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With industry changes and updated new

technologies, some of our information may have
changed. We recommend that you always update
your references, education and knowledge due to
increasingly advanced new technologies.
Note that we are making no suggestions, warranty
or any guarantee that any of our information or
questions, will or will not appear on the actual
exam. These are merely offered to you to see what
the exam questions may look like and to help you
familiarize yourself on what you may or may not be
challenged with. You are of course responsible for
preparing your self for studying and understanding
the material and sections of your trade. ©

Registration of Copyright number: 109#### ©

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if there is reason for legal action. ©
The information on this CD is only a guide to help
you study and prepare yourself for the final
examination. All sales are final and no refunds are
accepted due to the nature of our product.
Good Luck on the exam and on your future



Multiple-choice exams are easy for some and yet difficult for others. For some
people, they are simple and they go through on them without studying at all.
Others think too hard on each question and miss the obvious answer right in
front of them. The beauty of a multiple-choice exam is that all the
information you will need is given to you. The downfall of a multiple-choice
exam is that the additional information given to you is designed to confuse
you. It takes a specific mindset to excel in this type of testing. See below for
tips on how to prepare for a multiple-choice exam. These exams take a lot of
practice, but you can master them. True or False questions may also fall into
this category, where you will be given a fact and have to choose one or the
Sample questions can help you determine how much time it will take you to
complete individual questions when writing the exam. Practice reading over
and recognizing the questions that will take more or less time to answer.

The first thing you should do is get organized and get a game plan together.
Start off by setting your exam date one to two weeks in advance in order to
give you enough time to prepare and study. Literally plan out how many
hours you will spend each day studying until the exam. Make a schedule and
stick with it. Be sure to leave time for group study or review sessions. Also
break up the material into sections and cover a little each day.

Consider these:

 How much material will I cover each night?

 How much time will I spend studying alone or with a friend?
 When are the review sessions?
 Do I have someone to review with?
 Are my notes organized by section?
 Do I have internet access and text books to help me if needed?

These are a few things to think about to get a plan in order. Getting a game
plan in place is the key to success. Once this is done, it's time to get to
work. There is no one way to go about this. Remember, it’s important to come
up with a system that works for you.
Inter-provincial Red Seal exams AND Contractors States license exams are
multiple choice exams. Multiple choice questions that might be asked are:

 answer a question
 finish a sentence by choosing the correct missing information
 match a term with a definition or vice versa
 make a calculation
 look at a diagram and identify something specific on it

Here's a suggested plan of action:

Step 1 Get some paper and outline the material you need to study. Start by
placing all the same material in their own section or piles. It may be easier to
place them in alphabetical order. Once you see all the units of information in
front of you it will be easier to organize your form of studying.

Step 2 Separate the material into smaller sections and study each one. Once
you understand each section, then you should you move on to the next. Do
this part alone in your quiet study place. This is when you start to memorize
the information. Write down any questions that you may have.
Step 3 The next step is to work with someone else to clarify anything that's
confusing. Go to review sessions, see a tutor, a professor, or use text books
and the internet. At this point it's important to make sure that everything is
clearly understood. This is crucial. If this step is skipped then you're left
with trying to memorize useless or even wrong information. It won’t help you
in the long run.

Step 4 Now it's time to put the information into your brain for retrieval. Read
out loud and write down information. Quiz yourself and answer out loud.
You've been working all along and you will already remember much of it.
Make sure nothing is left out. Don’t skip sections, even if you know it.
Continue to review everything.

Step 5 If you are having trouble with the course, and you've been studying for
hours but, do you really know anything? Try working with someone else who
will ask you questions about the material. If you can answer and explain
concepts without too much effort then you're in good shape. Usually this
helps to expose areas that require more attention to study. Review those
section more than the ones you already know.

