :
a. Gloves
b. Fine bore nasogastric tube (feeding only) or nasogastric “Ryles” tube 16Fr (all other
c. Water based lubricant
d. Syringe
e. Bile bag
f. Securing device or tape
g. Cup of water
3. Steps :
1) First wash your hands, and then position the patient on the bed upright and facing
forward. Put on your gloves
2) Then measure the lenght of the tube to be inserted, do this by measuring the nasogastric
tube from the tip of the nose, to the earlobe and then to the xiphistrum
3) Then lubricate the tip of the tube and begin to insert through one of the nostrils
4) Ask the patient to take a mouthful of water and as they swallow advance the tube of the
desired lenght
5) Aspirate from the tube using a syring. And check the stomach with stethoscope, if you
hear a sound “plung” means the tube has entered the stomach
6) If satisfied that the tube has entered, and the tube is draining gastric fluid, secure the
tube with tape and attach a bile bag to allow drainage.
7) Remove gloves and dispose in a clinical waste bin. Ensure your patient is comfortable,
thank them and wash hands.

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