PMD 67

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UNIT 38 – P1, M1, D1:

In this report, I am going to summarise in detail the principles of interactive media authoring. For
that, I will be explaining each principle of interactive media authoring in detail. In addition to that, I
will also be going to explain the theory behind digital graphs technology and back everything up with
elucidated examples.

● Definition:
This section of my report is going to be based on Authoring. I am going to explain the definition of
authoring and then, I will go through every single step of authoring. Authoring is basically when a
person creates or provides something that consists of different elements of media. A few examples
of media that can be found in a product are things such as, videos, images, text, sound, animation,
graphs and many other interactive features. So, things like databases, digital documents or programs
can all be seen as authoring interactive media. In computing, authoring is basically the process of
creating a webpage, courseware or a multimedia application which contains any sort of media.
Interactive media authoring is a type of authoring which is basically where a service or a product on
a digital computer-based system responds to the actions that users make by presenting them
content back to them. The actions that users do can be done by the mouse, keyboard or when the
user uses a handheld device such as, tablets or smartphones can actions be done via touchscreen.
When these actions have been made the screen will respond by sending them content which can be
form as, videos, text, games, images, sound, windows and many other things.

● Authoring Tools:
In this section of my report I am going to explain what authoring tools are and will provide a few
examples of those tools. An authoring tool is basically a tool that helps users to produce interactive
media products. These tools are usually a price of software that can be downloaded from the
internet and provides all the tools and features to create a product that could eventually generate
them a lot of money. The amount of money they receive depends on the software that they are
using. Authoring software that are for free or have a small price would probably not have many
features and functions and therefore, users won't be able to produce a high-quality product that will
generate a lot of money for them. It is the authoring software that are expensive that will at the end
of the day bring all the assets together as, these software tend to have advanced features which will
help the users to produce an high-standard interactive media product that people will eventually
buy and enjoy. There are numerous different web authoring tools in this world that have been
designed to let users create a high-quality product of their choice. Some examples of these tools are:
Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Authorware, Photoshop, Flash Player, Dictera, iSpring Suite and many
other ones.

● Planning:
In this section of my report, I am going to explain the first thing that users should do when they want
to create a product. This section is going to be based on planning. Planning should be done when
users want to create a product such as, program, database or a document with an authoring tool.
The planning would basically be where users are setting out the objectives, developing strategies,
creating a basic layout of the product as well as which type of graphics and videos are going to be
used in that product. For a huge organisation such as, Apple; planning will also include the people
who are going to be employed. Each of those people will be assigned to a task in order to accomplish
those objectives that the business have set themselves in the beginning. and outlining tasks to
accomplish those objectives that they set themselves. Furthermore, they will have to work out a
budget for the software that they are using as well as the people who would be hired. If all of these
things that I have just mentioned are considered in the planning then, the result of the product will
be outstanding. The product will be more likely to be high-quality and therefore, it would be very
well received by the customers. The business will eventually end up with a lot of profit, so that's why
it is important to plan out everything.

● Design:
In this section of my report, I am going to cover the next thing that users should do after they have
planned their product. This section of my report is fully going to be based on design. Design is the
next stage that users should go through when they want to create a product using a web authoring
tool. This is a very vital stage in the creation of a product because, any designs need to be taken
carefully. Users need to determine how the product should look and include all features and
functions that the interactive media product should include, so that users who are eventually going
to purchase this product will be impressed by the design and functions that it brings. For that, they
would also have to make detailed notes of the colour schemes that they want their product to have,
notes of where images, audio, hyperlinks and other types of media will be placed in the product so
that the outcome of the final product will be good. All this is discussed in detail between the
designers and their employers to make sure that the design covers all the objectives that I have been
set earlier. Any design that is created with authoring tools such as, Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash,
Photoshop, etc. is designed to look professional and lure an audience which, drives them to buy that