Step 6 If the previous step went well then all you have left is to work on weak
areas and a general overview of the material. If you didn't do well, section off
the material you'll need more work on. Keep at it and soon it will be just as
easy as the other material. Hopefully you left time for this in your study

Step7 Never fear or hate exams. Be confident. Some people study well but
still are afraid of exams. They may get distracted and won't be able to score
high marks. So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting to
study and take the exam. Confidence is the best thing to have entering the
Step8 Study atmosphere has a very important role. Can anyone study well
while watching TV, taking care of their children? No! So select a place where
you feel comfortable. There’s a study that shows facing EAST, makes you
study better. What do you have to lose? Go somewhere quiet that makes you
feel relaxed so you can concentrate. Make sure that while you are studying a
subject you are concentrating on it only.
Step 9 Sitting in proper manner while studying will also keep you focused
better. Don't study lying on a bed or a chair, sit straight up with good
posture. Keep your spinal cord straight, and try to place your legs parallel to
ground, feet flat or a little bit raised from the ground. Study on a table or
desk. This will also keep your posture straight, and allow you to be more
organized with your studying notes.

Step10 Make notes while studying. This is very important. While studying,
make small brief notes that should help you do a “Quick Review”. Make a
“Quick Review” sheet where you should write these brief notes, and use them
to perform a review on the day of the exam. This will help keep the
information fresh in your head. This can include calculations, formulas or
other important facts that you may feel you need that refresher.

Step11 Sleep well the night before the exam. Sleep deprivation studies show
that optimum hrs for sleep is 6hrs. Especially on the night before the exam
you have to sleep well, at least 6 hours and not more than 8 hrs. Remember
this will have a great effect on your exam. Don't fast on exam day. This will
have a reverse effect. Eat a good healthy breakfast the morning of your exam.
This will help you wake up and get your brain moving.
Step12 Cram as much as possible the day of your exam to help you with any
final ideas. Do your best on the exam and do not put too much pressure on
yourself to perform. Try to stay calm and focused. Take a few deep breaths
right before the exam and try to relax. Don’t look or talk to anyone, stay
focused and relaxed. Your there for one reason only…to PASS! Put an
imaginary bubble around you to keep everything and everyone out from your
mind. You worked hard to get this far and can only do your best. You don’t
need any distractions. Don’t get nervous if you’re not sure on a question.
Write down the question number on the paper they will give you, and return
to it at the end. Remember, these exams are timed, so you don’t want to
waste a lot of it on one question. You will have four to five choices to answer,
(A, B, C, D) if you get stuck, try to eliminate the obvious wrong answers
given. Try to remain with the last possible two answers and make your best
decision with those given. You have that 50/50% chance of getting that
question right then trying to guess from four possible answers. If you still
cannot figure out the correct answer, then take your guess. REMEMBER:
Your first instinct is probably the right answer, but only if you read the
question correctly.

So what kinds of questions will be asked on the multiple choice exam?

1. Questions testing trade terminology and concepts.
2. Questions asking when a specific task should be done with correct answers
indicating, "every three months" or "after this other task" or "before that
3. Questions asking why a task is done, with correct answers indicating,
"because this condition exists" or "to get this sort of result".
4. Questions asking how tasks are done, with correct answers indicating
skills and techniques or certain job sequences.
5. Questions asking what permission is needed or what standard must be
followed in doing a job, e.g. which code or blueprint information is used?
6. Questions asking consequences, such as "when a certain event happens or
a certain task is done, what effect does it have?"

Using the Trade Theory/Textbooks

1. Use a text and locate a good trade glossary of terminology.
2. Identify the key concepts, theories and principles using the textbook
3. Identify important or typical problems in the trade performances.
4. Identify exceptions to theories and the conditions where they occur
5. For each concept find and learn the related definitions or formulas.
6. Relate each concept or formula to our on-the-job experience.
7. Relate the concepts to one another to give your self a general overview.
8. Sequence or organize information by job application so it makes sense.
9. Rehearse sequences and relationships by repeating them out loud.
10. Draw diagrams to show structures and relationships.
Don't try to learn too much at once. Memorize some information, six or seven
items, and then take a short break to give your memory time to store the new
information. Determine what is most likely to be asked on the examination
based on the examination plan. The questions in a trade textbook may
provide a good indication of this also.

