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Treatment of calcinosis cutis in systemic

sclerosis and dermatomyositis: A review

of the literature
Helene Traineau, MD,a Rohit Aggarwal, MD,b Jean-Beno^ıt Monfort, MD,a Patricia Senet, MD,a
Chester V. Oddis, MD,b Carlo Chizzolini, MD, PhD,c,d Annick Barbaud, MD, PhD,a Camille Frances, MD,a
Laurent Arnaud, MD, PhD,e and François Chasset, MDa
Paris, France; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Geneva, Switzerland; and Strasbourg, France

Background: We have limited data on the treatment of calcinosis cutis associated with systemic sclerosis
and dermatomyositis.

Objective: To assess the efficacy and tolerance of available treatments for calcinosis cutis based on
previously published studies.

Methods: We performed a systematic review of studies published in Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane
library during 1980-July 2018. The strength of clinical data was graded according to the modified Oxford
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence.

Results: In all, 30 studies (288 patients) were included. Eleven therapeutic classes, surgery, and physical
treatments were identified as potential treatment options for calcinosis cutis. On the basis of results of a
small randomized controlled trial and 4 retrospective studies, low-dose warfarin should not be used for
calcinosis cutis (level IB evidence). The results of several studies suggest diltiazem and bisphosphonates
might be useful treatment options (level IV). Considering biologic therapies, rituximab has shown
promising results in treating both dermatomyositis and systemic sclerosis, whereas tumor necrosis factor
inhibitors might be useful for treating juvenile dermatomyositis (level IV). Intralesional sodium thiosulfate
might be a promising alternative (level IV).

Limitations: Few included studies had a high level of evidence.

Conclusion: This study highlights the efficacy and tolerance profiles of available treatments for calcinosis
cutis, with a focus on level of evidence. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82:317-25.)

Key words: calcinosis cutis; dermatomyositis; level of evidence; systemic sclerosis.

C alcinosis cutis is defined by the deposition of sclerosis (SSc) are the most frequent autoimmune
insoluble calcium in the skin and subcutane- connective tissue disorders associated with calci-
ous tissues.1 Dermatomyositis and systemic nosis cutis.2 Indeed, calcinosis cutis develops in

From the Sorbonne Universite, Faculte de Medecine Sorbonne Conflicts of interest: Dr Arnaud has received honoraria from
e, Assistance PubliqueeH^ opitaux de Paris, Service de Roche-Chuga€ı, Grifols, LFB, Pfizer, and UCB. Dr Chizzolini has
Dermatologie et Allergologie, H^ opital Tenona; Division of received travel support from Roche-Chuga€ı. Dr Traineau, Dr
Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Department of Med- Aggarwal, Dr Monfort, Dr Senet, Dr Oddis, Dr Barbaud, Dr
icine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicineb; Department Frances, and Dr Chasset have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
of Immunology and Allergy, University Hospital and School of Accepted for publication July 7, 2019.
Medicine, Genevac; Department of Pathology and Immunology, Reprint requests: François Chasset, MD, Sorbonne Universite,
School of Medicine, Genevad; and Service de Rhumatologie, AP-HP, Service de Dermatologie et d’Allergologie, H^ opital
H^opitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Laboratoire d’Immuno- Tenon, 4 Rue de la Chine 75970 Paris CEDEX 20, France.
Rhumatologie Moleculaire, Centre National de Reference des E-mail:
Maladies Syst emiques Auto-immunes Rares Est Sud-Ouest, Published online July 11, 2019.
INSERM UMR S1109, Universite de Strasbourg, Strasbourg.e 0190-9622/$36.00
Funding sources: None. Ó 2019 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.

