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Papaya, is an important nutritious, climacteric fruit with a very short holding life and extremely
popular throughout the year which also makes it prone to misuse of practices. One of the famous
misuse is use of harmful ripening chemicals. Two major ripening chemical viz. ethylene (C 2H4),
a natural ripening hormone and calcium carbide(CaC 2) are extensively used for ripening of many
climacterics so an experiment was performed to compare the efficacy of ethylene and CaC 2 on
ripening parameters of papaya fruit in the following ratio ethylene 50 ppm, 100 ppm and 150ppm
and calcium carbide viz., 1mg, 5mg and 10mg per fruit with three replications under ambient
storage. Fruit quality was assessed by measuring weight loss in fruit, acidity, decay, soluble
solids concentrationx, total sugars, reducing sugars and β-carotene content. At full ripened stage
of the fruit, total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars and β-carotene were higher in fruits
treated significantly with ethylene 150 ppm/fruit, followed in turn by calcium carbide 10
mg/fruit, whereas the treatments caused a significant decrease in the ascorbic acid content and
titratable acidity of the fruit.
Keywords: Papaya, ethylene, calcium carbide, ripening, biochemical changes,

Papaya (Carica papaya L.) belongs to family Caricacea, a native of tropical America and was
introduced in India in the 16th century from Malacca. Papaya fruits are delicious and rich source
of vitamins and minerals. The medicinal, healing, curative and nutritive properties of papaya are
well documented. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and is generally available year round. It is full
of vitamins C, A and E and the minerals like potassium and magnesium. Papaya juice has an in
vitro anti proliferative effect on liver cancer cells due to carotenoids. Asmah et al., (2002).
Papaya is climacteric fruit and these fruits show a decline in respiration at pre-climacteric stage.
As the ripening is initiated, respiration increases, reaches the climacteric peak and then declines.
Respiration is accompanied by various biochemical changes which brings about characteristic
taste, aroma and palatability of fruits, while senescence brings about the degradative process
which makes the fruit unfit for consumption. By adopting proper postharvest handling practices
and proper understanding of the biochemical changes in ripening and senescence, the postharvest
losses can be controlled to a greater extent.
Ethylene production rates in ripening fruit is 6 to 10 μL/ kg/ h. Paull and Chen (2004). Papaya
fruits treated with ethylene ripe faster and uniformly in terms of softening, skin degreening and
flesh color. Since the papaya ripens from the inside to outwards, the mesocarp tissue has not yet
started to ripen, so the ethylene treatment is given to accelerate rate of ripening. Ethylene, a
natural plant hormone is produced by all plants and plant parts. It is also applied artificially to the
plants. Ethylene is supposed to regulate fruit ripening by coordinating the expression of genes
responsible for increasing the rate of respiration, chlorophyll degradation, carotene synthesis,
autocatalytic chlorophyll degradation, increased activity of cell wall-degrading enzymes and
conversion of starch to sugars. Gray et al. (1992). The ethylene is used to ripen climacteric fruits
like Papaya, Banana and Mango.

