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1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before me
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord. Thy God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day
4. Honor thy father and mother
5. Thou shalt not kill
6. Thou shalt not commit adultery
7. Thou shalt not steal
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor’s wife
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods

After God gave the 10 commandments

People – because of their impatience and disobedience to God, they made their
own God in the form of the “golden calf” – symbolizes idolatry
Moses was lost for 40 days and 40 nights
- Aaron took over the Israelites while Moses still wasn’t found


 Worshipping another God

- Moses saw the people worshipping the “golden calf” and he got mad so he
threw the 10 commandments and destroyed it
- Doubtful and always afraid – therefore he wasn’t able to reach the promised
land (Canaan)

- After Moses died, the 10 commandments was passed to Joshua so he led the
Israelites to Canaan which was the land promised to the Israel by God
- Commissioned by Moses to be the next leader of Israelites
“You need to be firm and obedient in leading the people” – Moses said this
because he lacked these characteristics
- Joshua came from the Israelites
2 Greatest Achievements of Joshua (before reaching the promised land)

- Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan river – the current is strong
✱ Philistines, Jebusites, Amorites etc. had invaded the promised land
They had with them the Ark of the Covenant containing the 10
commandments where they will build the Temple of God
- Joshua and the Israelites successfully passed the walls of Jericho
- The entire city is surrounded with walls
- God appeared to Joshua and told the rituals on how to destroy the walls
-God appeared as a soldier

Rituals: God said “Be strong and courageous”

1. March around the city once a day for 6 days

2. 7 priests hold the trumpets
3. 7th day march around the city 7x
4. The priests blow the trumpets during the march
5. All men should shout

. . . walls were destroyed and they reached Canaan

✱ If Moses splits the sea; Joshua splits the rock

- Also called military leaders
- (Israelites are also called heroes)


- Most famous judge

- Called to be Nazirite – someone who offers his life from his birth until his death;
devoted to serve God
- Samson will devote his life to God = will never cut his hair
- John the Baptist – most famous Nazirite in the New Testament
✱ Samson & Delilah
- A Philistine woman
- Sold Samson to the Philistines guard
- was the woman who cut Samson’s hair
- the Philistines guard made Samson blind
✱ Samuel
- Before God called Samuel, he was a judge
- Samuel became the prophet – messenger
- Hana – mother

- Israelites desired to have a king because of the strong army of Philistines
- The first king of Israel
- Meek and humble
Oil – matter used for anointing
Water – matter used for baptism Eucharist – bread and wine
Person itself – matter used for wedding
✱ Saul’s time – Philistine (enemy)
David’s time – Jebusites (enemy)
- Later, Saul became hard headed; and was tormented by demons
✱ Samuel went to Bethlehem to find the 2nd king – and that is David
“You’ll not be the one who will build the temple it will be me”
Represents dynasty
- Jesus Christ came from the lineage of David
- Saul learned that the sound of harp can ease the pain
- David played for him

Goliath – greatest soldier of the Philistines

- Aside from the sword of Goliath, David also used rod and staff to defeat him
- David became famous because he almost conquered all the regions in Canaan;
this led to the desire of Saul to kill David because of jealousy
- Michal (Saul’s daughter) was the prize given to David when he beat Goliath
- Jonathan (Saul’s son) died during their battle with the Philistine
- Saul killed his own self because of guilt
✱ David will only become a king once Saul is dead
Uriah – most loyal servant of David
During his reign as a king, he wanted to conquer the city of Jerusalem
”Being a nation, we need a city”
Jerusalem was named the “City of David” or “City of God”

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