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B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests

Test 5

1. Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.

1 Our Maths teachers never lets us use a … to solve problems.

A calculator
B note
C memory
D timetable

2 You’ll get the worst punishment of your life if you don’t stop … about and get back to work.
A getting
B mudding
C mucking
D controlling

3 All of the children were … for being noisy when the teacher was explaining the lesson.
A controlled
B punished
C passed
D neglected

4 They were the best … I had ever got and my parents were over the moon.
A grades
B multiples
C notes
D numbers

5 While at boarding school, I had to … the worst food of my life; it was tasteless and disgusting.
A endure
B expel
C predict
D neglect

6 In the old days, a great deal of importance was placed on young children learning their … tables.
A memory
B note

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 1
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 5

C multiplication
D syllabus

7 None of the teachers could … Billy because he was such a badly-behaved child.
A expel
B break
C keep
D control

8 With the new …, children will have plenty of opportunity to get hands-on experience in Biology
and Chemistry.
A syllabus
B dormitory
C multiplication
D discipline

9 You’ll be in a great deal of trouble if you continue to … the school rules.

A keep
B break
C overdo
D fall behind

10 It took her a long time to … with her school work after she’d been off ill.
A catch up
B hand in
C fall behind
D get off

11 … schools, where students learn a particular trade, are less popular than they were fifty years
A Hands-on
B Truant
C Vocational
D Challenging

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 2
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 5

12 No one enjoys studying but you just have to sit down and get … with it.
A off
B in
C by
D on

Marks / 12

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 I have just got enough time to make/do my homework before my English class starts.

2 We don’t have enough money with us to take/make a taxi so we’ll have to walk.

3 With just a little effort Tina managed to make/do great progress with her studies.

4 All of the teachers took/made a break in the staff room between classes.

5 We’re having/making lunch at one o’clock so don’t be late.

6 He had/made a promise to do better, but I was too angry to listen to him.

7 I am taking/giving a test on Monday so I’ll have to do plenty of studying over the weekend.

8 All of the children promised to have/make an effort to be better-behaved in class.

9 It took/made ages for her to walk home and she was later than she had expected to be.

10 Her teacher called, but I was too busy to stop and do/take a message.

Marks / 10

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 3
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 5

3. Complete the sentences with words to do with school. All the letters are given, but
they are mixed up.

1 nobrigda Jenny attends a ……………. school, but she goes home in the
2 oruskoecwr We get some marks from our exams and some from the …………….
which we do during term time.
3 rtutan If you play ……………. again, I will inform your parents.
4 ftfsa Members of ……………. will be available to talk about your
children’s progress this term.
5 omdriytor All of the girls sleep in a big ……………. on the first floor.
6 nimofru Our ……………. is a grey jumper and skirt or trousers, a white
shirt and a green and gold tie.
7 tedtneino Mr Collins punished David by giving him ……………. .
8 wgno Our headmaster always wears a black ……………. over his clothes.
9 rpfesorso Jilly’s dad is a ……………. of History at the university.
10 ctsitr Our teacher is very ……………. and we don’t dare speak in class.

Marks / 10

4. Complete each sentence with one word in each space.

1 You know that if you take two weeks out of school, you might fall ………. the rest of the class,
don’t you?

2 What did you ………. for breakfast this morning?

3 All the essays must be handed ………. by nine o’clock on Monday morning.

4 Mrs Green is ill today so we’re going to have to put your test ………. until next week.

5 The children in that classroom are ………. a terrible noise; what’s going on in there?

6 If you check the grammar tables, you should be able to work ………. the correct answer.

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 4
Activate! B2 Extra Vocabulary Tests
Test 5

7 You will ………. expelled if you write graffiti on the walls.

8 I have to learn this poem ………. heart for my literature lesson and I can’t remember any of it!

Marks / 8

Total Marks / 40

Developed by Pearson Longman Hellas

2009 5

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