Calcium carbide is a corrosive and dangerous chemical compound. It is proven to cause various
adverse effects on human health, even then it is widely used for commercial ripening of fruits by
small traders. It is colorless when pure, but black to greyish-white in colour otherwise, with
slight garlic-like odour. Calcium carbide produces acetylene gas when it reacts with water. This
process is similar to ethylene and so quickens the ripening process. Downey (1987). Traces of
arsenic and phosphorus hydride as impurities are also found in Commercial grade calcium
carbide. Chow (1979). CaC2 is reported to possess carcinogenic properties and is commercially
used in gas welding. Rahman et al. (2008). In India, the usage of carbide gas for artificial
ripening is banned under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (FSSA, 2011). It’s clearly
mentioned in the Act that no fruit should be sold which have been ripened using carbide gas, a
source of ethylene. Even though the gas has been banned in the country its use is still rampant.
Acetylene, an analogue of ethylene hastens the ripening process. With the application of this gas
sometimes only the colour of the fruit screen changes whereas the inside portion remains raw
and slightly unripe. The taste of fruit also remains unpalatable. It produces an unpleasant odour
and flavor. Smith and Thompson (1987). Trace of arsenic and phosphorus have been noted in
calcium carbide treated food which cause vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensation in the chest and
abdomen, weakness, thirst and problems in esophagus. In contrast the fruits ripened with natural
hormone ethylene have better taste, colour, flavor, odour, and shelf life. Siddiqui, (2008),
Medlicott et al. (1987), Kulkarni et al. (2004).
2.1.1Collection and preparation of papaya fruits:
Fruits of papaya cv. Taiwan-786 (Red Lady) which were used in the experiment were taken from
a orchard, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi. Well-developed mature green
uniform size papaya fruits, physiological mature and free from any pest and disease incidence
were collected and brought to the laboratory. The fruits were washed under running water and
cleaned with dry cloth, divided into 6 treatments under strict hygienic condition. The treatments
were T1: 50 ppm ethylene, T2: 100 ppm ethylene, T3: 150 ppm ethylene, T4: 1mg Calcium
carbide, T5: 5 mg Calcium carbide and T6: 10 mg Calcium carbide stored at temperature- 24 0C
and relative humidity 60-70%).


2.3.1. Ethylene and Preparation of ethylene solution
Fruits were immersed in different concentrations of ethylene for one minute and were dried and
kept in crates lined and covered with paper. Ethylene which is commercially called as ethrel is in
liquid form was mixed with water and made the volume up to one litre for easy dipping of the
fruits. One millilitre (ml) of ethrel solution releases 140 ppm of ethylene gas when treated with
any fruits, hence required dosage was calculated accordingly by this value as reference and
solutions were prepared in concentrations of 50ppm (0.357ml of ethrel solution), 100 ml (0.714
ml of ethrel solution) and 150 ppm (1.071 ml of ethrel solution).
2.3.2. Calcium carbide and Preparation of calcium carbide:
Paper pouches containing different concentrations of calcium carbide were kept in crates were
lined with paper containing papaya fruits. Calcium carbide is in a powder form; hence it has to
be weighed on a weighing machine to meet required quantity for treating with unripen fruits.
Calcium carbide will not act when it is directly exposed to air, hence it has to be covered by
paper pouch and place it beside the unripen fruits. For the experiment which we have carried out,
we chose 1 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg of calcium carbide. Each concentration was weighed and the
powder was put in a paper pouch and placed in front of unripen fruits in a tray.
2.4 Recording of observations
Physiological loss in weight PLW of fruit was determined on the basis of initial weight and the
final weight of fruits and expressed as loss in percentage.
WL = (Wi - Wf/Wi) ∗ 100
where WL is the weight loss (%), Wi (g) is the initial weight and Wf (g) is final weight of the
Soluble solids content, titratable acidity, Ascorbic acid was determined using hand held digital
refractometer. The juice was obtained from the fruit and was strained through muslin cloth. One
to two drops of the strained juice was placed on prism of refractometer to note the reading and
expressed in 0Brix. To determine the titrable acidity, 2 ml of juice was titrated against 0.1 N
sodium hydroxide solution with phenolphthalein as an indicator. Results were expressed in
percentage. Ascorbic acid was estimated as per method described by Ranganna (2008) by
titrating against 2,6 dicholorophenol indophenol.
Sugars The total and reducing sugar content of papaya fruits were determined by volumetric
method of Lane and Eynon, (1923) as presented in Ranganna (2008). Titration of deleaded
samples was done against 10ml of standardized Fehling’s solution with methylene blue as an
indicator. The titration was done up to brick red precipitate to determining the reducing and total
sugars respectively.
β-carotene β-carotene content was extracted from the fruit pulp using acetone and petroleum
ether by following the method mentioned in Ranganna (2008). The colour intensity of β-carotene
eluent was measured using petroleum ether as blank at 452nm and expressed as mg/100 g of
Data recorded on physicochemical and physiological parameters of papaya were analyzed
statistically by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) as well as Factorial Completely
Randomized Design (FRBD) adopting analysis of variance techniques presented by Sukhatme
and Panse(1995). The critical difference (C.D.) at 5 per cent level of probability was worked out.
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) fruits are usually harvested at physiologically mature but unripe
stage. After the papaya is harvested at mature stage, ripening is significant aspect on which the
ultimate quality of the fruit is dependent. Ripening involves numerous metabolic activities in
which sugar of the fruit increases while acid concentration of produce decreases. Colour and
flavour development takes place along with texture softening. To plan the marketing time and
hasten the ripening in order to get premium price calcium carbide and acetylene (analogue of
ethylene) releasing compound and ethylene is being used in recent years. However, the usage of
calcium carbide adversely affects the fruit quality and carry over harmful toxic components to
consumer but are still abundantly used owing to low cost and ease of usage. This practice still
continues crude, so the present work was undertaken to determine the impact of these chemicals
on hastening of ripening and biochemical quality aspects of papaya cv. Taiwan-786, ripened
under ambient (24oC) and 60-70 %RH.
The present investigations revealed that all the treatments hastened the ripening of papaya fruits
to 5- 7 days. Ethylene 150 ppm and 100 ppm 6 days whereas Calcium carbide 10 mg just took 5
days for ripening of papaya cv. Taiwan-786. In the experiments conducted on shelf-life after
ripening, the ethylene ripened fruits were storable and marketable upto 6 days whereas calcium
carbide ripened fruit showed uneven ripening and were storable only for 4 days. Hastened
ripening by calcium carbide as a post-harvest treatment is in confirmly with by Mann and
Dhillon (1974), Sethi (1987) and Kumar and Dhawan (1995). Ethrel which readily breaks down
to yield ethylene is known to accelerate fruit ripening Maxie et al, (1971).