318 Traineau et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

;30% of adult dermatomyositis patients3 and 30%- Study selection and eligibility criteria
70% of juvenile dermatomyositis patients.4-7 Observational studies and RCTs were considered
Moreover, the prevalence of calcinosis ranges 18%- if they included patients with dermatomyositis or
49% in SSc patients.8-12 Substantial advances in our SSc, the number of patients with calcinosis cutis was
understanding of SSc and dermatomyositis patho- provided, patients received a specific treatment for
genesis, newer classification criteria, and advances in calcinosis cutis or for connective tissue disease and
disease management have resulted in improved calcinosis cutis outcomes were assessed, and the
survival in SSc and dermato- number of patients treated
myositis.4,5,13 Nevertheless, and number of responders
long-term morbidity remains CAPSULE SUMMARY were stated. Although calci-
a major issue.14,15 nosis cutis is rare, to avoid
Dystrophic calcinosis is d
There is no evidence-based study publication bias from single
associated with considerably focusing on the treatment of calcinosis case reports, we excluded
impaired quality of life due cutis associated with systemic sclerosis case series of \3 patients as
to ulceration and secondary and dermatomyositis. well as reviews, editorials,
infections, both resulting d
Eleven therapeutic classes, surgery, and and guidelines (Fig 1).
in extreme debilitation.7,16 physical treatments were identified as The quality of studies was
Although early aggressive potential treatment options for calcinosis assessed by the Newcastle-
intervention might prevent cutis. Among them, low-dose warfarin Ottawa Assessment Scale23
calcinosis cutis develop- should not be used (level IB evidence), for observational studies and
ment,17-19 treatment remains whereas rituximab may be a promising the Cochrane Collaboration
challenging. Furthermore, alternative (level IV). Risk of Bias tool24 for
few randomized controlled RCTs.
trials (RCTs) have been per-
formed,20 and we lack spe- Data extraction and
cific guidelines for calcinosis cutis management in assessment of calcinosis cutis outcomes
dermatomyositis and SSc. However, several case The posttreatment calcinosis cutis response was
series or prospective cohort studies focusing on reported as complete or partial. Complete response
calcinosis cutis treatment have been published.21 was defined as the complete disappearance of
To better define an evidence-based treatment calcinosis cutis, and partial response was any
approach and to provide the best available evidence improvement according to the study protocol, which
for physicians, we performed a systematic review of included reduction in the size of calcinotic deposits
case series and cohort studies investigating the and healing of ulcers. When only pain reduction was
management of calcinosis cutis in patients with reported, the treatment was considered a failure.
dermatomyositis or SSc. Adverse events were recorded. A relapse was
defined as the reappearance of lesions after a com-
plete or partial response. All data were extracted
MATERIAL AND METHODS independently by 2 investigators. When data were
This systematic review was performed according available, data on adult and pediatric patients were
to the 2009 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic presented separately in the tables.
Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist.22
Levels of evidence and treatment
Literature search and information sources The strength of clinical data and subsequent
We performed a systematic review of Medline/ treatment recommendations were graded according
PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane database during to the modified Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based
January 1980-July 2018 with no restriction on lan- Medicine levels of evidence and grades of
guage. The search strategy combined free-text recommendation.25
search, exploded MeSH and Emtree terms, and all
synonyms of the following medical subject headings RESULTS
terms: ‘‘systemic sclerosis,’’ ‘‘dermatomyositis,’’ and Literature search and characteristics of
‘‘calcinosis cutis.’’ The gray literature was also included studies
explored to avoid publication bias. We also searched Our literature search identified 3032 citations;
for additional articles from the reference lists of reports for 30 studies10,20,26-53 were included in this
relevant papers. systematic review (Fig 1), including 2 RCTs,20,30 11
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Traineau et al 319

