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Lab No. Title of Practical

1 Study of prolog environment with simple program.

2 Write a PROLOG program to check whether a person X can eat Food Y or not. A
person X can eat food Y if X likes Y, Y is available and Y is eatable.
3 Given three relations child(X, Y) : X is a child of Y, male(X) : X is male and
female(X) : X is female. Write a PROLOG program to find relations like brother(X,
Y), father(X, Y), mother(X, Y), grandfather(X, Y), ancestor(X, Y), sister(X, Y),
grandmother(X, Y) between different members of a family.
4 Write a PROLOG program prepare a calculator that performs different operations like
add, mul, sub, div etc.
5 Write a PROLOG program to add numbers from 1 up to n.

6 Write a PROLOG program to find factorial of a given number.

7 Explain Backtracking and Unification. Implement Medical diagnosis system with
8 Write syntax of Arithmetic predicates and implement with examples.
9 Explain recursion and implement it in prolog with example.
10 Write a PROLOG program to represent knowledge of 10 employees of a company,
employee(EmpId,“name”, B_Date, “Address”). Where name of employee and
B_Date are compound objects. Display list of Employees whose birthday is in
current month.(Use Compound Obj and fail).
11 Implement various operations of Lists.

12 Implement different operations on Strings.

13 Write a PROLOG program to implement Tic-tac-toe game problem.

14 Write a PROLOG program to implement BFS and DFS.

15 Write a PROLOG program to implement A* algorithm.
16 Write a PROLOG program to implement the following:
a. N-Queens problem
b. 8 puzzle problem
c. Travelling salesman problem
17 Write a PROLOG program to solve tower of Hanoi problem.

18 Write a PROLOG program to implement Single player game.

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