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It will be the honor and pride of every leader to see an innovative idea come to life.

In the era of BJMPRO-IX, many innovations were realized and is still effectively used up to now.
At this very year, we have been fortunate and blessed to have a new Regional Director in the name of
J/SSUPT Johnson M Calub, DM in the first month of the year 2019. He is not your ordinary Director, but
an inventive one. In his months of stay in the region, he was able to launch the very first BJMP Band in the
Regional level in coordination with the RESJO. He not only came up with the idea, but he also supported
the creation of such, and uplifted the spirits of each member.

The band composition was the easiest part, because those skilled with playing the instruments
were more than willing to be a part of the band. Then came the challenging part; practicing the piece. It
is easy to gather the talented and the skilled, but it is difficult to practice one piece with complex notes.
But this did not hinder the band members; instead, they soulfully and excellently rehearsed and was able
to pull off a harmony. As what our regional director said, “I have seen the hard work and dedication of
the band members in practicing while hitting the right note to compose a beautiful harmony all together
and because of that, I raise my head up”.

As their band master, fan, supporter and most of all, witness, it is and honor to lead people with
passion and dedication. And as a Human Resource to the Regional Director, it is my pride to help realize
his objective even in a little way.

It is a proud moment of BJMP Region IX to have been able to organize and create the first BJMP
Marching Band in the regional level. This does not stop here, for the band have not given, nor give a
mediocre performance. It will always be an all-out and total show for the band. And as their band master,
the support and care also will not stop there.

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