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Review of

• What is routine stain section in histology?
a routine hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) preparation

• What is basophilic?

• What is acidophilic ?
Epithelial tissue
1.General Characteristics of Epithelia:
2.Structures & Distribution:
simple (squamous, columnar, pseudostratified ciliated
columnar) epithelium
stratified squamous epithelium and transitional epithelium
3.Epithelial Specialization (location)
apical domain: cmicrovillus d cilium
lateral domain: ctight junction dintermediate junction
edesmosome f gap junction
basal domain: c basement membrane d plasma
membrane infolding e hemidesmosome
General Connective tissue

1. Loose Connective Tissue:

(1) Characteristics(compara with dense connective tissue)

(2) Composition and Structure

1) Cells (Structure and Function)
c Fibroblast (structure, function)
d Macrophage
e Plasma Cell

2) Fibers: collagen, reticular, elastic

The structure of a cell means what we could
see under LM and EM.
Structure characteristics
Functions Examples
Basophilia RER, Protein product
cytoplasm ribosomes Plasma Cell

acidophilia Lysosomes; Phagocytosis; Macrophage;

mitochondria Energe need in Parietal cell
cytoplasm playing function
Big pale Active Active
nucleus fibrobalst

Small dense In active Fibrocyte

Special Connective tissue

1. Characteristic of Hyaline Cartilage

Cartilage 2. Growth of Cartilage
1)interstitial growth 2)appositional growth

1. Bone Cells: structures of, osteoblasts, osteocytes,

2. Structure of bone: Compact (lamellar) bone

Morphology,Structure and Functions of Formed Elements:

Erythrocytes (Mature and Reticulocyte)
Blood Leukocytes (Neutrophils, Eosinophilis, Basophilis,
Lymphocytes, Monocytes)
Muscle tissue
skeletal muscle Cardic muscle Smooth muscle
Multinucleated; Single nucleus; Single nucleus;
Peripheral central location central location
Present Present Absent
T tubules Present Present Absent

Absent Present Absent
Others triad diad

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

Sarcomere: 1/2 I band + A band + 1/2 I band

I band: Thin myofilament

A band: thick myofilament and Thin myofilament
H band: thick myofilament

During muscle contraction, the changes of various

transverse bands :
1)the entire sarcomcre is shortened in length
2)the width of the A band remains constant,
3)the I band and H zone become extinguished.
Nervous Tissue

1. Neuron (Structure and Function)

1) Cell Body (nucleus, Nissl body, neurofibril)
2) Dendrite
3) Axon

2. Synapse
1) Definition
2) Structure and function of chemical synapse
3. Neuroglia
(1) Neuroglia in CNS
1) Astrocytes
2) Oligodendrocyte
3) Microglial cell
(2) Neuroglia of PNS: Schwann cell

4. Nerve Fibers : Myelinated fiber

5. Nerve Ending (1) classification (2) function

Circulatory System
1. Three layers of the wall of blood vessels:
tunica intima (endothelium + subendothelium)
tunica media
tunica adventitia

2. Functions and characteristics of the wall of:

large artery
medium size artery
heart (Purkinje fibers)
3. The characteristics of the three types of capillaries.
Immune system

1. Lymphoid tissue:

(1)diffuse lymphoid tissue

(2) lymphoid nodule
(the predominant cell)
(the predominant cell)
4.Structures and functions of thymus, lymph nodes and spleen
thymus Lymph node spleen
Capsule Loose C.T. dense C.T. dense C.T.
(contain smooth muscle)
cortex: red pulp:
(incomplete outer cortex Splenic cords
lobules) paracortical zone Splenic sinusoids
Parenchyma cortex:
(thymus-dependent) white pulp:
medulla: lymphatic sinuses Periarterial
Hasslle’s medulla: lymphatic sheath;
corpuscles Medullary cords Lymphoid nodule
Medullary sinuses marginal zone
Filtration of blood;
Filtration of lymph;
T-lymphaocyte Lymphocyte
production; production;
Functions production and
Hormone destruction of
production worn RBC;
Ig production
1. Epidermis (keratinocytes & nonkeratinocytes
2. Layers of epidermis (keratinizing system)
(1)stratum basale
(2)stratum spinosum
(3)stratum granulosum
(4)stratum lucidun
(5)stratum corneum
3. Appendages of skin
Endocrine system

•General features of endocrine glands and the structure feature of

protein (peptide) hormone producing cells
steroid hormone producing cells
•thyroid glands
Follicle cells: synthesis and accumulation of hormones
•Adrenal cortex: structure, function
•Pars distalis of hypophysis: components, function
Hypophyseal portal system
Digestive tract
1. General Structure

4 layers of
the wall


2. Types of lingual papillae

Filiform Papillae; Fungiform Papillae; Circumvallate Papillae
3. Characteristics of esophagus, stomach, small
intestine and large intestine:

Fundic glands: Morphology and structure and functions of :

Parietal Cell and Chief Cell
The structures increasing the surface of small intestine
Macroscopic level: Circulares plicae
Microscopic level: Small Intestinal Villus
Ultrastructural level: Microvilli
Digestive gland
1. Major salivary gland
A. Serous acini
Secretory portions B. Mucous acini
C. Mixed acini

Duct portions: intercalated ducts, striated ducts interlobular or

interlobar ducts

parotid submandibular sublingual

2. Pancreas
( 1 ) Exocrine Pancreas
1)Histological characteristics
( 2 ) Endocrine Pancreas -
Pancreas Islet (function of the cells)
1) A Cells (α-cel l)
2) B Cells (β- cel)
3) D Cells ( δ-cell )
4) PP Cells
5) D1 Cells
3. Liver
•Components and structures
of hepatic lobule
1 Central Vein
2 Hepatic Plates
structures and functions
of hepatocyte
3 Bile Canaliculi
4 Hepatic Sinusoid
Kupffer cell
5 Perisinusoidal Space
•Portal areas
Respiratory system
1.Wall structure of respiratory tract, and the changes of
conducting portion.
3.The respiratory division:respiratory bronchioles,
alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli (type-I, II alveolar
4. Air-Blood barrier(components)
Urinary system
1. General structure of kidney
Bowman’ capsule (podocyte)
convoluted tubule Thick and thin
descending limbs
Loop of Henle
Thick and thin
Distal ascending limbs
convoluted tubule

Sturcture and functions of each parts

3.Filtration barrier

4.Juxtaglomerular apparatus:
Juxtaglomerular cells
macula densa
extraglomerular mesangial cells
2. uterus
The wall of uterus:three layers:
perimetrium , myometrium, endometrium
Cyclic Changes in the Endometrium: three phases
(when, why, how)
proliferative phase,
secretory phase,
menstrual phase

The relationship of the

pipuitary, ovary and

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