These sample questions can help you determine how much time it will take
you to complete individual questions when writing the exam. Practice
reading over and recognizing the questions that will take more or less time to
Good luck!

Trade Certification Exam Information Sheet

Toronto Apprenticeship Office Test Center
625 Church St.,Ste.100
Toronto ON M7A 2B5
(416) 326-5800

Ontario Colleges of Trades administers all trades certification exams.

You must be approved by the Ministry to write an Ontario trade certification
In order to write a trade certification exam you must:
1. Complete an Apprenticeship Program in Ontario or
2. Complete a Certification of Qualification application which includes having
your credentials assessed and approved by Ministry staff

Ontario College of Trades

655 Bay St., Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5G 2K4
For member / client inquiries please contact:
Telephone: (647) 847-3000 Toll free number: 1 (855) 299-0028
Fax: 1-647-340-4332
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm
* The Call Centre Hours are Monday to Friday, 7am – 7pm

Exams are run once at 8:30am and again at 12:30pm each day,
Monday to Friday
• Latecomers will not be admitted
• All seats are available on a first come, first serve basis
• You must be approved prior to the exam in order to write the exam
• Same day assessments for the morning exam (8:30am) will not be done
• It is recommended you show up before the exam so that there is sufficient
time to process your payment prior to the start of the exam.

Exam Fee: $150 +HST (This may be subject to change and/or by

Province) Please contact your test center for confirmation.
We accept the following methods of payment:
• Cash, Personal cheques (made payable to the Minister of Finance), Money
Debit card / Interact, Amex / MasterCard / VISA
You will be given a receipt for your payment. You must show this receipt to
the exam invigilator when you write your exam.

What to Bring to the Exam

On exam day, candidates must bring the following;
• Photo identification (i.e. Driver's license, Health card or Passport)
• A valid Social Insurance card
• Exam fee or proof of payment
• Letter of Permission or a Provisional License (if you have been issued one)

What will be provided in the Exam

Everything you need to write the exam such as calculators, code books, scrap
paper, dictionaries,
Pencils, ruler and erasers will be provided to you. You are not to bring these
items to the exam.
Examiner approval may be given for use of a personal dictionary if we are
unable to provide one in your language. These will be retained by the
examiner for a period of up to one week after the exam. No technical
dictionaries allowed.

To Schedule an Exam
The Toronto Office is the only office in Ontario that provides walk-in, same
day service for exams.
If you would like to book an appointment for your exam, you may contact one
the following offices in the GTA to schedule your exam

Mississauga Pickering Barrie

The Emerald Centre 1420 Bayly Street 34 Simcoe Street
10 Kingsbridge Garden Circle, toll free 1-800-461-4608 toll free 1-800-560-3821
Suite 404 tel - 905-837-7721 tel-705-737-1431
Toll fee 1-800-736-5520

Note: If you have already scheduled an exam in another office and

you wish to write the exam in the Toronto office, you must cancel
your scheduled exam in the other office before writing the exam in
the Toronto office.