3.2. Physiological loss in weight (PLW %)

The fruit weight loss (PLW) occurs due to water evaporation from fruits and respiration which
are the natural phenomenon occurring during postharvest handling of fruits. The results during
the investigation clearly indicate that the treatments of ethylene and calcium carbide significantly
increase the PLW of papaya fruit as the ripening period advances which is a natural process as
the fruit softens due to physiological and biochemical changes. Under ambient condition the
lowest PLW (%) of papaya fruit was recorded in T 3 (Ethylene 150 ppm) 9.24%, T2 Ethylene
(9.80 %) followed by T4 (calcium carbide 1mg) 11.17 %. The ethylene treated fruits showed a
lower loss in weight compared to calcium carbide treated fruits. The weight loss occurs mainly
due to water evaporation and respiration from fruits and vegetables which are the natural
phenomenon occurring during postharvest handling of fruits Salunkhe and Desai, (1984).
Increase in weight loss with increase in storage duration was also reported in grapes Hale et al,
(1970) and in mango fruits Kumar and Dhawan, (1995).
The analysis of the fruit before ripening and after ripening under ambient condition revealed that
the hastened ripening in the fruits treated with calcium carbide and ethylene is also accompanied
by fast changes in its biochemical composition. The biochemical parameters are presented

3.3.1. Total soluble solids (oBrix)

The data presented in Table 1 for soluble solids reveals that fruits treated with higher ethylene
concentrations and calcium carbide in ambient storage condition recorded maximum total
soluble solids as compared to fruits treated with lower concentrations. Highest total soluble
solids of 8.270 Brix (ambient condition) was noted in fruits treated with ethylene 150 ppm/fruit
(T3) followed by 8.10 0Brix in calcium carbide 10 mg/fruit (T6) and ethylene 100 ppm
@8.07oBrix as compared to the unripe fruit which shows TSS of 6.030Brix. The difference in
TSS of ethylene treated fruit and calcium carbide treated fruit was quite significant. The results
of interaction effect indicated that maturity stage on Total soluble solids ( 0Brix) of papaya cv.
Taiwan-786 was found to be significant. Treatment and condition, maturity stage and condition
also showed significant effect at CD value 0.05. The table 1 reveals that, compared to ethylene
and calcium carbide treatments the ethylene treatment was best in content of TSS and the
ethylene concentration of 150 ppm was significantly found best. Mann and Dhillon (1974) and
Adinarayanan, (1975) have also reported a significant increase in soluble solids content of
mango fruits when treated with calcium carbide or ethylene after harvest.