● Development:
In this section of my report, I am going to cover the next step of authoring that usually follows after
the design has been created for a product. Users will at that point usually start to develop their
product. This basically includes the process of gathering resources that users want to use to
complete the product that they want to create. The resources that are used vary with every person.
The reason for this is that every single product requires different resources so that's why some
products take longer than others to create. After the resources have been decided, users will use
web authoring tools which could require people with extensive knowledge with either databases or
coding and programming. They would have to use a programming language such as, JavaScript, C++
or a Database software such as, Microsoft Access, all depending on the product that they are

● Production:

In this section of my report, I am going to cover the next phase of authoring which is Production.
This is the last phase that users need to go through before they can publish their product on the
market. In this phase of authoring, both the programmers and designers will work very closely
together to test the product to make sure that it has no errors or bugs. This is usually done through
the help of authoring tools software. Testing is a very vital part of production as it makes sure that
the product is of high quality and will not cause any issues when it is distributed to the market.
Testing does also make sure that the final interactive media product is very simple to navigate
around and easier to use for the potential buyers. After the errors in the product have been fixed
and removed, both developer and designer will eventually have to demonstrate the product to their
boss. If the boss is impressed with the interactive media product, he/she will eventually decide to
manufacture this product and determine a release date on when the product will be available on the
market. After a period on the market, the product must be updated as, errors and bugs appear in
the product anytime.

● Entertainment:
In this section of my report, I am going to explain different parts of interactive media which are all
important. To start with, one multitude of interactive media is entertainment. This multitude of
interactive media is very important to people. Any type of media that exists whether it is audio or
video should be entertaining for the users otherwise they will not be showing any interest in that
product. One good example of a product that literally everyone enjoys is the streaming service
Netflix. This application offers a range of films and tv-series which a lot of people enjoy, that's why
millions of people are using this service. If a product is not entertaining, it will eventually mean that
users will not buy that particular product and business who owns that product will in the end of the
day not make that much money from that product and may go bankrupt. So, for that reason, it is
really important that the product is really entertaining and engages the users. To create such a
product that is entertaining, it should attract the users. To achieve that goal, the product needs to be
presented and designed in a very good manner, it should fit for the purpose and it should also be
very easy to use so that users will not confront any difficulties or problems when they are using that
interactive media product.

● Marketing:
In this section of my report, I am going to explain another part of interactive media, which is
marketing. Marketing plays a very important part for any interactive media product that exists. This
is because, the products need to be widely promoted so that everyone across the entire world will
be aware of that product. There are different ways on how to make sure that everyone knows about
a particular media product. One way to make sure that a media product gets the attention of a wide
audience is by having the product displayed on TV as an ad. This method of marketing would reach a
wide audience across the globe as, most people around the world have TV’s where they can see that
ad of that product. The business who owns that product will eventually generate a lot of money and
that would put the organisation in a better position. There is another thing that businesses could do
to make sure that a wide audience knows about their product. The method that they could use is
web advertising. This is where the product will be displayed on the internet in form as, posters, web
banners or pop-ups. As, a lot of people around the world browse on the internet on a daily basis,
they would definitely come across ads or posters of the media product and may even show interest
in them and eventually want to purchase it. So, for that they would have to click on the ad and that
ad will lead them to the product, which they can eventually buy. This is a very good method that
businesses could use, as this generates a lot of money as soon as a user clicks on the ad on a

● Presentations:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another part of interactive
media. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph is going to be presentations.
Presentations are designed to inform the audience along with visual aids in a professional
manner. These presentations can contain a range of media such as, videos, web links, sound,
images and many more. All these types of media would be spread out on different slides and
users will in the end be able to interact with the presentation. Having all these media on
slides will eventually going to have a much bigger impact on the selected audience, and it
will more likely impress the audience when the product has been demonstrated through a
presentation. There are a number of different authoring tools which enable users to create
presentations. One of them is the very well-known Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
application. This application enables users to create a presentation for their products with
ease. In addition to that, the software includes several features which you won't find in
other applications. These advanced features are the reasons why users are eventually able
to create presentations of high quality in the end. Another authoring tool that provides this
service is the website Prezi. This website does also work like PowerPoint and can be used to
create professional and dynamic presentations that can eventually be presented to an

