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1. Display the name and job title for everyone that's in the emp
Select ename , job from emp;

2. Display the employee name, job, and salary for everyone that
does not belong to the job title "CLERK".
Select ename,job,sal from emp where job=! ‘CLERK’;

3. Display all columns for everyone whose dept no: equals 108.
Select * from emp where deptno=108;

4. Select all the data of employees who are being managed by the
manager having id equals to 7698.
Select * from emp where mgr=7698;

5. Write a query that displays employee name, employee number,

salary and department number for all the employee having salary
less than 1500 and job title is clerk.
Select ename,empno,sal,deptno from emp where sal<1500 AND

6. Write a query to display all the employees whose name starts

with letter B.
Select ename from emp where ename like ‘B%’;
7. Retrieve the ename, salary and job titles of all the employees
who are working either as DIRIGENTE or DOTTORANDO.
Select ename,sal,job from emp where job = ‘DIRIGENTE’ OR job=
8. Display the name of all employees who have both an a and an e
in their name.
Select ename from emp where ename like ( ‘%A%’ AND ename like

9. Select all the data of employees that work in department 20,

department 30 or department 60.
Select * from emp where (dept no=20 OR
deptno=30 OR deptno=60);

10. Create a query that renames the ename column as emp_name.

ALTER TABLE emp RENAME column ename TO emp_name;

11. Create a query to display unique employee names from the emp
Select distinct ename from emp;

12. Create a query to display ename and job title as single column
having column name as "information".( Hint: Use concatenation
Select ename || job “information” from emp;
13. Retrieve the record of an employee whose name begins with M
and whose salary is between 500 and 1000.
Select * from emp where ename like ‘M%’ AND sal between 100
and 500;

14.Retrieve all the records where the ename does not start with N
and salary is greater than or equals to 500 and job does not equal to
Select * from emp where ename NOT like ‘N%’ AND sal >=500 AND
job!= ‘TECHNICO’;

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