3.3.2. Titratable acidity (%)

Comparing the titratable acidity at ripening stage of fruits it was found that higher concentrations
of ethylene and calcium carbide significantly lowered the acidity of the fruits as presented in
Table 1. Ethylene 150 ppm/fruit (T3) treated fruits recorded the lowest acidity (0.25% and
0.30%) followed by calcium carbide 10 mg/fruit (T6 0.29%) while unripen fruits recorded 0.52 %
of acidity. The decrease in acidity was recorded due to both the ripening treatments but it was
more in ethylene treated fruits. Ethylene permeates inside the fruits through membrane which
increase the respiration rate and results in acidity reduction during ripening. Selvaraj and Kumar
(1989) reported a six-fold decrease in citric acid during ripening in mango. The decrease in
acidity of fruits is due to conversion of acids into sugars which is utilized in metabolic processes.
Satyam and Patwardhan (1983) demonstrated that during ripening organic acids are converted
mainly into sugars, which causes decline in acidity.

3.3.3. Ascorbic acid (mg/100g)

The results towards the end of the ripening indicated that fruits treated with ethylene
100ppm/fruit (T2)150 ppm/fruit (T3) shows ascorbic acid content of 80.00mg/100g and 74.50
mg/100g respectively as presented in Table 1. The calcium carbide 10 mg/fruit (T 6) shows
ascorbic acid content of 55.67 mg/100g which is significantly lower than ethylene treated fruits.
The results show that ethylene treated fruits recorded a higher ascorbic acid content in
comparison to calcium carbide treated fruits. This is important to retain the nutritive value of the
fruits. Similar observations were also reported by Bal and Kok (2007) reported the highest
ascorbic acid content 120.33 mg/100 g in 500 ppm ethrel treatment, while lowest (119.38
mg/100 g) in 1000 ppm ethrel treatment. Similarly, Das et al. (2011) concluded that the mangoes
cv. Alphonso treated with postharvest dipping of ethrel (750 ppm) for 5 minutes at 52 0C and
ambient storage reported early and uniform ripening compared to ambient with ascorbic acid at
33.59mg/100g of pulp.

3.3.4. Reducing sugar and total sugars (%)

The results during the investigation clearly indicate that the treatments of ethylene and calcium
carbide after completion of ripening significantly improved the reducing sugar content which is
responsible for sweetness in the fruits presented in Figure 1. Ethylene 150 ppm/fruit (T3) treated
fruits had a high reducing sugar content of 7.01 per cent in an ambient condition as in
comparison to calcium carbide treated fruits. Similar results are reported by Singh et al. (1979);
Shanmugavelu and Selvaraj (1974), Mehta et al. (1980) and Bhullar (1982).
In addition to hastening of ripening the chemical treatments seems to have very positive
influence in the final total sugar content of the fruit as presented in Figure 2. The ethylene 150
ppm/fruit (T3) and 100 ppm/fruit treated fruits was reported sugar content of 6.55 % and 5.44 %
repectively whereas calcium carbide 10 mg/fruit (T6) treatment also increased the total sugars up
to 10.05 per cent. Singh et al. (1979) and Bhullar (1982) also reported similar increase in total
sugars of mango with ethrel treatment. Krishnamurthy and Subramanyam (1973) reported that as
sugars from a high proportion of the soluble solids in ripe mango, after picking, the sugar content
increases due to conversion of starch already present. An increase in the sugars up to certain
period at storage is due to conversion of starch into sugars (Lakshminarayana 1973).

3.3.5. β-carotene
The results during the investigation presented in Figure 3 clearly indicate that all the treatments
of ethylene and calcium carbide significantly improved the β-carotene content which is
responsible for colour in the fruits. In ambient condition ethylene 150 ppm (T 3) treated fruit
shows highest β-carotene content (1.85 mg/100g) significantly higher than the calcium carbide
10 mg (T6) treated fruit at 1.11 mg/100g. Nagaraj et al. (1984), Tauqir et al. (1989), Padmini and
Prabha (1997) evaluated the imapact of CaC2 treatment at 2 and 4g/kg fruit on mango cvs.
Alphonso, Dashehari and Desi reported higher concentration of carotenoids (colour) then the
other treatments at four days of storage.