● Product catalogues:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another part of interactive, namely,
product catalogues. A Product catalogue is basically a detailed list of the inventory of a retail
store. Catalogues can either be a book or also be online, where users will then be able to see
the list of the inventories that a store got. Product catalogues can be a very useful thing to a
business when it comes to advertising. This is because, these catalogues show a range of
products that the business provides or sells. The users who are viewing their catalogue may
find something interesting in that catalogue and may end up buying that product. So, this a
method that businesses use to lure as many new potential customers as possible to their
store. The business will eventually generate more profit if more customers visit their stores.
If the catalogues in store did a good job, interactive media authors will be able to make
these available online, which will reach a much wider audience. Having the catalogue online
would also mean that users will be able to interact with them as they will be able to change
pages or making images bigger by using the zoom option in the website. This will eventually
enable users to view the picture much better and they will also be able to see a bigger
description of the product. A lot of businesses across the UK offer product catalogues but,
the business who is most known for product catalogues is Argos. This business does not
work like other stores. The shopping process involves customers to complete a small order
form with the catalogue numbers from the catalogues that Argos provide. The order form is
taken to the till and the users pay for their items. This is a very good way of advertising
products and this is why businesses like Argos have thousands of customers every day and
are performing well.
● Documentation:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another part of interactive media.
The one I will be discussing in this paragraph here is going to be documentation.
Documentation is basically a set of documents provided on paper, online, digital or analog
media, such as, CDs or audio tapes. Examples of things and products that can be seen as
documents are things like, guidelines, user-guides, technical manuals, letters, reports or just
anything that contains any sort of information. Several authoring tools that enable users to
create documents are word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Both
applications allow users to create and edit documents. They both offer a range of font styles
and other features which can be used to make the documents look very good.
In addition to that, both applications enable users to add graphics such as tables, images,
graphs and shapes and these things eventually let users to produce documents that are
professional looking and of high quality which they can eventually be shown to a set of
audience and they will more likely going to like it if the presentation of documents is very

● Games:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another very important part of
interactive media that is used by a lot of people every day. The one I will be discussing in this
paragraph here is going to be games. Games are basically products that users can interact
with and play with. There is a wide variety of genres that are available to play, all offering
something different for users. Some examples of genre that you would find in gaming are
things like, Action, Adventure, Simulation, Sports, Puzzle and many other ones that users can
pick from. This multitude of interactive media will use the most media from all the other
ones because, games include various interactivity such as buttons and many other ones
which, enable users to interact with the game and with other users that are also playing that
specific game. Games include various videos, animations and images so that they users will
be able to create a scene for the user to try and complete. The amount of media that is
included in games determines how well the game will be and if it will sell very well. Examples
of games that are very popular due to the features and graphics that they contain are:
GTA V, Call of Duty, FIFA, Fortnite, Assassins Creed and many other ones.

● Education:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another very important part of
interactive media. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph here is going to be
Education. Interactive media can be used in education to engage students even further to
hopefully give them a better learning experience that they will enjoy and love. This is done
by providing learning material that is visualised or demonstration and that will eventually
help students to learn much better and succeed in education. One example of an interactive
media product that is used in education is e-learning. E-learning is nowadays used in any
school or college across this country. This is basically where computers or other electronic
devices are used to deliver the content of a course online. This is a more effective way of
learning as this method of teaching uses more imagery, audio, video and text, which helps
students in school to remember the content much easier and this better than having
everything explained by a teacher. It also grabs and maintains the attention of the students
as; this method of teaching does include learning games which contain a strong educational
content. The students will eventually find fun in learning and are also encouraged to learn

● Computer-based training:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another very important part of
interactive media. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph here is going to be
computer-based training. Computer-biased training is basically an application or a software
that demands users to interact with it in order to understand the topic it is explaining. By
using interactivity, it means that the application gets users involved. These applications are
developed using interactive media products. Examples of application that offer training
online are things like theory tests for driving licenses, quizzes based on any topics or even
simulations for aeroplanes, tanks, motorcycles, cars. Simulators use a range of multimedia
such as, video, audio and mainly imagery which help users to visualise everything much
better and through that they would also be able to experience how it feels to drive one of
the things that I have mentioned. By doing this type of training, users are going to be more
prepared before they do it in the real world.

