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Edward Brook
Creative media FMP
Winchester film festival

I will be entering my production into the Winchester film festival into the best
short documentary section, I will be submitting on the early bird deadline on the
30th of June. The festival takes place from the 8th to 15th of November. The
reason I decided to enter into this competition was that there are a well-
recognised film festival that has a section that perfectly matches what I plan on
creating which is a short documentary. Winchester is also relatively close when
compared to somewhere like Edinburgh which is another location for a
competition I could've chosen meaning that I will be able to attend the

I will be entered into the category of best short documentary

because the film festival only takes suggestions of what category you
feel your production best fits into and then decide themselves which
one is most appropriate but I will be eligible to this category and also
for best British director if my production is under 20 minutes.

I will entering into the early bird group which is

before the 1st of June and this means it will be
cheaper for me to enter
My idea:

For my final major project I

will be creating a
documentary that sheds
light on the struggles and
hardships of growing up
different to everyone around you. I want to create
a production that young people will find
interesting and impactful that shows the daily life
of a child with Asperger’s syndrome.
I will be using the connections I have through my sister who
has Asperger’s, in order to se5t up interviews with experts
and counsellors in the local area who can help explain how
they deal with children and what problems they face, as well
as interviewing the children with Asperger’s themselves who
are keen to spread awareness about their condition.
Rules and regulations:
For my production |I will have to follow the rules and
regulations of the Winchester film festival as well as other
rules I will set myself in order to make sure that I do not
offend anyone with this potentially sensitive subject.
My rules I will follow:

 I will not offend anyone with my documentary

 I will not film anyone without their permission or if they
are under 18 their parents’ written permission
 I will not make any interview subjects uncomfortable
and I will stop at any time if they ask
 No nudity, drug use, unnecessary swearing
Competition rules:
Target audience
After sending out a survey to members of different target
audiences I decided that my target audience should be about
15 to 25 year olds. This is because while an older audience
would be more mature and
therefore appreciate the
production more I feel like the
message is more relevant to
people in school or college who
are around young people with
Production schedule

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