Minimum ripening period of 5 days was needed in fruits treated with calcium carbide 10 mg
followed by ethylene 100 ppm (T2-6 days) and 150 ppm (T3) 7 days under the ambient
condition but the ripening by Calcium carbide was uneven and the storability only upto 4 days
whereas ethylene ripened fruits were storable and marketable upto 6 days. Under ambient
condition the lowest PLW (%) of papaya fruit was recorded in T3 (Ethylene 150 ppm) 9.24%
and T4 (calcium carbide 1mg) 11.17 % during subsequent storage. A sharp increase was
witnessed at the fully ripened stage in the total soluble solids of papaya fruits. At the fully
ripened stage ethylene 150 ppm (T3) treated fruits had significantly higher total soluble solids of
8.27 0Brix in ambient condition followed by 8.100 Brix fruits treated with calcium carbide 10 mg
(T6). On comparing the titratable acidity of fruits towards the final ripening stag it was found
that higher concentrations of ethylene and calcium carbide significantly lowered the acidity of
the fruits. Ethylene 150 ppm (T3) treated fruits recorded the lowest acidity followed by calcium
carbide 10 mg. Towards final stage ethylene 150 ppm/fruit treated fruits shows ascorbic acid
content of 74.50 mg/100g was significantly higher than the calcium carbide 10 mg at 55.67
mg/100g (ambient condition). A sharp increase was witnessed during ripening in the β-carotene
content of papaya fruits. In an ambient condition ethylene 150 ppm treated fruit shows highest
β-carotene content of 1.85 mg/100g followed by calcium carbide 10 mg treated fruit shows β-
carotene content of 1.11 mg/100g. The ethylene 150 ppm/fruit (T3) treated fruits had a total
sugar content of 6.55 %. In addition, calcium carbide 10 mg (T6) treatment also increased the
total sugars up to 10.05 per cent in an ambient condition. At the completion of ripening of the
fruits, the reducing sugar in papaya fruits were found significantly increased in fruits treated
with ethylene 150 ppm at 7.01 per cent in an ambient condition as compared to calcium carbide
treated fruits. In conclusion it was found that under ambient condition dipping of fruits in
ethylene 150 ppm (T3) solution immediately after harvest at physiological maturity, hastened
the ripening and improved the biochemical composition of the fruit for TSS, soluble solids,
ascorbic acid, reducing and total sugars. Ripening treatment with ethylene had more acceptable
colour and a higher shelf-life (6 days) as compared to calcium carbide treated fruits (4 days).
Further experiments are required to carry out the impact of ripening chemicals on its
organoleptic and nutritional properties.

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Table 1: Effect of different ripening chemicals on TSS, Titrable acidity and Ascorbic acid of
Papaya cv. Taiwan 786
T1 7.00 8.77 7.88 0.45 0.39 0.42 48.83 59.67 54.23
T2 7.00 9.07 8.03 0.44 0.35 0.39 49.43 57.5 53.46
T3 7.00 9.67 8.33 0.44 0.30 0.37 48.80 55.5 52.16
T4 7.00 8.03 7.51 0.44 0.40 0.42 49.40 53.33 51.45
T5 7.03 8.23 7.63 0.45 0.38 0.41 49.57 51.83 50.70
T6 7.03 9.13 8.08 0.45 0.33 0.39 49.57 50.33 49.86
MEAN 7.01 8.82 0.44 0.35 49.27 54.69
CD0.05 0.166 0.009 0.518
T1: 50 ppm ethylene, T2: 100 ppm ethylene, T3: 150 ppm ethylene, T4: 1mg Calcium carbide,
T5: 5 mg Calcium carbide and T6: 10 mg Calcium carbide

List of figures
Figure 1: Effects of Ripening Chemicals on Reducing Sugar
Figure 2: Effects of Ripening Chemicals on Total Sugar
Figure 3: Effects of Ripening Chemicals on β-carotene

Figure.1 Effects of Ripening Chemicals on Reducing

Ripening Chemicals
Sugar onTotal

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