● Assessment:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another very important part of
interactive media. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph here is going to be
assessment. Assessment is basically the act of judging or deciding the amount, quality, value
or the importance of something. In other words, it basically means to test other people on
their skills. For instance, in companies and businesses are managers or people that are
working in a higher position assessing their employees, to check whether they got the
required skills for the job in order to complete their job in the best manner. In schools are
also assessments taken to check how good the knowledge of the students is. Positive results
of the assessment can effectively be achieved with the use of interactive media products.
Teachers in school or managers at work can use various applications such as, Plagiarism
checker, REMS or any other software to check how well students and employees done on
their assessments. Another example of assessment is a driving assessment. Students who
want to have a driving license need to undertake physical assessment where they are
actually sitting behind the wheel and mental assessment where they are online and
completing questions based on cars and behaviour on the road. These assessments are a
good way to analyse if the user is capable of driving a car. Other examples of assessment
where users may require the help from interactive media in order to pass the assessment
are things like: Health assessment, Risk assessment, Tax assessment and many other ones.


● Sound:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss the one asset. The asset that I will be
talking about is going to be sound. Sound does play a very vital role when it comes to
creating an interactive media product. When the author is creating an interactive media
product, the author needs to consider different assets within the product and sound is one
of them. Sound is one of the effective assets that exist in our world. This is because the way
and sound are used can make users feel sad when they are hearing it or putting a user in a
completely different emotion. For instance, if a slow and emotional sound like ‘’See U Again
by Wiz Khalifa’’ is played, then, it can make users feel sad or depressed when they are
hearing it. Another reason why sound is a very powerful asset is because it can be used to
add different dimensions to a product, making it feel more realistic or just to give a nice
professional look. An example of that are toys such as, toy cars which give out the sound of
the engine from a real car. This is simply done to make the car more realistic but, also to let
that product be enjoyable and professional. It is always good to have sound as part of an
interactive product, as that can enhance a product massively and the business of the
product will eventually generate more money than before if sound is included in their

● Text:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss another asset that is used on a daily basis.
The asset that I will be talking about in this paragraph is going to be text. Text is another very
important thing that is needed when creating an interactive media product, as this is the
main ingredient for any product in the world. Text is basically how information is passed
from the product to the user, without text on the product, there would be no way of
explaining the product. Text can be used in several ways. It can come across as information,
sub-headings, titles and many other things. Another good thing about text is that it can
come in a range of different sizes, fonts and colours. There are also a lot of different font
styles and having all these different styles of fonts and range of different sizes and colours to
add on the text will enable users to put their own spin on their product. The text and the
colour of it has to be chosen carefully as, the presentation of the product plays a very
massive role when it comes to sales. If the design of the text on the product is good-looking
will customers are going to purchase the product and the business who owns that product
will generate lots of profit. However, this is not the case if the design of the text on the
product looks awful. Users won't show any interest in buying the product and the business
will eventually end up with no money in their hands.

