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Jonnavie B.

Gervacio February 07, 2020

Bs Biology 1A

1. The place has a nutrient-rich soil, and has a white sand that attracts to people.
2. Deforestation happen, and when the trees disappeared people began to starve
3. For me the story is really a mysterious, because even the scientist can’t prove
what really happen in that place. The Easter island is the example of a rich place.

The seven environmental principles

1. Nature knows best – the humans have to understand nature and follow its rules.
If we caused any disruption in the cycle of nature, this can bring imbalance to our
2. All form of life are important – each organism plays a fundamental role in nature.
3. Everything is connected to everything else – in an ecosystem, all biotic and
abiotic components interact with each other to ensure that the system is
sustained. Any intrusion from outside may cause an imbalance and collapsing of
the system
4. Everything changes – the environmental is constantly changing. Organisms also
develop through time. However, with our current technology, we have affected
these changes now causes problematic events to us.
5. Everything must go somewhere – everything ends up elsewhere. It doesn’t just
disappear. If you throw anything, it maybe disappear in our sight but does not
cease to exist.
6. Ours is a finite earth – earth’s resources can be classified as either renewable or
not-renewable. Renewable are those that can be easily replenished by nature
cycles while non-renewable are those that cannot be replenished through nature
7. Nature is beautiful and we are steward of God’s creation – humans are the only
ones made in God’s image and have been given the right to have dominion over
all. Humans are capable of manipulating creation to their own advantage. Yet,
creation exists not to be ravaged or abused but to be taken care of. Humans
cannot exists without nature. They are co-nature with the environmental thy live
in. if the environmental they live is destroyed, with it will go Homo sapiens

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