included localized bacterial infection of the calci-

Abbreviations used:
nosis (n = 2), moderate acute infusion-related events
RCT: randomized controlled trial (n = 1), and intestinal perforation 2 weeks after a
SSc: systemic sclerosis
STS: sodium thiosulfate combination of rituximab and pulse methylprednis-
olone infusions (n = 1).
Other biologic agents. Tumor necrosis factor a
inhibitors and abatacept (cytotoxic T-lymphocy-
prospective cohort studies,31,32,36,43-48,51,53 and 17 teeassociated protein 4 antibody) were used in 4
retrospective studies.* The sample size ranged 3-78 studies,29,36-38 with a total of 30 dermatomyositis
patients, for a total of 288 patients (108 SSc, 66 adult patients (mostly juvenile dermatomyositis). The re-
dermatomyositis, 90 juvenile dermatomyositis, and sults of 3 infliximab studies29,36,38 showed a partial
24 dermatomyositis or SSc [unspecified diagnosis]). response rate ranging from 0% (0/2)29 to 80% (1
Overall, the methodologic quality of included prospective study of 5 juvenile dermatomyositis
studies was low, with 26 cohort studies graded as patients).36 No complete responses were noted,
poor quality and only 2 as fair quality. and adverse events were not reported.
Warfarin. Warfarin, a vitamin K antagonist, was Bisphosphonates. In 4 retrospective cohort
used in 1 RCT20 and 4 retrospective studies,26-29 with studies including 17 individuals (15 dermatomyosi-
a total of 19 patients (10 dermatomyositis, 6 SSc, 3 tis, 2 unspecified),28,39-41 the efficacy of bisphosph-
unspecified) (Table I). A dosage of 1 mg/day was onates for calcinosis cutis was assessed (Table III).43-47
most commonly prescribed. The mean calcinosis Specific bisphosphonates and the therapeutic regi-
cutis duration was from 4 months27 to 10 years.26 A mens were heterogeneous. The partial response
small placebo-controlled trial26 found no clinical ranged from 50% (3/6)40 to 100% (3/3)39 and the
improvement in calcinosis cutis in 5 patients who complete response rate from 0% to 33%.28,39-41 In 2
received warfarin 1 mg/day. From the results of the 5 patients who had a complete response with pamidr-
studies, the partial response rate ranged from onate, 1 relapse was noted after 4 years; in this case,
0%20,26,29 to 66% (2/3),28,54 with no complete alendronate was then used, which resulted in a second
response observed in all but 1 study (2/3; 66%).54 complete response. No adverse events were recorded
No relapse was observed after 2 years’ follow-up in 1 in the only study assessing safety.41
study.27 Adverse events were not reported. Intravenous immunoglobulins. Two retro-
Diltiazem. Diltiazem, a calcium channel blocker, spective studies that included 15 dermatomyositis
was used in 3 retrospective cohort studies in 38 patients29,42 assessed the efficacy of intravenous
patients (12 dermatomyositis, 12 SSc, 14 unspeci- immunoglobulins on calcinosis cutis. Galimberti
fied)10,28,29 (Table I). The dosage ranged from 60 mg et al42 reported a partial response in 62% (5/8) of
3 times daily to 480 mg/day. The partial response rate patients, and there were no complete responders. In
ranged from 0% (0/12)29 to 64% (9/14).28 No com- contrast, no objective response was observed in the
plete responses were reported in the 3 studies, and study of Fredi et al,29 which included 7 dermatomy-
no adverse events were reported in the study of ositis patients, with only 1 reporting pain improve-
Vayssairat et al.10 ment. Adverse events were not reported in these
Rituximab. Rituximab was used in 7 studies, studies.
including 3 prospective studies,31-33 3 retrospective Sodium thiosulfate. Five studies29,48-51 assess-
studies,29,34,35 and 1 RCT with a placebo control ing different regimens of sodium thiosulfate (STS) or
focusing on the efficacy of rituximab on skin lesions, its metabolites involved 20 patients (9 SSc, 10 adult
including calcinosis cutis; these studies included 18 dermatomyositis, 1 juvenile dermatomyositis). Two
SSc, 9 adult dermatomyositis, and 32 juvenile der- studies48,49 of 7 patients assessed the efficacy of
matomyositis patients.30 Study characteristics are intravenous STS. No objective improvement was
summarized in Table II. The mean calcinosis cutis found, and pain improvement was noted in only 1
duration ranged 3.4-12 years.33,34 The partial patient.49 Topical STS conferred no improvement in
response rate ranged from 0% (0/6)34 to 100% (in 3 5 dermatomyositis patients.29 Partial response was
studies including 3-9 patients),31,32,35 and the com- achieved with topical sodium metabisulfite (a metab-
plete response rate ranged from 0%29,33,34 to 100% (1 olite of STS) in 3 of 3 patients (2 dermatomyositis, 1
study of 3 SSc patients).31 In 2 studies, the relapse SSc), without relapse,50 including 1 with complete
rate was 0% with a follow-up of 12-60 months.31,35 response. Last, in a prospective study, partial
Adverse events were assessed in 3 studies and response was achieved in 5 of 5 SSc patients,
including 2 with complete responses receiving intra-
*10,26-29,33-35,37-42,49,50,52 lesional STS injections.51 Adverse events of
320 Traineau et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Fig 1. Flow chart for study selection. DM, Dermatomyositis; SSc, systemic sclerosis.