● Video:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss another asset that is also used on a daily
basis by many people around the world. The asset that I will be talking about in this
paragraph is going to be video. Video is another important asset that would be used in an
interactive media. Having video in an interactive media will enable users to interact with the
product as, they would be able to watch videos on applications like YouTube, Netflix and
many other applications. Videos can be viewed on almost any device, so it doesn't matter if
laptops, mobile phones, consoles, computers, tablets are used, users can still watch any
videos on those devices. Users are able to watch them on these devices that I have just
mentioned because, videos are made smaller so that the videos can be saved on those
smaller memory devices. This ensures that the videos wont buffer when they are played and
that will ensure a good experience for the users. Videos are used for various things. They
can be used for advertisement, entertainment and for many other things. In terms of
advertisement, videos are shown as a form as ads on the TV to promote a specific product
and attract as many new potential customers to purchase that product as possible.
● Vector graphics:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss another asset that is very important to us.
The asset that I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be vector graphics. Vector
graphics are basically pictures that are just made up of solid lines and are like other assets
also used in interactive media products due to the high end graphics that it can provide to an
interactive media product. Another reason why these types of graphics are very suitable for
interactive media products is because, the quality of the graphics will always remain the
same even if the file is converted into a different file format or enlarged. This is because
these graphics are based upon mathematical equations, lines and curves. Businesses tend to
add vector graphics on their products as these can display high colour graphics to the
interactive media product and that will eventually will highly enhance the aesthetics of the
product meaning, that the audience who purchase the product in the end will may end up
very pleased with the product when vector graphics are included in it.

● Animations:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss another asset that is very important to us.
The asset that I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be animations. Animations
are basically moving images that can make a product look even better as it provides an extra
dimension to an interactive media product by improving the presentation and information.
They can be used for various things within an interactive media product and that depends
on the purpose of the product. For instance, in education are animations used as learning
material. They can offer students important information that could help students to improve
knowledge in a specific topic. Whereas, animations that are shown in the TV or cinema as TV
series, ads or films are there to entertain people around the world. Animations can also be
used in other areas such as, creative art (where users use authoring tools such as, Adobe
Flash to create short films using animations), simulators (for military, training and
architecture), scientific visualization ( where people use animation to solve scientific
problems) and many more uses.

● Images:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss another asset that is used on a daily basis
by a lot of people across the world. The asset that I will be covering in this paragraph here is
going to be images. Images are basically still pictures that are usually taken by a camera.
They are mainly used to attract the attention of the users. If images are used on a product
then, it is very important that they are very colourful and well-presented images as, these
will be more attractive and improve the aesthetics of the product. In addition, it will
eventually capture the user’s attention even further so that they won't have any choice but
purchasing this product. Having a lot of people buying the product will have a massive
impact on the business, as they will generate a lot of money from the sales that they have
made. So that's why it is important to select appropriate images that are nice presented and
very colourful. Another good thing about images is that they can be used as visual aids. They
can often be used alongside text to explain what it is that is being explained. Furthermore,
they are also used in school as, a large number in this country tend to learn much better if
there are images. So, that is why images are playing a very important role in our daily life.


● Web:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss one format where interactive media
applications can be run through. The format that I will be covering in this paragraph here is
going to be the Web. The web is used worldwide by millions of people every day for
numerous things. It is the main source of information within today’s society and therefore it
includes a huge number of interactive features and information that users could read and
use. Lots of businesses use websites on the web as they are popular with the public and very
easily accessible. They could use the web for research on a certain topic or for other
important things that will help them to keep the business on track. The web can also be used
for everything from education, leisure, shopping and many other things as, it contains plenty
of information for every subject matter. It can also be used to view graphics, video and
weblinks and to play any type of audio. Furthermore, users are able to make purchases from
e-commerce websites such as,, or Websites on the
web are hosted on a web server like Bing or Google. These are accessible via a network such
as, the internet or a private local network through an internet address known as a uniform
resources’ locator.

In this section of my report, I am going to discuss one format that can be used to play
interactive media applications. The format that I will be covering in this paragraph here is
going to be CD/DVD. This type of format is another way of playing information that is given.
The information that is added on the CD/DVD can either be displayed as video or animation
format. Businesses will benefit from using CDs/DVDs because, they enable their product to
be distributed to other businesses and organisations and these businesses will immediately
be able to use and view CDs/DVDs. CDs and DVDs can also be used for many other things
such as, video games, entertainment, advertisement and many other things. CDs/DVDs can
be used for those sorts of things that I have just mentioned because, they are a good source
of memory as, they have a large space to store files and data onto. This means that users
who are using the CDs and DVDs should not experience any problems with the graphics and
the performance when playing the CD or DVD.

