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1 CUP Butter
2 cups Sugar
2 pcs eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
21/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 cups oatmeal


1 small can condensed milk or ½ of the big can

3/4 cup cocoa (bensdorp brand)
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt


Nuts (cashew,walnuts,peanuts)

1. mix the upper ingredients. Set aside

2. mix the filling
3. spread first the upper ingredients in a rectangular pan (9”x12”) then set aside alittle for
the last topping.
4. spread the topping and sprinkle with nuts
5. then the remaining ingredients from the no. 1, spread
6. Cook for 30-45 minutes in a 350 degrees

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