Table I. Characteristics of included studies evaluating the effect of warfarin and diltiazem on calcinosis cutis
Calcinosis duration Partial Complete Level of
Study at inclusion, y, response, response, Follow-up, mo, evidence,
Drug, age group, and study Disease (N) design mean (range) Dose regimen n (%) n (%) mean (range) grade*
Berger et al, 198720 SSc (2) RCT 8 (6-10) 1 mg/d 0 (0) 0 (0) 18 IB
Lassoued, 198826 SSc (1), R 10 (2-25) 1 mg/d 0 (0) 0 (0) 14.6 (7-28) IV
DM (5)
Cukierman, 200427 SSc (3) R 0.4 1 mg/d 2 (66) 2 (66) 20 (12-24) IV
Balin et al, 201228 NA (3) R NA NA 2 (66) 0 (0) 104 (1-696) IV
Fredi et al, 201529 DM (2) R NA NA 0 (0) 0 (0) 201.8 IV
Berger et al, 198720 DM and RCT 5.3 (3-9) 1 mg/d 0 (0) 0 (0) 18 IB
SSc (1),
DM (2)
Vayssairat et al, 199810 SSc (12) R 11.5 60 mg 3x/d 3 (25) 0 (0) 78 (12-180) IV
Balin et al, 201228 NA (14) R NA #480 mg/d 9 (64) 0 (0) 104 IV
Fredi et al, 201529 DM (12) R NA NA 0 (0) 0 (0) 201.8 IV

DM, Dermatomyositis; NA, not available; R, retrospective; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SSc, systemic sclerosis.
*According to modified Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.

intralesional STS included transient pain (2/5) and response in 1 of 3. Adverse events included nausea
local infection (1/5).51 (n = 1), dizziness (n = 1), and the conversion of
Minocycline. Minocycline (50-200 mg/day) was calcinosis cutis deposits to a blue-black color.52
used in 2 studies of 12 patients (9 SSc, 3 unspeci- Colchicine. Balin et al28 found a partial response
fied).28,52 Robertson et al52 reported a partial in 3 of 7 (43%) patients; 1 had a complete response
response in 8 of 9 patients and Balin et al28 a partial using colchicine doses \1.2 mg/day. Fredi et al29
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Traineau et al 321

Table II. Characteristics of included studies evaluating the effect of rituximab on calcinosis cutis improvement
Partial Complete Level of
Study response, response, Follow-up, mo, evidence,
Age group and study Disease (N) design Dose regimen n (%) n (%) mean (range) grade*
Aggarwal et al, 201630 DM (7) RCT 0.575-1 g/m2 at wk 0 and 1 NA 1 (14) 1.46 IB
Moazedi-Fuerst et al, SSc (3) P 500 mg/m2 at wk 0 and 2, 3 (100) 3 (100) NA (12-24) IV
201531 then every 3 mo
Narvaez et al, 201432 SSc (9) P NA 9 (100) NA NA IV
Giuggioli et al, 201533 SSc (6) P 375 mg/m2 at wk 0, 1, 2, 3 (50) 0 (0) 30 (18-48) IV
and 3
Fredi et al, 201529 DM (2) R NA 1 (50) 0 (0) 201.8 IV
Aggarwal et al, 201630 DM (22) RCT 0.575-1 g/m2 at wk 0 and 1 NA 1 (4) 1.46 IB
Bader-Meunier et al, DM (6) R 2 3 500 mg/m2 (3 patients) 0 (0) 0 (0) NA (20.2-36) IV
201134 4 3 375 mg/m2 (3 patients)
Alhemairi and Muzaffer, DM (4) R NA 4 (100) 1 (25) NA (36-60) IV

DM, Dermatomyositis; NA, not available; P, prospective; R, retrospective; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SSc, systemic sclerosis.
*According to modified Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.