● Information kiosks:
In this section of my report, I am going to discuss one format that can be used to display
interactive media applications. The format that I will be covering in this paragraph here is
going to be information kiosks. An information kiosk is basically a computer terminal that
usually has animations and videos to provide users access to information and applications
for commerce, communication, education and entertainment. Information kiosks are very
interactive things because, users have to find all the information that they are looking for
themselves. However, this should not be a big deal for the users as, information kiosks are
very user-friendly because, they offer simple navigation to the users and any information on
the kiosk is very big and clearly displayed. So, that means that any users are able to gain
access to the information on the kiosk even, if they are disabled or don't have technical
skills. Information kiosks are typically found in very busy places such as, hotels lobbies, huge
shopping centres, airports and in many other places. An example of this would be the
Bullring Shopping Centre. They have several information kiosks in place which, all help
customers to locate the shops that they want to go in.

● Presentation:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another format that can be
used to display interactive media applications. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph
here is going to be presentation. Presentations are actually designed to inform the audience
along with visual aids in a professional manner, however, they can also be used to help
distribute information to an audience and can be shared between users. These
presentations can contain a range of media such as, videos, web links, sound, images and
many more. All these types of media would be spread out on different slides and users will
in the end be able to interact with the presentation. Having all these media on slides will
eventually going to have a much bigger impact on the selected audience, and it will more
likely impress the audience when the product has been demonstrated through a
presentation. There are a number of different authoring tools which enable users to create
presentations. One of them is the very well-known Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
application. This application enables users to create a presentation for their products with
ease. In addition to that, the software includes several features which you won't find in
other applications. These advanced features are the reasons why users are eventually able
to create presentations of high quality in the end. Another authoring tool that provides this
service is the website Prezi. This website does also work like PowerPoint and can be used to
create professional and dynamic presentations that can eventually be presented to an

● Interactive TV:
In this section of my report, I am going to write about another format that can be used to
display interactive media applications. The one I will be discussing in this paragraph here is
going to be interactive TV. Interactive TV is an application that enables users to interact with
certain TV shows and programmes the use of a TV remote. It also enables them to play live
television stream videos from the internet and use the internet through the television set.
One well known company that offers interactive TV is MX telecom. MX telecom provides
their customers unified interfaces to the full spectrum of modern telecommunication, from
SMS to MMS to Voice and Video. For those wishing to couple the interactive potential of
these gateway platforms with the unique medium of television, MX telecom offers the MX
telecom interactive television platform. Another example where interactive TV exists is in
Sky. Sky provides users games that they can purchase and play using the TV remote instead
of having another format like a gaming console connected to the television.
● Handheld devices:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another format that can be used to
display interactive media applications. The one that I will be discussing in this paragraph
here is going to be handheld devices. A handheld device is basically a mobile device that
allows users to access the internet, applications, games and many other things. Some
examples of handheld devices are things like mobile phones, tablets, I Pods, mp3 players,
iPads, PDA and many other devices. The main feature that most of these handheld devices
offer is that they enable users to make contact with other people that are somewhere else.
Mobile phones allow users to ring the person so they can have a physical conversation with
them without having to travel in order to see that person. Handheld devices do also allow
users to play games, watch videos, listen to music and numerous other things. In addition,
they allow users to download applications which allow users other things such as, keeping
track of a document, accessing social media sites such as, Instagram or Snapchat. Another
good thing about handheld devices is that they are interactive as, they are updated and
developed on a regular basis and that means users will experience the best experience that
they can possibly have on these handheld devices.