A reservation for an 8:30 am exam is required. You must pay for the exam
when you make the reservation.
A translator/ interpreter/ reader may be used by a candidate if prior approval
is granted. The information on your translator/interpreter/reader needs to be
provided one week before you are scheduled to write your exam. A translator
form must be completed prior to scheduling the exam
In order to be approved, translators/interpreters/readers must meet the
following criteria:
• Must be residents of Ontario
• Must have a valid Social Insurance card and photo identification such as a
Driver's License or passport
• Must not be in the trade or any related trade to the one being translated
• Must not have translated, interpreted or read for this trade or related trade
within the previous 12 months OR must not have translated, interpreted or
read for any other trade within the last 6 months
If you require a translator/interpreter/reader to accompany you during the
exam you must reserve a booth prior to writing the exam. Please call 416-
326-5800 to schedule your exam.
The pass mark for all exams is 70%
Re-writing the Exam
Candidates who fail to achieve the required pass mark may re-write the
exam after 16 days.
Results of exams are mailed to the candidate within 10 days.
Results will not be given over the phone or in person.
Upon passing, wallet and wall certificates are sent by mail within 6 weeks.
Please inform us of any changes to your address or Social Insurance Number.
After three attempts, it is strongly advised that you speak to a Training
Consultant to identify options to assist you in preparing for the exam.

Location and Parking Availability

The Toronto Apprenticeship Office is located one block south of Bloor St. and
one block East of Yonge St.
The closest subway stop is Yonge/Bloor subway, a short walking distance
from there.
No parking is provided, however there are privately-run parking lots. Please
ensure your car is parked in a secure area as you will not be allowed to leave
the exam to tend to your car.

Accommodations are in place for individuals who have challenges dealing

with a written exam. Speak to staff before writing your exam.
If you have a complaint about the content of the exam, please complete an
exam complaint form, citing question numbers, immediately upon completion
of your exam. Speak to staff to obtain an exam complaint form. If industry
experts validate your concern and the result would change your score from a
fail to a pass you will be contacted.

Apprenticeship and Industry Training
10th Floor, Commerce Place
10155 - 102 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4L5
Telephone: 780-427-8517 ext. 4
Fax: 780-422-3734

British Columbia
Industry Training Authority
800 - 8100 Granville Avenue
Richmond, British Columbia V6Y 3T6
Telephone: 778-328-8700
Toll Free: 1-866-660-6011 (within BC)
Fax: 778-328-8701
Apprenticeship Manitoba
100 - 111 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T4
Telephone: 204-945-3337
Toll Free: 1-877-978-7233 (1-877-97-TRADE)
Fax: 204-948-2539

New Brunswick
Apprenticeship and Occupational Certification Branch
Dept. of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
470 York Street, Room 100
Chestnut Complex, 1st floor
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506-453-2260
Fax: 506-453-5317

Newfoundland and Labrador

Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Division
Department of Advanced Education and Skills
P.O. Box 8700, Basement Floor
Confederation Building, West Block
Prince Philip Drive
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4J6
Toll Free: 1-877-771-3737
Fax: 709-729-5878

Northwest Territories
Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupations
Government of the Northwest Territories
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories X1A 2L9
Telephone: 867-873-7552
Fax: 867-873-0200

Nova Scotia
Apprenticeship Training and Skill Development
Labour and Advanced Education
2021 Brunswick Street
P.O. Box 578
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S9
Telephone: 902-424-5651
Fax: 902-424-0717

Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupation
Department of Education
P.O. Box 1000, Stn 920
Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0
Telephone: 867-975-7918
Fax: 867-975-2152

Ontario College of Trades
655 Bay Street, Suite 600
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K4
Toll Free: 1-855-299-0028
Fax: 866-398-0368

Prince Edward Island

Apprenticeship Section
Department of Innovation and Advanced Learning
Post-Secondary and Continuing Education
Atlantic Technology Centre, Suite 212
90 University Avenue
P.O. Box 2000
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 7N8
Telephone: 902-368-4460
Fax: 902-368-6144

Centre administratif de la qualification professionnelle
Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité Sociale
P.O. Box 100
Victoriaville, Quebec G6P 6S4
Toll Free: 1-866-393-0067

Apprenticeship & Trade Certification Commission
2140 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2E3
Telephone: 306-787-2444
Toll Free: 1-877-363-0536
Fax: 306-787-5105
Apprenticeship Training
Yukon Education
P.O. Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Telephone: 867-667-5298
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5298
Fax: 867-667-8555

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