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1. He is manic when it comes to his favorite subject.

2. You have to be prudent if you want to be the president of the class.

Dear Hiro- san,

In this lesson, we don’t wait for opportunity, we create them today. In learning the language, we try
again, we fail again, and we fail better. In our quest for learning the language, we may commit mistakes,
which I believe, a success in progress.

Thank you for booking in my class!

Phee May

Lesson Contents: Original Materials Daily News

Level: Advanced

Comment: He is conversant with the language.

Dear Hiro- san,

In this lesson, you were taught to believe in yourself, and all that you are. Please know that there is
something inside you greater than your obstacle. We may commit mistakes in learning but, it is a proof
that we are trying.

Thank you for booking in my class!

Phee May

1. She likes to juxtapose traditional and none traditional themes.

2 They were in a state of so much gaiety after being reunited for so long.

1. In order for your teacher to fully understand your thoughts, you must elucidate your topic well.
2. Tofu has conspicuous blue eyes.

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