Interactivity and Control:

● Buttons:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about one control that plays a very
important part of creating an interactive media product. The one that I will be covering in
this paragraph here is going to be buttons. Buttons within an interactive media product can
be used for numerous things but, they are mostly used to ease navigation in a product. They
allow a link to be made from one place to another therefore when users click on an
interactive button, it will directly navigate them to another section of the product. Every
application, program, software or game that exists uses buttons which make life for the
users much easier and the applications more user-friendlier to use. One example of an
application that uses buttons is the Microsoft Excel application. This application offers
various buttons which, all have different purposes. Some of the buttons enable users to
close the applications other ones allow them to open the app, insert rows and columns,
change the colours of background and text that has been written. All these buttons are the
reason why users have an excellent experience whenever they are on that application and
why millions of people across the world use Microsoft Excel. So, that is how buttons play a
very important part of creating interactive media products.

● Events:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about a thing that does play a very important
part in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering in this
paragraph here is going to be events. An event is basically a certain thing that happens
within a product that enables users to do things that other formats like animations don't
allow. For instance, using the ‘’hide from cursor’’ behaviour. Another example of an event
would be if users move the mouse, if they move the mouse on the table, then, they will
notice that the cursor on the computer screen does also make the same movements as the
users on the mouse. Events are literally used for everything, they can be used to trigger an
event, a movement or an object, but most importantly are they used for navigational

● Hotspots:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another interactivity that could play a
very important role in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering
in this paragraph here is going to be hotspots. Hotspots are basically areas in a graphics
object, or a section of text, or even a particular area of a webpage that activates a function
when selected. These are mostly found in multimedia applications and when they are
clicked, they can make the application display a particular image, play a video, or even open
a new window of information. Hotspots bring several advantages from which users can
benefit from. One of the advantages includes that hotspots are not visible buttons which
cannot be seen by the users. This is an advantage because, sometimes buttons can make a
page look less aesthetically pleasing however, having the buttons invisible will mean that the
product looks much better. Hotspots also bring several disadvantages to the users which can
lead to serious problems. One of the disadvantages include that users may not be able to
locate the way of accessing if they haven't included an indication of how they will be able to
access the information that they will want to know.

● Scripting:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another interactivity that plays a very
vital role in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering in this
paragraph here is going to be scripting. Scripting is basically lines of specific code that
dictates where and what happens during interactivity. For instance, users could include a
code to a close button which will eventually shut down the application once that button has
been selected. They also provide a product with everything from the content, formatting,
interactive features, appearance, etc. Without scripts in place, the program would not have
any type of media included and would simply be a blank sheet that cannot be used for
anything. Scripting can basically contain any information about a product. It can have image
sizes, navigation, text, media and many other things that will improve the interactivity of the
product. When all these things are included in the product, the script will be run and that
will eventually make the program function properly and execute any information that has
been inserted in the script.

● Timelines:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another interactivity that can also play
a vital role in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering in this
paragraph here is going to be timelines. A timeline is basically a selection of frames, that are
added up to create a long sequence of frames and that will eventually make up an
animation. They are mostly used for animations and are used when different events or
different scenes are shown in some kind of order. Each frame in a timeline will include an
image that the users has used for the previous frames as well. In each frame, the object that
is in the image will slightly be moved in each frame to give the users an impression that the
object is moving. So, when the computer runs the frames, each frame will be played all at
once showing each frame and that gives users an animation without any gaps.

● Slideshows:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another interactivity that can also play
a vital role in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering in this
paragraph here is going to be slideshows. A slideshow is basically a presentation that
includes a series of slides where different media types can be added onto. This will
eventually enable users to automatically view the presentation on the screen. Users do
usually use slideshows as a support for presentation about any particular topic. The reason
for that is, that slideshows can include images and other content such as, text. In addition to
that, it consists of many slides and each slide will be different from each other and users can
even set up how long they want each slide displayed on the screen. These are the sort of
things that will in the end make the presentation more effective to the users hence why,
businesses do a lot of slideshows whenever they release a new product on the market.
Slideshows can be produced on several authoring tools applications including Microsoft
Presentation or Google Docs which, both offer a range of features that will make sure that
the slideshow looks professional and aesthetically pleasing to the users.

