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My thought about Business Inspiring and Business Communication class at first is scary, and the

lecture is fierce, so I don't think it will be fun but turns out to be an enjoyable class. So on the
first day of this semester at BIC class, we introduce ourselves self which is an essential thing to
do, and from the lecture way to talk, he is a fun person and not that serious type person who I
don't like and expected to be. And the most crucial part is Sir Matthew often smiles, which make
the class vibes brighter and don't feel like in class in general.

About the material, it's quite interesting because I never get a lesson like that which teaches us
how to communicate in the right way and more exciting way. Also, I have a hard time with
communication things, I'm scared of talking in front of many people, and this class such a destiny
for me. I feel progress in me because we have done many activities in this class, which before I
really can't talk appropriately, but now it is better, and I can do more than I expected. And the
exciting part is that we don't just learn in the class but also outside the class, which makes it
doesn't bored. Like going to the company to interview the owner and sales pitch to a stranger, it
makes me more able to communicate with many people.

The way lectures deliver the lesson is easy to understand, and I can apply it to my real life well.
And when there is a question, Sir Matthew responded it well too because there is a lecturer that
doesn't answer my question, and it's quite annoying. Sir Matthew gives good advice when we
don't do our presentation well. And what's different is he admire us when we improved from the
wrong way when presented something and I appreciate it a lot.

Overall for me, there's no complaint, and this an honest opinion for me. All good and so far I'm
looking forward to more classes with Sir Matthew, I like his personality, and he help me to grew
up, upgrading my skills. And if I can give a suggestion, make the powerpoint more attractive, so
students don't get bored and sleepy. And make it just a point and don't beat around the bush.
Also, don't make too many eye-contact, just sufficiently because some students feel
uncomfortable. Maybe that's all I want to say, but you doing good so far, and there's nothing
wrong about the way you teach. And that's what I feel, so I don't know if it's different from others.
Maybe they feel it in other way. Thank you, Sir Matthew, and I'm sorry if I've done something not
kind to you.

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