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Character Analysis

1. The first few references to Othello in the play reveal him as a controversial

a) What do the Senators and Duke think of him?

b) Why do Roderigo and Iago take an opposite view?

c) Why does Brabantio not consider Othello to be a good match for his daughter despite the time he has spent with him in
his own home?

d) Explain how Othello is the type of person that can be easily manipulated.

2. From the brief introduction of Othello find evidence of

a) His trustworthiness

b) His self-assured manner

c) His honor

3. From Act I Scene 2 and Scene 3 we learn a great deal about the character of Iago. How do we know from it that he is:
a) Manipulative

b) Self-centered

c) Revengeful

d) Good at hiding his emotions

e) Greedy

f) Deceiving

g) Jealousy

4. In a paragraph, explain Iago’s view of man’s will and choices as a “garden” in your own words. What does this
way of thinking reveal about Iago’s perspective on human behavior and treatment of others?

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