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Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

All : Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.
Teacher : How do you do?
All : Doing great mom.
All : good. who is the leader of this class?
All : Aflah mam.
Teacher : Ok Aflah lead your friends to pray.
AFLAH : Before we start to study, let’s pray together. Finish.
Teacher : I was absent first, (millen, varra, cindy dll)
Teacher : Ok student, did you remember the material at the meeting yesterday?
All : Yes mam.
Taecher : who want to mention it? Ok Millen please.
MILLEN : The materials at the meeting yesterday about the periodic system of elements,
such as configuration electron and valence electron.
Teacher : Ok good. What is a configuration electron?
ANIS : configuration electron is the arrangement of filling electron
Teacher : Good (The sequence of filling orbitals is as follows) , then what is electron
VARRA : Me mam, valence elevtron are electrons is the outer electron shell
Teacher : Ok, I will give you 1 question, and you write the electron configuration and also
the valence electron in the front class. who wants to try working on the questiob in front
FIRYAL : me mam, 12Mg : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 e.v = 2
Teacher : Good answer. so you already understood the material yesterday, right?
All : yes mam
Teacher : Now we will go into the next material which is about ionic bonds. Do you know
toothpaste? toothpaste that we meet every day of course you already know right? Toothpaste
contains sodium fluoride to prevent cavities and as a cleaning agent. How can be like that? You
know students?
All : I don’t know mam
Teacher : Ok we will answer in today's learning.
All : Ok mam,
Teacher : The learning objective today (PPT)
Teacher : The material to be studied today is ionic bonds which are in ionic bonds
.................... (PETA KONSEP PPT).
Teacher : Let's watching at the video together (VIDEO). In the video there are 2 elements
namely. metal and non-metal elements. Namely Na and Cl. Na will be stable if
you release 1 electron. And Cl will be stable if you accept 1 electron. So they both
form ionic bonds. do you understand or confused student?
CINDY : I’m confused mam, How can it be like that, mom?
Teacher : Still confused? Ok, to answering let's work on student worksheet to find out
about ionic bonds.
Teacher : Now I will divide you into 3 groups. 1 group contains 3 people.
Group 1 : Millen, Cindy, Aflah
Group 2 : Varra, Anis, Hana
Group 3 : Rita, Firyal, Nuril
Teacher : I will explain the rules of the discuss that each student is given a number in the
form of a hat for each group. Then later I will randomize the numbers, where the
numbers coming out of each group with the same number can raise their hands
and have the right to answer questions. The group that can answer the question
correctly will be given points / scores. At the end of the lesson, the group that gets
the most points will get a prize from me. Do you understand students?
Student : Understand mam
Teacher : I will give you student worksheet and hat numbers. Work with your group. Open
activity 1, I give you 5 minutes to do it.

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