reported only 1 partial response with colchicine in 9 calcinosis cutis with a focus on underlying diseases
patients. and levels of evidence.10,20,26-42,47,50-53
Cyclophosphamide. In 1 prospective study that Currently, we lack specific guidelines for man-
included 14 patients with calcinosis cutis, cyclophos- aging calcinosis cutis in the setting of autoimmune
phamide was used to treat refractory or severe connective tissue disorders. In the recent consensus-
juvenile dermatomyositis.53 A complete response of based recommendations developed for the manage-
calcinosis cutis was noted in 9 of 14 (64%) patients ment of juvenile dermatomyositis, an intensification
after a follow-up of 12-24 months. of immunosuppressive therapy was suggested, but
Surgery and physical therapies. In 5 prospec- no specific treatment was recommended.19
tive studies and 1 retrospective study (including 55 Moreover, treatment of calcinosis cutis is not
patients: 26 SSc, 1 dermatomyositis, 28 unspecified), included in the updated European League Against
surgical intervention and physical therapy was as- Rheumatism recommendations for treating SSc.55
sessed for calcinosis cutis improvement28,43-47 (Table From our systematic review, several drugs used to
III). Surgical excision in 2 studies led to 80% treat calcinosis cutis have potential therapeutic in-
improvement.47 Balin et al28 reported a partial terest. Because of the small number of patients and
response of 96% (27/28) and a complete response the treatment heterogeneity among included studies,
of 79% (22/28). Two small prospective cohort studies pooled response rates were not calculated.
of 7 patients noted a partial response rate of 33%- However, several important findings can be noted.
100% and a complete response rate of 0% with From the results of a small RCT, warfarin conferred
extracorporeal shock wave therapy.44,45 The relapse no improvement in calcinosis cutis,20 and no partial
rate was not reported. Adverse events included response was observed in most included
transient pain with extrusion of calcific debris. In studies.20,26,29 Therefore, warfarin should not be
another prospective study of 6 SSc patients, carbon considered for treating calcinosis cutis. This sugges-
dioxide laser treatment resulted in a partial improve- tion is further supported by the fact that warfarin
ment rate of 83%.43 Adverse events included poor could promote ectopic calcification via undercar-
wound healing (n = 5), hyperkeratosis (n = 4), and boxylated matrix gla protein.56
postoperative infections (n = 2). Relapse was Despite no complete response noted in the 3
observed in 2 of 6 patients within 3-4 months.43 studies of diltiazem, a partial response was observed,
particularly in Balin et al, in 9 of 14 (64%) patients.
DISCUSSION Some data support the use of calcium channel
In this systematic review, we identified 30 studies blockers for calcinosis cutis in SSc. Indeed, digital
(288 patients) focusing on the treatment of calcinosis ischemia was strongly related to the occurrence of
cutis associated with SSc and dermatomyositis. calcinosis cutis in a large study of 1300 SSc patients,
Table IV summarizes the available treatments for and the use of calcium channel blockers was
322 Traineau et al
Table III. Characteristics of included studies evaluating the effect of bisphosphonates, surgery, and physical therapies on calcinosis cutis improvement
Partial Complete Level of
Study response, response, Follow-up, mo, evidence,
Therapy, age group, and study Disease (N) design Drug Dose regimen n (%) n (%) mean (range) grade*
Balin et al, 201228 NA (2) R Etidronate NA 1 (50) 0 (0) NA IV
Marco Puche et al, 200939 DM (3) R Pamidronate Intravenous 1 mg/kg/d at day 3 (100) 1 (33) 42 IV
1, 2, and 3, then every 3 mo
Tayfur et al, 201540 DM (3) R Pamidronate Intravenous 1 mg/kg/d every 2 (66) 1 (33) 84 IV
3 mo
DM (1) R Risedronate PO 1.25 mg/d 1 (100) 1 (100) 84 IV
DM (2) R Alendronate PO 70 mg/wk 0 (0) 0 (0) 84 IV
Saini et al, 201641 DM (6) R Alendronate NA 4 (66) 0 (0) 22.32 (4.9-27.7) IV
Surgery and physical therapies
Bottomley et al, 199643 SSc (6) P Carbon dioxide laser Range of power between 7-5 5 (83) NS [6 IV
and 10 W
Balin et al, 201228 NA (28) R Surgical excision 27 (96) 22 (79) 104 IV
NA (1) R Low frequency ultrasound NS 1 (100) 0 (0) NA IV
Blumhardt, 201644 SSc (4) P ESWT 1 d/wk for 3 wk 4 (100) 0 (0) 3 IV
Sultant-Bichat et al, 201245 DM (1), P ESWT 1 d/3 wk, 3 times 1 (33) 0 (0) 8 IV
SSc (2)
Shetty, 200546 SSc (3) P Iontophoresis of acetic 3 d/wk for 3 wk 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.75 IIB
acid 1 ultrasound
Fahmy et al, 199847 SSc (15)y P Surgical excision (microdrilling) 12 (80) NA 0.1 IV

DM, Dermatomyositis; ESWT, extracorporeal shock-wave therapy; NA, not available; P, prospective; PO, per mouth; R, retrospective; SSc, systemic sclerosis.