● Effects:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another interactivity that can also play
a vital role in an interactive media product. The interactivity that I will be covering in this
paragraph here is going to be ‘’Effects’’. There are many different effects that can be added
onto a product. Effects are usually used for exaggerating purposes or to make a product look
more professional. They are also used to add dramatic effect to a product and that will
eventually lead to users looking at the product and perhaps purchasing it. These effects can
be anything from a simple, quiet noise to a massive loud explosion noise and depending
what effect has been used will determine how intense the reaction of the users is going to
be, but this going to be different for every user. There are also special effects which are also
effects, but these are normally used to add attention to a product. They capture the user’s
attention by creating something that is big or colourful. This is the reason why a lot of
businesses around the world add special effects onto their products. An example of an effect
could be a colourful firework or a dragon that spits fire out of this mouth.

● Size:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about a limitation that could become a
problem for the users when they are using an interactive media product. The limitation that
I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be file size. File size is basically how big a
specific file is. It is typically measured in bytes, but can also be measured in megabytes.
Normally, a file that is quite large will consist of more content and better quality than a file
that isn't that big. However, this can become a limitation when the file is too large as that
will take up a lot of space on the computer and that will worsen the performance of the
computer or even lead to a crash. So, that's why users have to make sure that their files
aren't that big. Another limitation of file size that could cause problems when users are
using an interactive media product is that file size can hinder and make the users change
their mind in the way that do specific things. They would have use different images which,
only have a small file size and change up everything so that, the file size isn't that big but,
the quality still remains the same. One thing that users could do to make sure that their
product runs smoothly without having to decrease the file size is to implement good
hardware components such as, a better hard drive or a better processor and that will
eventually enable users to play files that even got a massive file size.

● Download time:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another limitation that could become
a problem for the users when they are using an interactive media product. The limitation
that I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be download time. Download time is
basically the amount of time taken for the users to download a product. The time it takes
users to download a product does differ from file to file. It all depends on the file size of the
file and the network speed that is used. For instance, if a big file needs to be transmitted
over a network that isn't that fast, then, it will take the file longer than usual to be
downloaded. This is a very important problem for someone that is working with interactive
media products that are specifically designed so that they are able to be shared on the web.
Customers will start complaining and leave bad reviews on the business website and that
could eventually affect their reputation. So that's why it is quite important to have a product
that doesn't take too long to be downloaded.

● Type of content:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another limitation that could become
a problem for the users when they are using an interactive media product. The limitation
that I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be type of content. The type of
content within an interactive media product is something that needs to be considered when
the users is creating a product. Then, having not planned what type of content is used in the
product could eventually result into a product that is going to be aesthetically pleasing and
therefore, users won't be buying the product. Things that users can add onto their products
are things like images, videos, animations, text, sound and many other things. Having all
these things on a product can be a limitation for the users, as that will mean that the file size
of the interactive media product will massively increase and that eventually going to have a
negative impact on the performance of the computer and on many other things.

● Requirement for plugins:

In this section of my report, I am going to write about another limitation that could become
a problem for the users when they are using an interactive media product. The limitation
that I will be covering in this paragraph here is going to be ‘’requirement for plugins’’. This
can be a limitation when users are sharing their interactive media product over the web to a
website. They may be required to download a software that would provide additional
features to a piece of software and users will eventually be able to view the product in much
detail and in perfect manner. Plug-Ins can also be a limitation for certain users, as some
websites do not support the download of plugins. If that plug-in isn't downloaded on the
computer then, users won't be able to view and use the interactive media product and the
business who owns that product won't be generating any new customers and money so
that's why it is quite vital to have the plug in install on the computer.

● Conclusion:
From all the things that I have written about in this report here, I think they are all important
things that we need to today but, also things that would simply enhance any interactive
media product as. they make a product more professional and good looking, user-friendlier,
popular across the world and very enjoyable to use. They are also the reason why customers
will eventually be buying the products. So that's why, they are in my eyes these principles of
interactive media are very important to me but, also for businesses, organisations, etc.

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