*According to modified Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine levels of evidence and grades of recommendation.
Improvement in 12 of 15 digits in 10 treated patients.

J AM ACAD DERMATOL Traineau et al 323

Table IV. Summary of available treatments for treating calcinosis cutis in DM and SSc patients
No. DM/SSc (U) response Grade of
Drug or therapeutic class patients treated rate, % Comments (level of evidence) recommendation
Warfarin20,26-29 6/10 (3) 0-66 Should not be recommended (IB) B
Diltiazem10,28,29 12/12 (14) 0-64 May have a preventive effect12; should C
be discussed in SSc patients and DM
with Raynaud phenomenon (IV)
Infliximab29,36,38 20/0 0-80 May be discussed in DM patients (IV) C
Abatacept37 4/0 100 May be discussed in DM patients (IV) C
Rituximab29-35 41/18 0-100 May be discussed in DM and SSc patients C
Biphosphonates28,39-41 15/0 (2) 0-100 May be discussed in DM patients (IV) C
Intravenous immunoglobulins29,42 15/0 0-62 May be discussed in DM patients (IV) C
Minocyclin28,52 0/9 (3) 33-88 May be discussed in SSc patients (IV) C
Colchicine28,29 (16) 11-43 May be discussed in DM and SSc patients C
Cyclophosphamide53 14/0 69 May be discussed in DM patients (IV) C
Intravenous sodium thiosulfate48,49 4/3 0 Should not be recommended (IV) C
Topical* or intralesional 7/6 0-100 May be discussed in DM and SSc patients C
sodium thiosulfate29,50,51 (IV)
Surgical excision and 0/15 (28) 80-96 May be discussed in DM and SSc patients C
physical therapies28,47 (IV); carbon dioxide laser,43 low
frequency ultrasound,28 and ESWT44,45
may be alternative treatments to
surgery (IV); iontophoresis of acetic
acid 1 ultrasound46 seems ineffective

DM, Dermatomyositis; ESWT, extracorporeal shock-wave therapy; U, DM or SSc (unspecified diagnosis); SSc, systemic sclerosis.
*Including sodium metabisulfite.

inversely associated with the presence of calcinosis reports of severe exacerbation of pulmonary fibrosis
cutis in this study.12 Moreover, the use of calcium associated with their use.58
channel blockers is recommended for treating Bisphosphonates remain a therapeutic option
Raynaud phenomenon in SSc.55 Although no formal mostly in dermatomyositis, with at least partial
curative effect of diltiazem on calcinosis cutis could responses noted in 4 studies.28,39-41 Nevertheless, a
be demonstrated, a potential preventive effect lack of substantive data precludes recommending a
cannot be ruled out, and therefore, diltiazem may specific regimen of bisphosphonates.
be considered for treating digital calcinosis cutis Intravenous sodium thiosulfate seemed ineffec-
associated with SSc. tive,49 but intralesional treatment could be a prom-
Rituximab has been increasingly used in derma- ising alternative.51
tomyositis and SSc because of favorable outcomes in Several other treatments, such as intravenous
dermatomyositis skin lesions30 and SSc skin sclerosis immunoglobulin,42 minocycline,28,52 colchicine,28,29
and lung function.57 From the results of 6 studies, and cyclophosphamide,53 improved calcinosis cutis
rituximab may be considered for treating calcinosis in small case series but with limited levels of
cutis both in dermatomyositis and SSc. Indeed, evidence.
although 1 study of 6 juvenile dermatomyositis Surgery and physical therapies should be consid-
patients did not report improvement,34 most studies ered in calcinosis cutis, both in dermatomyositis and
showed at least a partial response, including 3 with SSc; several studies28,47 reported response rates
100% partial response.31,32,35 Moreover, 3 studies [80%. However, the surgical management of digital
reported $1 patient with complete response.30,31,35 calcinosis cutis in SSc can lead to skin necrosis and a
Tumor necrosis factor a inhibitors, particularly limited range of motion.59 Less invasive procedures,
infliximab, might have a beneficial effect on such as carbon dioxide laser43 or extracorporeal
calcinosis cutis in juvenile dermatomyositis, but their shock wave therapy,44,45 might be useful, but the
use should be carefully scrutinized in SSc because of level of evidence is weak.
324 Traineau et al J AM ACAD DERMATOL

Among the limitations of this systematic review is 8. Morgan ND, Shah AA, Mayes MD, et al. Clinical and serological
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